Chapter 44 ♦ Abstinence syndrome

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Sand's POV

Two weeks later I noticed Ray has been feeling much worse. He had problems getting up from bed and often vomited. I had to give up my second job to have more time to take care of him.

"Ray, darling, don't pressure yourself..." I said while I was stroking his head and put a wet cloth on his forehead.

"I'm sure I feel like this because of my abstinence..."

"Of course, you had to stop drinking and smoking at the same time and not go slowly at it. Your body got used to it, without it-."

"No, Sand, you know what abstinence I mean..." He grabbed my chin with his hand and pulled me closer for a kiss but then he started coughing. I made him another tea and brought another pill to help him with his current state.

"Ray... you have to be patient if you want to be healthy again. I keep calling your doctor every day even though he told me he'll call himself when he finds your donor."

"At least cuddle with me..." I did everything he wanted from me because seeing him in this state was really breaking my heart... I guess... I guess I should be more strict with him but as he said, he's been overdoing it before we met.

I lay down next to him and put my arm under the nape of his neck. With his remaining strength, he grabbed my thigh and intertwined our legs. He was shivering so I put a blanket on our bodies and stroked his arm.

"Ray, we'll definitely find him..."

"I love you, Sand... I don't want to lose you..." I pulled him closer to my chest and wiped the tears from my eyes. Why is it so hard?

A few days later Ray had to go to another check up to make sure the pills were working and help his body to function.

"It looks like you've been behaving, even your blood tests look better."

"Thanks Doc, it's thanks to Sand." He smiled at me and I kept holding his hand.

"Great, keep it on and I'm sure you'll live up to the donation. By the way, I just learned that in the hospital we have a possible donor but his condition would have to get rapidly worse for you to get his liver. He had an accident on his motorbike and it's not sure if he heals. And Ray, don't hope for his death, please."

"But it's my chance!"

"Ray!" I scolded him and he crossed his arms.

"Sand, I'd like to ask you to keep an eye on him all the time."

"All the time?" I gulped as I was just doing great in FEMME club.

"Yes, he listens to you and if you were out of his sight and he had the need to go buy cigarettes or alcohol, it could be risky. He really needs to keep up with this even though it will be harder and harder without it."

"I see... and can I take him out? I'm just worried if he saw a bottle of wine or people smoking, it could get worse."

"I think you should go slowly at it but your rehab doc knows better. I'll prescribe you another medication so you won't run out of it and Ray keeps taking it every day."

"Got it. I'll consult my friend about it. He has him under rehab."

"Oh God not that jerk again!" I chuckled and Doc kept looking at us like at two weirdos.

"That's all for now, I'll call you when I get more information about the donor." We thanked and left.

"Sand, am I bad for wishing someone else to die?" I didn't have an answer for this. He's impatient and worried it would get only worse if he didn't get a new liver soon but wishing someone else to lose their life...

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