Chapter 43 ♦ Health condition

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Ray's POV

It's here... my check up and I'm trembling like crazy!

"Ray, are you that scared?" I looked at Sand who was sitting beside me.

"Sand, I was seriously overdoing it before I met you... I was lucky not to feel any other symptoms than those abstinent but I've been feeling sick for some time now... I just didn't think it was important so I didn't tell you."

"Ray! If you love me, you must care about yourself as well! Do you think I didn't notice you've been throwing up late at night? I just waited for you to tell me about it yourself." I made him mad and deserved his lecturing. How I wish I could change my past but I seriously didn't plan to live anymore... I wanted to die and if I didn't meet Sand that night, I'd definitely do it.

"Ray Pakorn, you may come in." The nurse said as she opened the door but I didn't want to leave Sand's side! No... I can't act like a big baby all the time in front of him. I stood up and walked in and saw Sand's holding tightly his knees as he was nervous as much as me.

"Mr. Pakorn, you haven't been coming to your check-ups for many years, did something change?" He raised an eyebrow and I didn't know if he was irritated or just curious.

"I got engaged..."

"I see so you want to know if you are healthy before getting married. Wise move, your future wife could steal your money after your death." Is the doctor supposed to talk this way to his patients?!

"My fiance is just waiting outside and praying for my good health. Don't talk like you know me or him, Doc." He rolled his eyes and looked at the report from Talay.

"Coke... Cigarettes... Alcohol... your liver must be in a really bad stage now."

"Are you sure?! You didn't even see my blood tests!"

"It's pretty obvious, you've been taking two dangerous substances for your liver and expect it to be fine? I won't lie to you, the transplant will be necessary but will someone even be willing to give it to such a drunkard and drug addict?" I got upset... not even money can help me if the family won't agree to give me the organs of the healthy donor.

"I'm rich..." The Doc chuckled.

"Then you might be relieved. The families usually agree to give it to the person who pays the most so their dead son or daughter are of any use for them. Still, I'll check your other organs as well to see if your lungs, kidney and heart won't need to be transplanted too but it would be very bad. Just getting used to one transplant is hard and takes a long time, I can't imagine you getting used to four new organs at the same time." Shit...

On ultrasound I could even see my terrible lungs and I'm not gonna even mention my liver...

"Hmm... your heart seems to be beating out of rhythm... you'll need medications for it to beat normally again or you could get a heart attack if you had more stress at one time." Seriously, Sand is the only reason I hadn't died yet.

I was sweating already from the fear of hearing his next words.

"Your kidney... if you don't want to lose it, you'll have to be on diet, smoking and drinking is strictly forbidden but I think you know that. It looks like you haven't been smoking as much as you've been drinking so there's no need for lungs transplant but you do more sports on the fresh air to get enough oxygen. And your liver, well, there's no way to save it anymore. You came too late, sorry."

"I don't care, Doc... I don't care as long as I can get a new one and expand my life." He smirked.

"If you'll live healthy from now on and take the medication as I tell you, you may expand your age to even eighty but you can't do what you did now. You'll have more problems in the future for sure but it's still not too late to do something with it. Can I talk to your fiance?" I nodded and he invited Sand in and he immediately rushed to my side.

"You must be the one keeping this irresponsible man alive, great work."

"How is his condition, Doctor?!"

"His liver has to be translated as soon as possible and after the surgery will be successful, your fiance will need to live a healthy life so no smoking, drinking and absolutely not drugs! He'll also have to be on diet and not eat fat meal. I'll prescribe his medication for his heart and increased cholesterol. You will need to make sure he won't get into stressful situations too." Sand bowed his head and I even saw tears in his eyes.

"Oi... it's not so bad... I can live long if I listen to Doc, right?" He nodded and gave Sand the prescription.

"Based on your blood tests, we'll be searching for your donor and call you when we'll find him. Convincing the family for their agreement is on you then. Now you'll need a lot of rest and sleep. Healthy food and celibacy." C-celibacy?!

"Didn't you say I should exercise more?!"

"Sex causes you a lot of heart pressure, I'm sure your fiance will understand it so no sex until the medication for your heart starts adjusting to your body and your heart rhythm gets back to normal." I want to die right now...

"I'll make sure he won't pressure himself anymore. I hope his heart will get better... before our wedding."

"Great so celibacy till the wedding." No way I fucking heard it from the Doc! Right now I'm in very stressful situation and feel like having a heart attack any minute!

"Your heart is beating faster out of sudden. Is celibacy so hard for you?"

"You can't imagine..." He shrugged and then gave Sand some recommendations for my diet and I think I heard him telling Sand to tie me up whenever he thinks I'm horny. I want to change my doctor!

Now Sand was too worried and didn't even let me walk by myself anymore. On the other hand, I didn't mind because our bodies were constantly rubbing against each other as my arm was wrapped around his shoulder but then I remembered I couldn't let my dick take control anymore.

"Hey... don't be upset, we can do many other activities than sex."

"Like what?"

"Like playing board games, watching movies, doing chores together, going for a walk..." Boring...

"Or writing a song together?" Now I got a little interested.

"You'll be singing for me?" He smiled and nodded and I was finally in better mood.

"I'll help you with writing the text, I went through a lot to get an inspiration."

"Let's write a love song then, babe." I smiled and held him even tighter.

"Also... Ray... I don't think we should marry before your transplant. We can change the date-."

"No, Sand! I promise you I'll make it to our wedding!" He kissed me on the cheek and I felt even more determined.

"And you, Sand, will visit a psychiatrist."

"Huh? I don't think I need-."

"Sand! You went through so much! Toxic relationship, people treating you like trash, me, kidnapping, life-threatening situation and two people still trying to destroy you. You should get help as well!"

"Fine, I can't let you worry about me when I'm the one who has to be worried about you. You'll keep the celibacy and I'll visit psychiatrist. We have to pull ourselves together before our Wedding night, right?" I was finally motivated to do as Doc said but once we came home, my motivation left me... the only activity I could think of was... fuck, this will be a long time.

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