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Shatear as per usual walked the silent road of the village he was born in. A small Creek perched at the far end of the East side of Porys a place not everyone would wander on. Most of the humans around called it the forbidden place, because spiritual beings lived there as it was known around which had the result to be cleaner than the rest of the East almost like the Nord and south minus the big cars and the bling bling.

The old man rounded the corner of the road he knew so much to see a young woman focusing on pouring water in large buckets from the well a little far away from the house. Chores normal girl her age could not do under the sun that was already hard at 8:30 none could bear to even think about carrying one of them. Tala was all but normal she was a rare occurrence for their kind to praise.

"Shatear! " Almost shouting the man name the young woman waved her hand in the air smiling, happy to see him "Mami is waiting for you. There is your tea already ready. I'm never wrong am I?"

Smiling her way he waved back admitting she was in fact never wrong on her predictions. The woman he had known from the moment he was twenty now that he looked fifty, had always been that same young woman that never age a day. Her abilities to foresee, especially him coming here were always exact. Knowing there was no need to chat too much with her silent nature, he passed her going straight to the house he affectionated so much.

Entering the simple but welcoming stone house that have been up for centuries now, thanks to Porys respect for deities. Shatear bowed his head in respect to all those he could not see but knew was there with them, then headed right away to his destination. The kitchen where the grandmother's was standing her back to the door moving something that looked like soup in a brand new pot.

The woman may have been an older soul but on her vessel body just like her granddaughter she looked more than younger maybe thirty five of years top. A rather stunning body she possessed there he admitted admiring her for a moment.

"My friend I was waiting for you." Turning to her long friend she smiled handing him his cup of black tea happy to see him. She had been warned by Tala that he was coming like always, this time though they had seen him physically on rare occasions this year. Too much activities in the uppers realms.

"You have to go see her now. They are tin on occasion. The hearts are becoming irritated. You know it is dangerous to have them so far apart. One of them will collapse if they are not reunited for a moment, the link is getting weaker by the second."

Talking in a cryptic way the old man took a seat at the table accepting the sandwich that was previously placed there for him by the woman he respect so much. She just looked at him, knowing what he was talking about. More so she knew it was not really him talking.

They have been working on the shadow to keep the reign of the Light on for so long that she felt like it had been yesterday she had met him. Here he was sometimes like a phone for her to reach the Source. She was not told all but by him she was sometimes connected to the Roots. He was such a good man, one she would have loved to call hers if it was not for her condition of Añada VESSEL.

She was to be kept pure to pass the Flame, they both knew it, so they became good friends working alongside each others. Not that they had others alternatives. She wished him good because in the beginning of her time she had tried to fool around with a man who almost cursed her when he was warned by an elder it was his life in line.

In fact for trying to kiss her he was projected away from her by a force that oozed out of her like high electricity, he was thrown far in the air falling face first on the ground, blood, was what she could see on all his face. After seeking answers to his questions he discovered the true, she herself learned later about the extent of her condition.

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