Goblin and Kobold Quests

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After a moment, she added, "Though Lila is probably better since it might get confusing."

"Yes, Mrs. Lila."

Lila stood up and reached for her clothes that had been neatly folded in a pile, but Elaria was faster, picking up the panties that she had placed on top with a red face, and held them in such a way that Lila only had to step into them.

Lila stopped moving for a second, seemingly debating whether she should dress herself.

I was about to say that wasn't what I meant when I said to help her get dressed, but I decided it was perfectly fine for Lila to be treated like the royalty she was for a change.

Lila stepped into her panties, and Elaria pulled them up, before putting the rest of the clothing on Lila.

Afterwards, I created some food for them, and they ate. When they were finished, we searched for anything valuable and found some money before leaving the house. We split up to look through the tents also and found some more money but nothing else good. All in total there were a few 100 gold. A lot for the 3 of us but not much for a large group of bandits.

When we left the area heading back towards the road and reached the top of the hill, I created a bunch of fireballs above my head, launching them into the camp, obliterating it. No more bandits would be able to move in.

We made it back to the road and started walking toward the city again. Elaria was struggling to keep up with our speed so we had to slow down a bit more than I thought we were going to have to, but it shouldn't take us too long to reach the city, maybe an extra hour.

When we reached the city, I handed Lila an identity saying she was from the capital of Ironspire, and I made mine say the same. I gave Elaria one saying she was from one of the large cities in the elf kingdom, Alfheim.

We easily passed through the gate and were greeted with a city that looked very similar to Flamehaven but with a higher population of humans rather than Beastmen like in Flamehaven.

After getting directions to the adventurers guild, we decided to go there and get a quest as well as register Elaria.

When we entered the guild, the layout was exactly the same as the one in Flamehaven. Elaria said there are only a few layouts for guild branches, and which one gets built depends on the size of the city it is being built in.

We went to the mission board and selected yet another goblin-slaying quest of E rank. After taking it up to the receptionist named Ann and giving her our memberships, we registered Elaria. When Ann saw Elaria was only a 0 circle mage, she reminded her to be careful and stay near us since we were 4th circle mages.

I didn't update my membership to reflect my 5th circle status since I didn't want to cause any commotion, and there aren't enough benefits.

We left the city and headed for the cave the goblins were staying in. The quest said there should only be 15-20 goblins. Even if there were a thousand, it shouldn't be a problem with our number of circles.

Upon reaching the cave, I cast a personal shield on each of us in case there were any surprises.

We walked inside and reached a large opening where the goblins were milling around.

Lila conjured a horrifying amount of ice needles and flung them at the oblivious goblins with a grin. The goblins were absolutely shredded, and the needles even pierced into the rocks, stirring up a cloud of dust and causing a racket.

I used wind magic to blow the dust out the entrance of the cave and looked around. Green blood flowed in small rivers, and the pits created from Lila's magic formed lakes. Thankfully, the goblins were intact enough to collect their left ears for proof of completion.

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