Blood Under the Full Moon

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Over the next three days before the inter-sect competition, I trained tirelessly during the day sparring with the other disciples. Beating Nicholas had now become too easy due to the overwhelming difference in stats, but I still asked him to watch some of my fights and give me tips; his knowledge on the theory of combat is truly impressive. Due to my practice and Nicholas's tips, my combat capability exceeded that of most disciples also at the peak of astral refinement. I tried sparring with a guy in early core condensation; however, he moved so fast it was a blur, I lost immediately.

At night, I stalked the streets looking for more of Kedron's goons but never found any in a subtle place to kill them. I think I figured out how to solve the problem of it taking too long to clean the blood off the streets though; I can stab them with fast-acting poison or strangle them. I'm leaning toward the latter, as there is the perfect weapon in the store—a garrote, a short thin strand of cable with handles at both ends. This should also keep them from shouting since I don't know if they could if they were stabbed with a poison-coated object like a dagger or needle. The store also sells all kinds of poisons, but I don't know anything about which ones are best.

I never heard any rumors about those two I killed being missing, which I guess isn't too surprising as disciples go hunting all the time or are out of the sect for various reasons.

On the day before the competition, everyone was called to the square for an announcement by an elder of the Blood Moon sect, Bryce Tillerson. He told everyone that wanted to participate to sign up at the table they set up. Also that no one was allowed to spar today and needed to rest so they are in the best shape possible for tomorrow. After telling everyone who was going to the inter-sect competition to be at the sect entrance by 5 o'clock tomorrow morning, he dismissed us and sent us to register.

There was a long line at the registration booth. I have no idea why they didn't set up more than one. The line was not helped to move faster by the fact that Kedron and a group walked like kings to the front and claimed that the guy at the front had saved them a spot. Of course, the guy in front had no choice but to agree, and no one could do anything about it. Tsk, some more he owes me for; my time waiting.

After it was finally my turn, I gave my name to the core disciple running the booth who checked it in his book then added it to a list of names and told me I was now registered.

I went back to my courtyard to practice until night. I'm hoping tonight a few people will be wandering around later since no one is allowed to spar today, so they should have more energy to stay out later.

After I got back home, I decided to buy the garrote from the store to practice manipulating it and cloaking it in my invisibility also. I was shocked by how cheap it was at only 3 energy for one made from grade 5 materials, but I guess it's to be expected based on how little matter it's made of. I could also select the length of the cable. I purchased the grade 5 one with a cable length of 2.5 feet and looked it over.

After practicing with it for an hour, I was confident enough that I could use it effectively; however, I realized someone could fight back by hitting behind them, but I don't think they will have enough power to break my defense in that position. Just to be sure though, I wonder if I can take more body tempering pills and make my body even stronger.

'Kitty, can I take more body tempering pills, and will they be effective, or is 10 the limit?'

[You can take as many as you want, but only the first 15 will be effective.]

'Do you mean 15 from each grade, or do the effects not stack?'

[The higher grade ones overwrite the effects of the lower grade ones.]

So, I can take 5 more grade 5 pills, and they will be effective. I'll do it, but remembering the previous experience, I'm not looking forward to it.

I filled the bath with water for after I take them and lay down on the floor. After I purchased 5, I ate one of them, remembering Kitty's remark about how she never told me to take all 10 at once.

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