Chapter 24 ♦ Filthy intentions

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Mew's POV

It was hard getting rid off Top. I made him excited and now he was filling my phones with declined calls. I hoped that he didn't talk to Syrup who knew what happened. I need to play dumb for a little longer but now I had to do my job and convince Boeing.

I invited him to Y.O.L.O. which became a better place now and P'Yo was my friend as well.

When I came there late in the evening, he was already sitting at the bar while taking shots.

"Hi Boeing, we see each other again." He smiled and patted the seat next to him. I sat there and ordered a strong drink for myself.

"You are not afraid to get drunk."

"I have enough of being sober all the time and I think I have enough reasons to get wasted for once."

"Listen, what is this meeting about? Are you just using me to get on Top? If so... I'm not interested because I'm serious about dating you." He doesn't wait for anything...

"Are you really sure that you can date right now?" He smirked.

"Dating is fine, just sex without protection not. Anyways, you haven't answered my question." I have to be careful around him.

"Is it what you want for information about Top?" He moved his hand closer to mine so our fingers touched.

"You are really smart, Mew, but no. I don't want to buy you. I think that I can seduce you even without that." I laughed.

"I got with Top when I was desperate but I'm not so naive anymore with a broken heart. I'd like to see how you want to make me trust you."

"I can definitely do that better than Top who never learns. He cheated on me, on you and even on..."

"... Talay..." I finished his sentence and he was shocked.

"I get it! So he's the reason why you are here! I already told them I don't want to be a part of it anymore. I just want to forget about my past." I don't even have to talk much, I like that we are on the same vibe.

"You are totally right. They are looking for ways to punish Top and I want to be a part of it but you could really help us." I unbottoned the first button on his shirt and touched his neck. He grabbed my hand and put it away.

"Do this when you really feel like it, Mew, but fine, I guess I'm really falling for your charms so I'll help you. Come to my place." It's dangerous when I don't know him that much but it's not like I have anything to lose. It's now or never.

"Fine, lead the way." He grabbed my hand the whole way to his apartment. I started to feel nervous without that much alcohol but I hoped he's responsible enough to not fuck me in his current state.

We came inside and... it was a paradise for my eyes! There were so many shelves with books and I felt like in a library.

"You have this edition! And even this! I couldn't get it anywhere!" My nervousness was gone when I saw how many of his books I read as well and loved.

"To Kill a Mockingbird, The Perks of Being a Wallflower..." And many more.

"If you didn't read some book, you can borrow it. I'd at least have an excuse to see you again." It was no time to be amazed!

"Fine, end of this distraction. Let's get to the point." He sat down on a couch and patted his lap but this time I rather stayed as far as I could.

"Too bad but okay. What is my story? I'll let you guess at first." He just can't make it easy for me.

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