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After listening to the technical terms that was coming mostly form Lorelei with the Queen humming or nodding at what she was saying, Lincoln, her first son and the heir, stood slowly, with all the power that radiated from him, clearly to exit the room.

"This is a waste of time." He thought feeling angry towards his father, but knew to keep it to himself eventhough his actions were speaking for him.

All those ressources they were using! Lost for nothing.  They were completely unable to localize where his sisters were staying. All was unidentified by the highest technology they possessed. All of it was blurred by many relaying point to whom that video was being registered.

Having the best agents in your side could do that . Morgan and his brother were the best. The third left was on his mother side which was not a surprise. They all have their allegiance to the Queen like to a pope. Besides, the girls rarely go out. The mostly work in certainly keeping low profiles under their security advices.

Even puppies were not that faithful to their masters. Lincoln thought again, only registering it at the moment. The Queen's dogs were silent as black holes.

Even his father could not make them talk. Lincoln knew most of the men around called his dad many names, the first been evil.

Personally he never saw that side of the man, but he had to accept the reality of the situation. The kingdom and their family was clearly divided in two. Coming to think about it,  it was always like that.

One side with his mother the other were weirdly obeying his father, calling him names behind his back, whichwas never the case for the Queen. They called her a Godsend,  a mother of all,  even justifying her rudeness sometimes by the fact that all mothers needed to be.

What was occuring now was real though. But it could not top the fact that his mother has given him her best two guards insisting for them to never leave his wife side. That which had been intriguing him since then was enlightened by the perimeter he was learning now.

He had married a young woman that was promised to be his since they were children. His mother  had said it was her gift for him, but he was to never leave his wife alone with his father. The man was not the perfection he had learned to see in his father. He had that side he was showing him right at the moment that was not going well with him.

The two women guards keeping Lincoln wife safe were Pradesh daughters, their etiquette of work was impeccable. They never leave her side as required. His wife like her gift which was sufficient for the prince. She had thanked the queen so much he felt it was weird in the beginning but not anymore.

Following his brother lead, Alex the younger brother thinking the same on the waste of time, had his hands in his pockets waiting for what to do next.

Arthur stare rested on them for a moment following all their moves. It was not  requested to be a genius to understand what they were thinking about it being a waste of money and time.

"My king."  Both paying him dear respect with bows they turned to leave when their father voice stopped them.

"You are not okay with THIS. I gathered."

The king voice echoed in the room which already feld cold giving chilled to the five more people present there.

Halting in response to the booming voice Lincoln, turned his head slightly bowed to show respect to the man who was his father but not making eyes contact.

"Your decision my king " as simple as it was, Lincoln answered making his father see red by the way his face hardened. Not that the son care at this point.

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