Eight Months Later, and the Disappearing Money Act

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I had been the tower master for eight months now, and I had just finished going through all the paperwork.

I bet I sent Alexis down the elevator several thousand times to deliver papers to the proper people. Now, the floor managers actually had something to do other than strut around and act important.

The poor girl must've walked across a country just within the tower. I had Elaria make sure she reached Core Condensation and the 8th circle so she could protect Lila and wouldn't get tired from walking.

The other three of us advanced to the peak of Nascent Soul a while ago, and now we just had to take the time to advance again.

I also got a quest from Kitty to advance to Soul Formation, and she'll give me a manual all about the divine sense you can start to develop at that realm. I suspect she'll give me a quest to advance to Soul Transformation with a reward on cultivating soul power when I reach Soul Formation.

The tower's finances were in order, and I was able to figure out the tower was actually making money, but I can't figure out where that surplus is going, which makes me very suspicious.

Elaria has flooded the tower with money laced with tracking spells, so wherever the locations start piling up, we know that's where the money is going.

Thinking of which, I should probably be able to ask her to check that now as she should be finished up with the sales of Youth Retaining Magic for today.

I glanced up from the new financial reports I was reading towards where Lila was laying on the couch with her head on Alexis's lap, getting her hair brushed. The way her eyes were closed, displaying a faint happy expression while her tail slowly moved back and forth, made me feel happy.

There was a time in my life before I died that I never would have thought I'd ever be genuinely happy in such a way.

I zoned out a bit as I thought about my experiences over these years. I also missed Luna and have imagined many times our reunion, I know she's not far since she is staying in the world in my soul and only about 2 month have passed for her, but I still miss her.

I can't wait to take a visit to Earth and see my mom and sister again, though I will probably only be able to see from a distance, as I think my mom would have a heart attack and die if I showed up and told her who I am, not even she would recognize me though since I now look so different.

Maybe I'll find a way to tell my sister, though she'd never believe me.

I yawned and remembered where I was. I pushed my chair back and leaned back before contacting Elaria.

"Are you done for today?"

"Yes, Master, I'm collecting all of your earrings, then I'll be there in a minute. Would you like me to do something first?"

"No, just come to the apartment when you're done. And bring all the mana crystals with you."

"Yes, Master, I'll be there very soon."

I stood up and walked around my desk towards where Alexis was brushing Lila's hair.

I tapped Lila's shoulder, and she turned her face to look up at me with a sweet, slightly expectant smile, her head really is always filled with naughty thoughts...

"Let's go back to the apartment. I think by now we should have enough mana crystals to promote ourselves to the peak of this world."

She just gave me a look as if to say, 'you disturbed me for that? I thought it was something else, something fun. Go away if you don't want to play.'

"Didn't you say you want to burn Beastholm? You need more power to do that."

That got her attention; she got an ugly expression and sat bolt upright.

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