Nyx and Nova

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It took me about two weeks to get a handle on my three sets of wings. After I figured out how to even fly, I cast an obstacle course made of illusions to practice maneuvering. I could complete it pretty well most of the time, but I know I can improve more if I practice. I'm just a little bored now to practice; I want to fly somewhere fun, not around a bland rock pile.

I'd given Zenobia some lesser energy stones, so now she's at Foundation Establishment. I made sure her foundation for Qi Refinement was solid, but I'm too bored to beat her foundation into being solid now, so I'll do it later, and she'll just have to wait to move on to the next realm. She only built the first circle because I don't have enough energy to give her stones for that also; I'll use it for myself.

My breakthrough to the Human Immortal was really uneventful. I was hoping for a grand phenomenon like super vivid northern lights or something, but Kitty said I wasn't in a world that did that. I'm a little sad that only happens in a world where cultivation is its power structure.

I've been running the timescale of my world at the same as this one, so by now, the girls should have reached Human Immortal also.

I'm bored, so now I think I will go to town. Unless I piss off some very old monster, I'll be fine, and from what Zenobia said, they all live in the capital anyway, and the nearest city to us is across the country from there. And even if I do meet one, they won't be so unreasonable as to attack me without cause.

There is also the fact that I could probably surprise them with magic and kill them before they knew what the hell was going on. So, we are leaving this boring mountain.

I woke Zenobia, "Let's go to the city."

"Huh? Right now? Isn't it the middle of the night?"

"I don't care if it's the middle of the night in the dead of winter. I'm bored, so we're leaving."

"Well, I don't have to go with you." She rolled over and closed her eyes.

"Yea, you do."

"No, I don't. I stayed for 3 months and you taught me, so now I'll do whatever I want!"

"Read the rest of the contract."

I could sense her pulling up the contract in her mind; she instantly became livid, "What! You bastard! I won't let you own me!"

"Read all of it."

She tried to attack me, but her fist stopped an inch from my face, and she collapsed to the ground clutching her head. "It hurts, it hurts. What did you do, bastard!"

"I did tell you to read it. You cannot hurt me in any way, and attempting it anyway will be met with pain or death. Though if you do good, when I want to leave this world, I can leave you here to do whatever you want."

Well, if I left her, she would be devoured along with the world, but whatever. She doesn't need to know that; if she didn't have a chance to do her own thing, then how could I expect her to do a good job? Also, if she doesn't want to work for me, I'll leave her anyway.

"Now, stop muttering that I'm a bastard. We are leaving now. Call me Master instead. And realize I did tell you to read the contract before you signed it."

I turned and walked through the cave towards the entrance with Zenobia following behind now that the pain had subsided enough to walk.

I looked through the void towards the south, the direction Zenobia had previously pointed for a city and found it after a minute of looking. Now, do I want to fly there or teleport?

I'll just teleport. I want to get there sooner, and it would probably take me an hour or so to fly, maybe longer while carrying Zenobia.

Clothes first though. 'Kitty, please pull up the most appropriate clothing designs for me.'

I Devour the Multiverses and Collect Worlds, Beauties, and TrophiesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz