Buying Houses and Going to Class

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Before Elaria could even walk out of the bedroom door, I called her phone.

"Yes, Master?"

"I want a house. Please get one."

"Alright, Master, I'll pick one out."

I hung up and kept watching.

She looked at mom, "Master wants a house, and this is a nice area. Do you have any annoying neighbors you want to get rid of?"

Mom looked like it was one heck of a loop she was thrown for, "Well, I don't think any of the homes in this neighborhood are fit for a rich and influential person."

Elaria waved like it was nothing, "Homes can be replaced. The land is nice."

After blinking a few times she came up with an answer, "Uh, well, I wouldn't mind if either of the two to the right of our house as you look towards the road were gone."

Elaria nodded, "Thank you."

Elaria left and started walking to the closest house.

I kept watching mom and Zari.

Mom started crying and hugged Zari tightly, "When I first saw you, I was so scared. You can't ever do that to me again. I'm sorry about last night; we can keep them. We can get money another way."

They need money? I have plenty. I'll have Elaria buy out the whole neighborhood and let everyone just stay there for minimal rent so they have plenty of money from the house sale.

Zari didn't seem to know what to do but eventually settled on awkwardly putting her arms around mom, "Uh ok."

Half a minute later, mom was still holding her, and I could tell Zari was getting embarrassed, "Mom, I have to go to class today."

Mom quickly let go, "Right, I forgot. I'll leave you to it."

Mom left the room, and Zari got up and went over to her closet to pick out clothes.

I checked on Elaria. She'd reached the door of the house and knocked. A few seconds later, it was answered by an older lady. I remembered the family who lived here were nice people but highly annoying since they let their dogs run all over.

"Hello, can I help you?"

"Hello, Ma'am, I'm looking to buy a house here and was wondering if you would consider selling?"

She looked surprised but shook her head, "No, it's just too much trouble to find a new home."

"Would you consider it if I could make it worth your time?"

She thought about it, "What are you thinking?"

"Honestly, I have no idea how much this home is worth. How much would make it worth selling to you?"

She thought for a few seconds, "I think it's probably worth around 350,000, but I couldn't sell it for that. Unless you can do at least 500,000, I don't think we could move."

I had previously told Elaria I put 24 million in my account, so that was no issue.

Elaria nodded, "How much would you want to be moved out by the end of the day?"

The lady was shocked, "Hold on a moment, let me ask my husband."

She went inside while Elaria patiently waited, and was back less than a minute later with her husband, "I hear you would like to buy our home?"

"Yes, sir."

"And you want to know how much you'd have to pay for us to move out by the end of the day?"

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