Chapter 53 ♦ New plans

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Ray's POV

After I woke up, I felt really weird but mainly hungry and dehydrated. I still couldn't eat normal food and had to be fed through tubes. It wasn't great at all and I could barely move my body but the nurse always helped me when I needed to use the bathroom.

I was bored to death but after I could move better, I was checking my phone every time and waited for Sand's text.

The nurse woke me up and the other patient in my room at 6 am. She was waking me even sooner in ICU to check my blood pressure due to monitoring but it was a relief when they sent me here. Now I was waiting for my asshole Doc who should inform me about the operation. Besides the fact that I now have a big ugly scar on my right side under my breast, I didn't know anything but I didn't feel any different. Not worse or better.

The door opened and I was getting impatient. My doc just looked at me and talked to the other patient first on purpose! He was making me mad when I should rest. I should complain about him.

He finished talking and then moved to my bed.

"So Ray, how do you feel?"


"I'm talking about the operation. Tell me if you feel any pain or nausea though your blood results look very good. Your heart seems to accept the new liver as well. Your heart was under a lot of pressure when your liver stopped functioning, you should be really grateful to your donor who rests in peace now."

"I really am... it sounds weird but I'm thankful for his sacrifice." The doc coughed.

"Even though I don't really like you, I must praise you for being completely clean when it comes to alcohol and for keeping your diet though I know you didn't keep the celibacy."

"Hahah, how?" I nervously laughed. How could he know.

"Don't think I didn't see those hickeys on your skin when I was operating you! I must scold you for that!" As if he could hold back with the most beautiful lover...

"Come on, Doc, understand me." He sighed.

"Well, your fiance doesn't look twice bad, I must admit it... but it was still wrong from you! Playing with your heart is not really risky!" I rolled my eyes. It was worth it.

"Come on, doctor Bible, don't stress your patient like this!" He rolled his eyes this time.

"Patients like you... make me want to leave my career. Still... good luck. You'll need it now during your rehabilitation but we'll talk about this next week." He smiled at the other patient, frowned at me one last time and finally left with his fanclub of nurses.

Hmm... it's so early in the morning, Sand can't visit me yet but I'm sure he'll come as soon as possible.

The patient looked at me as if he wanted to talk but when he saw the look in my eyes, he rather didn't say anything. Ahh... I'm so impatient!

To kill time, I didn't text just Sand but also my pals but out of them just Sand texted me back... they must be occupied with their lovers, huh?

🚬: "-Sand, I'm finally after the surgery but I'm bored to death-"

🍓: "-I'll visit you with Mom and bring the photo album which you wanted to see.-"

🚬: "-Thanks! Could you also bring me the book I'm just reading? And also earplugs with a power bank?-"

🍓: "-Sure, sure, I'll get it. Anything else, princess?-"

🚬: "-Yes, bring me one tall gorgeous man whom you can meet in sexy dress and hear his mesmerizing voice but he's already engaged so hands off.-"

TWO sides of YOU || SandRay story || FirstKhaotung (HIATUS) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt