Chapter 31 ♦ Kidnap

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Sand's POV

When Ray left for his meeting with his friend, I borrowed his laptop and looked for part time jobs online. My current work fills me with happiness but I can perform just once a week to not strain my vocal cords and also... Ray can be pretty jealous. When he sees some girl touching me without permission, he slaps her hand and yells at her and my boss has to kick him out despite how much he likes him.

The offers were quite great... I could be selling flowers or... wait-! Working in a music shop and selling vinyl records?! And CDs?! Everything about music?! This was too great and I immediately messaged them. Now I just have to wait for their answer.

I should also visit mom very soon... she doesn't take her pills every day as she should and combines it with alcohol... Ray's laptop worked pretty well so I played some songs on it and some recent series I heard so much about... Dangerous Romance? Got it.

I laughed at Sailom's sarcastic comments and Kanghan's frustration. It looked really good so maybe I could watch it with Ray... definitely not in the bed! He can't think of anything else! But... it's like this almost everywhere when we are alone!

I didn't even finish the first episode when I heard several footsteps walking up the stairs. I was lying in the bed but before I could get up, those people broke in.

"So you've been hiding here..." Their leader smirked.

"Huh? I wasn't hiding. Who are you?"

"You already forgot us after you've smashed our faces with that bat?" They had masks so how could I remember them?

"What do you want?" I got up even though I knew there was not way how I could get away. Maybe the window but it was too high to not break my leg...

"Don't even think about escaping." He pulled out the gun! Now I was seriously doomed.

"You didn't answer my question." I said and he took off the cigarette of his mouth.

"We got an order to get you, princess." I frowned. There's only one person to whom I allow to give me feminine nicknames in my real life...

"Stop calling me like this! Why would you want me?!"

"This conversation leads to nowhere, guys?" Oh shit, they surrendered me... there's only one way to get out then but when I ran towards the window, he shot my leg and I curled up on the floor. I can't run now...

They tied me up and I couldn't fight back anymore. My leg hurt too much and I started to feel dizzy. When they carried me to their van, I fell unconscious and didn't know what happened next...


I woke up in a cold basement, my leg was bandaged. I guess they don't plan to let me die. Do they want to blackmail Ray? I still couldn't come up with the reason... I didn't make anyone so mad to hate me that much.

Suddenly, someone opened the door. It was a handsome young man this time, not like those pigs from before. He looked rich so it's probably the mafia leader. 

"So this is you... nothing much but Ton seems to care a lot about you... nah, he just doesn't want to see you around."

"What's your problem?"

"I just pay Boston for his servings. He is very good at killing my time when I'm bored." Who's the real slut here?

"What do you want for my freedom?"

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