Eliminating Threats and Unleashing Chaos

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To ensure everything went smoothly, I had to take out the two Blood Moon elders. I snuck up the mountain where the elders' residences are early in the morning before the wedding and entered their home. I'd observed the elders' morning routine many times and knew that the maids of Elder Bryce Tillerson prepared food and drink for his breakfast.

His breakfast would be prepared in the kitchen then set on the counter for another maid to collect and take to him right as he woke up. I waited for his breakfast to be finished and set on the counter before adding some Nebula Nectar to both the food and drink. I had to use Nebula Nectar since he was in the supreme attainment realm.

I followed the maid who picked up the food from the counter into the elder's room. The room was very large, containing a massive fireplace with a couch placed in front of it, the biggest bed I'd ever seen, and a beautiful round wood table with four chairs surrounding it.

The elder was buttoning his robe as the maid entered and put the plate and cup on the table then quietly left. I stood in the corner as he put the last button in place and sat down to eat. It took him a few bites to realize something was wrong. His eyes turned bloodshot and his face colored purple as he tried to rush to the door for help but collapsed halfway, his hands stretching out as he succumbed to the poison.

I devoured the body and the food on the plate, hoping everyone would think he left after he finished eating. The power boost from a supreme attainment was really nice, giving me more confidence in holding off the patriarch later until the poison took effect.

That was the second reason for killing the elders, getting more power to strengthen myself when I have to fight later. The first was to ensure they couldn't show up and cause any trouble or try to take revenge. Running from two supreme attainments would be a nightmare, especially since Luna was only peak astral refinement right now.

After completing my goal here, I left and headed to the other elder's home, Wallace something or other. He was kind of lazy, not participating in sect affairs and wouldn't wake up for at least another two hours. He wasn't the brightest, mainly serving the purpose of boosting the number of supreme attainment people in the sect. Apparently, the only reason he reached supreme attainment was that he had a high absorption rate of astral energy, and his family had lots of money to buy stones when he was a kid.

I couldn't poison his food as some of his staff would eat with him, so I'll have to kill him in his sleep before he has breakfast. For this, I prepared a needle coated in Nebula Nectar.

His house was silent; the staff would only wake up in an hour, and the elder would wake in two. I made my way to his room; it was set up in much the same way as the late Elder Bryce's. Silently walking up to his bed, I saw a fat naked man laying on his stomach, snoring away with the covers pushed off to the side. I so do not want to see this again, at least he isn't laying on his back though.

I thrust the needle into his heart and quickly stepped back; he woke with a start and tried to scratch his back where he found the needle and yanked it out pulling it around his face to examine it.

"Who dares?" He let out a strangled whisper as the poison took effect.

He crawled off the bed and collapsed to the floor with a thud that seemed to shake the whole room. I need to hurry up disposing of his corpse in case anyone comes to check the noise. Quickly activating the devour skill, I cleaned up the corpse and needle.

Just as I was leaving through the window, I heard knocking on the door. Hanging on the window sill, I pulled it closed, returning the room to the original state. I jumped down and left the mountain back to the main part of the sect.

A few hours later, the Twin Moon Sect arrived, as well as a few people from the Sun Sect. I took my place behind the patriarch's chair and sat down, waiting for the event to start. I was extremely nervous as there were some possibilities of things going wrong, mainly the elders being missing. I don't think that will be discovered in time, but I can't say for sure.

I Devour the Multiverses and Collect Worlds, Beauties, and TrophiesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ