40) Abducted by a psycho

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       ****ANNIE'S POV****

A sharp ache from the side of my neck hauled my consciousness out of the void. I forced my eyes open as a ringing in my head kept pounding my brain to shut down. There was darkness at first, but then the light penetrated my eyes when my vision widened.
   Where was I?
The air smelled different.
The walls looked odd as well.
Nothing was familiar to me, not even the...clothes?

I gasped when I saw the foreign oversized t-shirt I was wearing. And, why was I tied to a chair?
   The fat ropes bound my wrists and ankles to a wooden chair, regulating any rough movement. I tried to wriggle my left hand, but it was a silly thought. The friction only bruised my skin.

My calm demon urged me to stop struggling and study my environment once more.
This time, I caught the little details I had missed on my first assessment like the expensive bottle of 'Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon' standing on the little table beside the king-sized bed.
The white bedding and the curtains also spoke of nothing but wealth.

Whoever had kidnapped me was certainly not poor at all.

'Breathe Annie. This is not your first time being kidnapped,' I comforted my panicked soul, trying my best to shut out the gory scenes of how I would end up. I shuddered at those images and forced my brain to trace back my steps and how I had ended up tied up.

The only clear memory was of me and Jack in the hospital waiting for Pattie. I remembered Jack holding my hand while I offered my emotional support to his depressed heart.
   "What happened next? Where's Jack?"
God knows how hard I tried to recall the exact details of the abduction, but there was only a space in my memory caused by the pain throbbing from the back of my head. I must have been struck by something blunt.
Whoever had abducted me was sure damn heartless. Couldn't they just have drugged me like normal kidnappers in this era?

      I locked up all the questions distracting me from the moment and began brainstorming a way out of my bondage.

   The bed was a short distance behind me. Next to it was a nightstand which had a few drawers. My goal was now to get to the damned drawers and find something to aid me in my escape. It didn't matter if I discovered a tiny pin, anything could be used as a weapon in the right hands.

     I gripped the chair with a little force before using my bound feet to bounce both myself and the chair backwards. The distance was too little and the process too tedious, but I kept going till I reached the nightstand.

   "Fuck!" I cursed breathlessly upon realizing that I couldn't touch the drawers. With my wrists bound to the chair arms, there wasn't much room to stretch.

I paused to catch my breath but my brain didn't cease functioning, searching for ways to help me free myself.
   Beads of sweat trickled down my chest, disappearing between my tits. No bra?
I frowned at my chest, then up at the door.

My frustration made me shout at it, "Show your fucking ass! I'm already awake?"
   I was counting someone keeping watch on the other side of the wooden frame. Hoped they would hear me and report it to their superiors so we could get the whole abduction-ransom process over with.

    A few seconds ticked away.
They turned into a minute, then into five minutes. My expectations died momentarily but not my determination to at least free one hand.

I lowered my mouth to my left wrist and started celebrating when I was a breath away from biting it, but, bad fate intervened in the form of the rope around my torso. "No, no, noooo!" I groaned pained by the failure.
    I was ready to sacrifice my sanity and bear the irritating sensation of biting through a rope. But maybe that was too little of a sacrifice. Did the unseen eyes want me to bite my own flesh and break my bones just to free my hand?

The sound of the door opening captured my attention in an instant.
  Soft thuds from the black sharpshooters coming into sight made their way to my ears.
Slowly and afraid, I lifted my gaze along his frame, taking in the formal black suit all the way to the pair of...emerald eyes. There was an unusual calmness in them that gave the man an ominous aura.
    Something about him felt so familiar.
Maybe it was the from the copper-brown curls hanging from his head, or his style. But he made me feel like I was staring at a younger version of...Jack.

The young man walked into the room, a faint grin on his red glossed lips, giving them a pleasing shine.

   I caught the second male who hurried to close the door, cutting me off from the sight of freedom.

     "Well, well...well," he spoke with a tinge of laziness, his body moving towards me.
  "If it isn't Jack's little, girlfriend."

I immediately held my breath, my eyes examining him for any weapons or any dangerous posture.
  "Forgive me for this messed up family reunion, but..."
He had already reached the chair I was confided in. As he uttered his next words, he brought his hands on my wrists and leaned down to level our eyes. A strong wave of cologne infiltrated my senses. It was too strong for me...made me want to throw up. "I just couldn't wait any longer."

     "Who-who are you?"

The stranger chuckled, slapping me with his breath. "Who am I? I have a lot of names depending on whom you're asking. But since you're family, I may filter out all the useless titles and be direct with you."
    He paused.
The green eyes dived into mine as if searching for any positive reaction. But I kept my emotions in check, including the fear gnawing at my intestines.

I knew dangerous men when I saw one.
  And this charming bastard in front of me bled of death and destruction. More dangerous than Jack.

     "I'm the child who was abandoned by our dear daddy for being too...what's the word? Ah-evil!" He smirked. They all thought I had gone to meet the devil, and boy were they glad that I was dead. But I've been hiding, watching and...waiting." he caressed my face.

I faced the other side, wanting to get rid of the hand touching me. I felt a certain repulsion towards him without even knowing of his evil deeds.
    The man chuckled again before straightening.

He grabbed my chair and pulled it, dragging me along-not minding the annoying screeching noise it made on the floor- till we stopped in front of the large mirror.
   He walked to stand behind me, a creepy grin imprinted on his face. It looked so, sinister. Was he a psychopath?

    "Look at you. So beautiful in nothing but my T-shirt. Is this how he looks at you every day and feel satisfied? Does he tell you how pretty and young you are?"

I swallowed.
His words and how his eyes were ravaging my reflection made me feel intense fear. A different kind of fear.
      "Wh-what do you want?"

The stranger first laughed, and then bent over, resting his chin on my shoulder. He slipped his right hand down to my breasts and violently grabbed one. "I want what he has...everything," he hissed and licked my ear.

Oh, the disgust churning in my stomach.

    His lips delivered pecks along my neck and on my right shoulder as his hand continued groping my tit. "I've been watching you from the shadows Annie. I know what you like, what you hate, and what you aspire to in life. I can give them all to you, and more."

***Jack and Annie await you on Patreon. His to Snare is growing hotly intense.. 😜😜.. Please do support me by subscribing to my Patreon page. Every penny motivates me to write more and be super creative amidst my busy life. Love you all.****💖

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