Attack on the Palace

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A week had passed since we dropped the papers.

The rich section of the city became a ghost town.

The gates were blocked, and guards were all over the walls.

Nobody was allowed in or out, and people were worried that an order would come for everyone in the city to be exterminated since they knew too much.

Curfews were imposed, with violators executed on the spot.

Gatherings of people were turned into illegal activities, with violators executed.

Talk of the story we released was classified as treason punishable by death.

Some people were praying to the "Lost Princess" to save them from the mad king.

Others were cursing her out for telling them something they didn't want to know.

Apparently, Lila's brother, Fredrick, took the throne when he turned 18, and people weren't particularly happy with him. Having hope of a lost princess to kill the mad king and take back the throne was something they were desperately wishing for.

I listened to some of the hushed conversations when we went outside to stroll around before the curfew time.

The streets were mostly empty, with people only going to necessary locations.

People started using the places they shopped to have short conversations with their friends and share recent information, no one daring to talk too long.

I heard about what has been going on since Fredrick took the throne.

He would take whatever woman struck his fancy for the day, and they were often found dead and tortured somewhere in the city within a few days.

No one was allowed to question the rules he introduced, and if they did, they were sent to "correction facilities" or executed.

No one knew of anyone who returned alive from these facilities.

People were rewarded for turning in their friends and family.

Taxes were exorbitant, prices rose, and people were having a hard time affording to live.

The government tried fixing prices to keep them in place.

Black markets formed all over the city to avoid taxes and price regulation.

Some officials were discussing how the country's income even dropped after the tax increases!

Lila and I were walking around listening with our sensitive ears.

The discussions from officials working in the palace were the most interesting.

Apparently, someone brought the king and his mother the paper. When she read it, she had a stroke on the spot and required the palace healers to be rushed over.

The king was furious and would randomly get angry enough these past few days several staff from the palace have nearly been killed in his tantrums.

Support from some officials has quietly switched to the lost princess, just in the hope they won't be randomly killed if she can manage to take power.

Of course, other ones hate her for upsetting their life.

"Would you like to go today or wait?"

"Let's go today, but I want to go back to the apartment for a bit. I want to get ready, just do something else for a bit."

"Alright, are you okay, though?"

"Yes, I just don't know what to wear."

I laughed, "Do you want someone else to help you with it?"

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