71) Blind sex with the enemy

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Loud gunshots blare the dead night, followed by almost silent laser shots. One laser beam is all it takes to take down an opponent. With their advanced weapons, Jack's men quickly dismantle the formation of security outside the house as well as those shooting from the windows.

Jack's snipers are better and have with them the W-L3 guns which aid in the accuracy without leaving behind any living enemy.

Using multiple drones being controlled by one of his men, Jack observes his assassins clear the weak enemies. Through the multiple screens before him, his eyes search for any possible sign of his dear half-brother. His eyes flicker with anticipation. And his mind continues to devise cruel ways to torture Zack once he is caught.

But the attack has been going on for about twenty minutes yet he hasn't caught sight of anyone being protected or hiding.

"Are you sure this is the place?" He asks his assistant, Stan, his tone anxious and impatient.

"Yes, Sir," Stan answers from the seat behind Jack's in the brightly lit van. "From the pictures you provided, we matched a face and he is in there."

Jack grits his teeth, sinking back in the leather seat. He knows the chances of the said person being Zack are almost ten percent due to WSG's advanced technology, but he still hopes he'll find him. It is better to hunt the enemy than have them hunt him or Annie.
Judging from the tight security and their formation around the mansion, he can feel his brother's hand in it.

'What really happened that year?'
Jack questions himself feeling unsettled.


In the large dimlit room, a shadowy figure enters through the adjacent door. With steps lighter than a single feather, they make their way straight for the bed and halt beside it.
For almost three seconds, the figure hidden by the night's kindness just observes the female sleeping soundly. How can she be so peaceful yet the world is on fire because of her?

The intruder bends forward till a fraction of his face is illuminated by the weak light flowing from the balcony doors... Zack.

An evil smirk caresses his lips. "We meet again little birdie," he whispers, and then brings his hand forward to caress her face.
The feel of her soft skin makes his smirk widen and darken with vile intentions.
"Did you miss me?"

Reacting to his touch, Annie mumbles incoherently and tries to swat what she thinks is a bug from her face.
Zack lets out a low amused chuckle before lowering his butt to sit next to Annie's waist.
His hand proceeds to cup her jaw, his thumb running over the curve of her lips, savoring the feel of their softness.
"I'm here to take you away as I promised you."

She again stirs, this time, rolls to face the other side while pulling the duvet close to her chin.
Zack retreats his hand and sighs relaxed. His gaze falls on the balcony, then on the large closet. "It's just as I remember it."

In his moment of reliving the past, Annie rolls again to face him. Her eyes split open slightly, catching sight of the man she mistakes for Jack.
"You're not sleeping?" She asks with a sleepy undertone.

"Not yet," Zack impersonates Jack without looking at her directly.
His voice and ninety percent of his facial features match his half-brother, which gives him an advantage, especially in the poorly lit room.

"Mmm... let's sleep," she says as her hand slides beneath his shirt.
As soon as she comes in direct contact with his skin, Zack's eyes peel wide open.
'This, this is her voluntary touch,' he thinks to himself, lowering his shocked gaze down to his abdomen.

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