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The car ride was the epitome of silence. Feeling fear engulfed her by how strange things were going in the luxurious car, Alicia met her sister gaze, desperate to do something that will get Lorelei out of the sadness that seemed to have taken hold of her.

Normally after an episode that reminded her of their mother she would do everything to  occupied her mind, or become impersonal. This was really something else since she was unable to hide her distress anymore. Her eyes had become so sad making her looked everywhere but the to people around her.

Her gaze firmly pointed on the SUV window, focused on nothing while looking out, she was just  counting the seconds that would make her close the door of her bedroom behind her. Sometimes she felt it like a curse to love like she did, with no place for something else but what she had to do. It hurt at this moment so badly, that she clenched her fingers on the door side feeling them hurt.

Alarmed by her calm behavior when she should be normally throwing a tantrum, they waited but
They could tell she was not here but far in her thoughts. For anyone else she could be looking at the passerbys, but all of them knew her very well. She was transfixed. Sloan was driving in a not normal pace, trying to get home as soon as possible without breaking the limited speed. Tensed his gaze sometimes floating to the rearview to check on her.

The air was electrified in the car, but Lorelei seemed to not mind it. It was already two years, they were in the state after that apparition no one knew about. Since then nothing. She would have thought she had dreamed it if not about the money and the jewelry send to her.

Things were moving faster around her, growing, evolving but her. Two restaurants have  been opened and was doing good, they already had stars, four for the first  and three for the second to be precise which made it points everyone wanted to eat in. Those were good investments for her.

Katiandra money was easy to use as said. She had found all the safe place she talked about. Made all the arrangements with her people help but the only person she wanted with her seemed to have disappeared on her.it hurt.

The numbing pain in her heart had became something she was used too. A second  nature to all her days. The only things she could remember of  Kate  was the videos They made from the time they lived together. Those was the only reminder of the reality of her love being real. Like it really happened. Memories was blurring, like she was plagued by something erasing her memory.

The sensation always left her floating through life most of the time. Filling the gap of everyday. Waiting. When will be the next time they would see each other? Would that even happen again? Was she mad of still hoping? Maybe kate had given up on her? All those questions could make someone go mad, she could not wish it to anyone else and understood what Brian was going through.

As for herself it was a real wonder she was still sane, as it was, maybe it was her way to lost it, the way she was coping like everything was all good? Her mind could not for once leave her alone bringing out all those thoughts her self control always hide away from her.

Frowning at her reflection on the dark glass she quivered involuntarily emitting a  small but painful moan. Feeling Alicia hand immediately on her back she laid her head on the glass closing her eyes for a moment.

Angry to see her like that, Alicia cursed Michaela in all the ways possible,why she had to be stupid enough to bring that topic on, was something that baffled her. What was her agenda? If it  was intentionally done to have her way in the picture she would hear about it later.

Shrugging at Alicia panicked face, Kayley leaned forward taking Lorelei hand in hers. Theirs late meeting throughout the night had made them really good friends. For the instance everyone in the car knew about those rendezvous there were nothing to hide. That is why she switched places with Alicia who felt that she could not handled it as it was.

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