Promise Each Other Something

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"You cleared your schedule?" I smile softly as Wanda's eyes meet mine again.

"I did. You said you wanted to talk today, and you came here wanting to talk as well as have lunch so of course I cleared my schedule. I wasn't going to pretend to be busy with work when it is something you were wanting, something we are wanting. Something we need to do. And there is no time like the present right?"

"No time like the present." She repeats quietly. "On one condition."

"What's that?" I tilt my head in curiosity.

"We both sit on the couch. I feel like it will be easier for us both to sit there, instead of me there and you over here at your desk." She rambles out and I smile easily.

"Then I have one condition too."


"Give me 5 minutes to get changed into something that isn't so formal."

"I'll make us tea while I wait." She moves her hands down to my shins gently squeezing them. "Then we talk."

"Yeah, then we talk."


I look down into the mug, keeping my hands warm, gently blowing on it causing the steam to dance through the air in tiny wisps that curve towards one another, trying to find their way to be one before the momentum they were carrying before forces them apart as they dissipate into their surroundings.

I give the steam a moment to settle before giving another gentle blow, this time watching the way the tea ripples, small waves crashing against the mug causing a reflection wave that then collides with a wave on its way to hit the inside of the mug causing superposition. Funny how something so simple like blowing on hot tea can show how physics works. God I do love science.

"Y/n." Her voice pulls me from my scientific trance, my head moving until my eyes meet hers and I realise how much I have been using the tea as a distraction when I see her finger nervously tapping the edge of her mug.

"Sorry, I got distracted." She smiles softly leaning against the arm of the couch, as she pulls her feet up onto the cushion, her knees almost touching her chest.

"It's okay. But I feel like if we go any longer without speaking we aren't actually going to talk." I nod in understanding as I lean back into the corner of the couch lifting my feet to rest on the ottoman.

"Of course. So how do you want to do this? Do you want us to put everything out on the table, then discuss and ask questions, give solutions or close to solutions. Or do we want to ask questions then go from there..."

"I'd like us to talk, say what we have to say and then we can see how we feel and go from there. And I would like to go first. I have things to say." She says it with a sense that she wasn't really asking but I can understand why she wants to get into this thing rather than try and avoid it any longer.

"We can do that. And I'm listening." I say it as softly as I can and I get a small smile in return as her eyes look down at her mug of tea and I know she needs a second to organise her thoughts and I find myself easily allowing her a minute.

"I'm sorry." Her eyes dart up to look at me, her hands squeezing her mug as she takes a shaky breath. "I am getting so frustrated with myself that I have to keep apologising to you. You don't deserve to be hearing apologies all the time from anyone, especially me. But this apology, this apology is one big, huge one. For a snowball of fuck ups that led up to a huge monumental fuck up. I know it may be hard to believe and I know that an 'I'm sorry' doesn't erase the things that I did, but please know that I never did any of it on purpose. I never looked to hurt you in those ways. It was never my intention. And I need to explain what happened, I need to tell you from my perspective so that maybe, maybe a little bit of you can see, maybe believe, that I never wanted to hurt you so bad that I pushed you away. Yes what I did was bad, really terrible, but I had my reasoning and although you may not agree with it I need you to hear it."

Just Us - Wanda Maximoff x Fem!readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin