Dragon Hunt

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After my curiosity on measurements was sated, we went to the guild and checked in with Ann to see if there was anything else we should know. There wasn't so we left the city for the village.


It only took about 3 hours to reach the village with a few pauses along the way to kill various monsters.

When we reached our destination, we immediately went to the home of the village head and knocked on the door.

A woman looking about 65 opened the door with a polite smile, "Hello, is there anything I can help you with?"

I nodded, "Yes, I'm Max Frost, this is Lila and Elaria. We heard you have a dragon problem and requested the guild to send someone, now we are here. Is there any other information you can tell us?"

Even if it should only be mildly difficult, I firmly believe information is king most times and can help avoid unexpected pitfalls, so I'll take anything I can get, especially if it's free.

Her smile changed from polite to genuine, and she opened the door further, motioning us to come in, "I'll go get Albert to help you, please have a seat, I'll be back in a moment."

She hurried out the back door while Lila and I took a seat at the pine wood table, and Elaria stood behind. I could see the house had a kitchen, dining room, and family room. There were other rooms off to the side, but I couldn't see what they were.

The woman returned following a man about the same age, "Thank you for coming, I'm Albert Burrows, the village head. I'll answer any of your questions to the best of my ability."

"Max Frost, is there anything you can tell us about the dragon?"

He shook his head, "Not much, it's gold in color and comes from the east-southeast every night stealing our livestock. Even if we put them inside, it will break down the structure to get them."

I nodded and stood up, "Alright, we'll go take a look."

"Thank you for your help."

We exited the house together, and he pointed the exact direction it comes from.

We moved in that direction, hoping to find it before it attacked the village again. We could have waited for it to show up, but I wanted to go home tonight, and if it showed up, the village might get damaged in the process.

"Elaria, do you know of any good way to track down a dragon?"

After thinking for a bit, she replied, "Almost all other monsters fear dragons, so there won't be any other monsters in that area. Also, it should emit an aura of its element, such as the surrounding feeling very hot or windy. It also may have trampled the area knocking down all the trees and such."

I nodded, "Alright, let's look for those."

Lila jumped on my back and pressed the heel of her black leather boot into my crotch, saying with complete innocence, "I can see better from a higher place."


I could feel the back of my shirt along with the front of her skirt riding up with every step I took.

Suddenly, I could feel some slick skin against my back and almost tripped, "L-Little Pervert, are you not wearing any panties?"

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her face feign exasperation, "No, they're too troublesome to put on."

What do you mean they're too troublesome? You don't even dress yourself anymore. Not even a child would believe you.

She was achieving the desired effect, and I had to stop her from moving her heel, moving it away as well as pulling my shirt back down, "You're hornier than a succubus, wait till after we kill the dragon."

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