Chapter 42 ♦ Pulling myself together

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Ray's POV

Today was beautiful, the sun was shining and later I was supposed to call my wedding planner so why the hell am I stuck here with that asshole?!

"Ray, tell me, besides coke, cigarettes and alcohol, did you take anything else to kill yourself?"

"No, no, just this or is it not enough?" Talay smirked.

"It is, I'm just surprised you are still here in this world after telling me about everything you've been taking through years. I feel bad for your organs, dealing with your shit for so long." I knew I shouldn't come...

"What should I do then? To help my organs."

"You should go to the doctor and see how bad your lungs, liver and heart are. Maybe you'll even need a transplant." I gulped. It's the result of all those fucking years, huh?

"Okay, okay, I'll do it later but tell me how I can stop? I stopped taking coke since I've started dating Sand. I tried to stop drinking and smoking but I still had too much stress to overcome it without that."

"Do you have a hobby? Besides fucking my ex-husband?" I'll kill him for sure.

"I'm just planning to murder someone." He innocently smiled and rather stopped talking. Hobby... normal hobby...

"Well, since I love everything about my fiance, I share his hobbies as well besides crossdressing. I love to listen to music and talk to him about it. I watch his series with him but gotta say I'm much better than Mork, or at least smart enough to not end up in jail."

"Okay, okay, I'll write you a prescription you'll be taking to suppress your addictions and nicotine patches. And guess what, you won't become addicted to them, isn't it great? I'll also give you a report for your practitioner. You should get blood tests and other examinations. Then call me how it ended up."

"I see you are not so useless after all..."

"It's not so hard when my client cooperates with me. They usually listen to me when they have motivation. Oh also... as Top is in the custody, he admitted that Boston helped him. The police are after him too currently and his partner who was his hacker. They searched Boston's computer and found so many nasty things about Sand that it's enough to put him behind bars as well."

"What did he do to my Sand?" I asked coldly.

"I don't think... I should tell you..." He wanted to leave but I grabbed his wrists.

"What did he do?!" He gulped and sat down again.

"He... edited pornographic videos so well that Sand looked like a professional porn actor there... if he leaked it somewhere, Sand would probably lose his job..." I knew he was behind it! That's what Sand's boss was worried about!

"Gosh... that's horrible! He kept insulting my babe... and tried to make his insults reality... I would probably throw up if I saw it... Sand is not like that at all! In the bed... it's just amazing with him and he still acts so innocent even though we've done it so many times." I kept blushing when I was imagining Sand in my head and that asshole brought me back to reality.

"Boeing found everything on his computer, even documents he deleted. Don't worry, no one will be able to hurt Sand again and he'll be able to live his life safely with you." I smiled.

"You know, I hate you but if I should choose between you and Mew's boyfriend, I think I'd give you a chance." I winked at him and then left with his report.

"Don't forget to call me, idiot!"

"Alright, Dad!" No, my organs must be in a good state. I don't want to make Sand worried anymore!

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