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Glenn episode.

"Get out stupid dirt" Almost yanking Glenn out of his bed, Arthur yelled suddenly not in the mood of anything the scum want to do to him

Glaring at the disoriented woman who was hurriedly putting on her top not risking it to resulted on another punition like to be spank by a bodyguard, she almost stumbled on the carpet tripped by her own shoes.

The moment she was about to go out, his fingers clicked making her freezed on the spot. Looking back at him Glenn swallowed hard fear rushing in her vein, she could feel the one on her temper moved. She had never been afraid for her life like lately, the man was so touchy with his hand she wanted to be everywhere else than here that she knew was sure.

Smelling her fear, the man body emitted a spasm caused by a reprieve chuckle, his eyes casually navigated from her to his exposed body not minding her anymore. Not quite understanding what he wanted after pushing her away, she searched her brain which in her state made it difficult to think, cold sweat ran on her back making her shivered.

Closing her fingers in a hard fist behind het back she rummaged her brain almost panicking, this was her life! She knew the only thing that still had her standing was the frail but still stupid hope she still had, like the people addicted to novella series hoping love will find them and change theirs lives. For her it was not love she hoped for her life. She did not know if such thing even exist, for her it was the need to breath free.

Clenching her teeth her eyes roammed the bedroom then the crazy man, the term was too soft for him, he was a soulless person. Satan himself. Breathing shakily she could feel panic starting to make it's way in her body. She did not want to finish like her former colleague who was now a complete body rag thanks to the evil man.

She did not want to finish like her at all, with her shaky hand she wiped her crumbled apron feeling the material of her bra in the large pocket on the front, no time to put it on.

Sighing heavily by the slow way the woman brain was working, Arthur pointedly stared at his exposed lower part his fingers occupied to play a game in his smartphone that was never far from him, then his gaze took her in, redoing it a second time.

Hurriedly Glenn body moved to cover him with the silk sheets her mind far away from the view she would have otherwise admired. Today was not the day. What was the point of having the right equipment if the person was a mere demon. No amount of want could, it was for her the only thing holding her from a sort of life she could actually love to live. She hated hers like it was.

Day like these were when she felt the weight of her life like a trap she could not escape. Retrieving slowly to the door praying he did not called her again, she finally exited the double doors closing it behind her before leaning on it her hands clutching her torso her body shaking. Stiffening she summoned all the straight she could muster making her best to not cry.

Looking to the camera that was giving directly to the door then at the one hung at the end of the corridor, disappointment filled her seeing the light was off, she shook her head at how petty the man was. Never was those on, he had forbid it whenever she was with him which was at his every need which could be any moment. All to not risk another servant issue like with Enya. He had almost killed the young woman for not doing as he wanted.

Taking a deep breath she knew she was on her own, to know it was too defeating she had stopped dreaming of anything else. Straightening the most she could, she wondered why? Why she had to be born with the beauty she had? It was more of a  curse than a blessing in a world where men like Arthur zurow exist.

She had tried to make some kind of joy come out of it by doing her best to enjoy it as she could but even the best laid could not outpassed how she felt after the act. So dirty and unworthy of life she always end up crying those nights.

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