I feel Naomi's eyes burning into the back of my head as I walk closer to Luca and squat down so he is directly looking into my eyes. "Callie please" he pleads as I smirk at him. He continues to shake his head which instantly annoys me. "are you going to answer her questions?" I ask which makes him look back at me.

After looking into my eyes for a few seconds fear instantly shoots accross Luca's face. I smirk as I stand back up and walk to Naomi "the counterfit money" Luca whispers sounding defeated. I stop and turn back to him, Naomi instantly by my side. "What about it?" I question looking down at him.

Luca had been in my life for what felt like forever. This is the first time I had ever seen him break down even when his were brutally killed, you could see it was hurting him but he just got on with his life. "I know who's behind it. Callie I know that look in your eye. I'm dead eaither way, even if you don't kill me he will which means I can't keep protecting you anymore" he sobs. I feel my heartbreak more seeing his tears fall to the ground so I move to walk closer to him but Naomi grabs my arm and shakes her head.

"Who is behind it Luca" I question turning back to him. He looks away from me. Naomi scoffs "so much for loyalty" I turn back to walk towards the door. As my hand touches the handle to open it, I pause as Luca whispers "Dominic Linziski". I hear Naomi quickly turn back to him. As I turn around to see what she is doing aloud slap sounded thought the room before Naomi started screaming at him "what", slap, "the", slap "fuck", slap, "has", slap, "it", slap, "got", slap, "to do with Dom", slap, slap, slap. She screams as she slaps anywhere she can as Luca tries to protect himself. I can't help but smile as she hits him again and again.

Seconds later the door slams open and Ryan and Mal come running in pointing the gun at Luca with Steph, Leigh and Cole seconds behind them. "Naomi it's okay" Ryan continues to whisper to Naomi as he pulls her away from Luca into his arms. I feel Mal put his hand on me but I shake it off and walk over to Luca and look down at him "where is he" I growl. He looks at me with a defeated look "He built a house where he first met Naomi" he sighs before looking away from me.

I stand back up and look at Naomi who has regained her composure looked more determined than before to beat Luca's ass. We nod at one another before I leave the room first making my move towards the exit of the hut. They all soon follow behind "what now" Mal questions when we are  finally made it back out the main door of the huts. Letting out a deep breath and looking up at the sky then over to Naomi I simply smile "were going to go find Dominic now, and..." I pause as I hear a phone ring.


I take my phone out of my pocket and read the screen which is flashing telling me HF was calling. I sigh before looking back at Mal "excuse me, I have to take this" I say before glancing at Naomi and then walking away myself down the opposite path back to the house. I curse as I miss the call but relief soon sets in as I walk out of earshot and the phone rings again, I quickly answer.

"Callie, thank the lord your okay. I was getting worried" Heather says down the phone sounding relieved. "I'm okay listen. You were right Luca was involved. He's named Dominic Linziski" I whispered back looking around to make sure I was still alone. "I knew it. I fucking knew it. What do you need us to do" Heather cheered through the phone. "Nothing. Stay quiet until we question Dom. I'll contact you" I whisper back. I hear her huff through the phone and her excitement quickly disappear.

As the house comes into my eye sight, my eyes are instantly drawn to Mal who is watching me from the patio doors "I have to go but I'll be in contact soon. Stay safe H" I whisper whilst still watching Mal. "You too Callie. Speak soon" Heather replies before the line goes dead. I put my phone back in my pocket and head towards where Mal is waiting.

"Hey" I smile as I reach him. "Everything okay" he questions with a curious look playing in his eyes. "Of course" I smile while walking past him into the house. I make my way to the dining area where I can hear hushed voices. When I walk in I see everyone seated around the table. I raise my eyebrow when they room goes silent and they all turn to me with a large grin on there faces.

I shake my head and go take my seat at the opposite end of the table from my father "how are you feeling my dear" my mother smiles at me as one of the maids fill her glass with fresh water. "I'm starving" I laugh back at her. The room erupts into laughter and we all chat to each other.

Food is finally served and seconds before my plate is put at my space I instantly start eating. "So on a better note. Now Callie is well. Naomi, Ryan when can the wedding planning start" my mother grins excitedly towards my sister and her fiance.  Naomi looks disgusted at my mother's question before looking at me with a grin. I shook my head because I had a feeling what she was going to say my mother was not going to like. "they have already started" Naomi shrugged before taking another bite of her chicken.

The room goes silent as my mother gasps loudly. "What do you mean they have already started?" She questions looking between Naomi and Ryan with her eyes finally landed on me. I raise my hands in surrender and laugh "don't look at me I've been indisposed for the past week". My mother looks back and Naomi "well?".

Naomi sighs and puts her fork loudly onto her plate "mother with all due respect. You do not know how to keep events small. Ryan and I don't want a big spectical. We want to keep it small and arrange most of it ourselfves" Naomi pauses before turning to me with a large grin "apart from a few things of course. The hen do. And the decor. Is all on them" she points between Steph, Leigh and I. Steph and leigh break into whooping and cheering shouting "partaaay" but quickly go silent as my mother slams her hand on the table.

My mother stands up and shakes her head at Naomi before leaving the dining room. My father turns to Naomi but before he can speak Naomi outs her hands out "please don't dad. This is my wedding, mine and Ryan's not mother's" she pleads with him. He simple nods and leaves the dining room aswell. Naomi's tablet alert suddenly goes off. We quickly spring into action when she tells us there's movement at Dominic's house.

"Are you ready for this" I ask Naomi as we get closer to Dominic's house. She shakes her head "nope but you survived Callan and Luca so I'm sure I can cope with my cheating ex" she laughs at me. "We're here, it's just through those trees" Ryan points out the passenger window.

It didn't take us long before we were making our way towards Dominic's house. It was unusually quiet which made me feel uneasy. As if he had read my mind Mal came up beside me and nodded towards me, feeling a sense of security knowing he was beside me I nodded back and we continued on.

Once we reached the house we instantly made our way inside. The four men in the house didn't have time to react before we hand them on the ground with their hands and feet zip tied. "Where's Dominic" I yell at them. They all stay silent, I shoot one of the mens knee caps which makes him scream out in pain. "We don't know a Dominic!" he screams as I move to shoot his other knee.

We hear a loud sound of wind whirling above us I notice the men looking around at us before laughing "but it looks like our boss knew you were coming" they snigger. I stand up and peak out of the nearest window. A helicopter was nearing along with a car following underneath it, it was getting close quickly, I smiled when I seen Dominic was the passenger but instantly froze when I seen who was driving. "Callan" I whisper as the sound of gunfire and Mal pulling me into the under ground cellar brought me back to reality.

We heard a loud explosion as bolted the steal door shut behind us. Mal held onto my arm and led me through the passageway under the cellar whilst following behind Naomi, Ryan, Steph, Cole and Leigh who were now climbing a ladder that was leading to a hole above us. "What did you see my love" I hear Mal whisper to me as I put my hand on the ladder to go up. I pause and turn to him "I saw Dominic and Callan" I whisper before I turn back to the ladder and my way up  towards the rest of our team.

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