28) Jack's mine bitch

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       Mortal silence.
That was all there was on that dining table as the three of us ate our breakfast.
Jack sat next to me while Pattie sat on the other side of the table, her artificial blue eyes hovering around Jack flirtatiously.

  She occasionally made some clattering noise just to annoy us, but we didn't react.

  "I'm full," Pattie announced setting down her fork on the table. The damned human couldn't even place it against the platter. Why give the servants extra work?
She was so inconsiderate.

   Jack didn't respond as she expected, he only went on eating. Not sparing her even a single glance.
Oh, this was so entertaining.

  "Can I ride with you?" She asked, her eyes trained on Jack.

   "No," The male answered strictly.

"But my car is-"

"Choose any in the garage and use it for as long as you like," was Jack's response to her annoying request.

   I smiled at myself, and decided to play the villain. "Um, Jack?"

  He raised his gaze at me, "Mh?"

My heart did three somersaults and pounded thrice as fast. Why did such a small gesture make me feel elated? The sparks in his eyes almost made me forget what I was to ask.

  "I need to-"

"We'll talk on our way to work," he cut in as if he had read my mind. While I had done it to show Pattie I was above her, I genuinely wanted to know why the hell she was in 'our' house. Her foul nature didn't belong here.

   I nodded smiling and looked away, throwing Pattie a smug grin. Gosh! I felt so evil and so damn good.

  "I want to ride with you, Jack. Why does she get to-"

His harsh glare made her words fade into nothingness. What a show!
     "Don't leave the house if you don't have anywhere to be." That sounded, less cruel. Almost as if he was asking her to stay indoors.

She crossed her arms under her chest sulking like a child. "I wanted to spend the day at your office. It won't hurt to know more about Shadows."

    "Like I said, don't leave the house unless it's necessary. If there's anything you need, you can call Stan."

Pattie rolled her eyes disrespectfully.
  "I only want to go out and stay with y-"

"Enough Pattie!" Jack groaned darting her a deep scowl. "I don't need you running around. If you don't want to stay here, you can pack up and leave."

That went south real fast, I laughed, my food long forgotten. I had initially thought Jack was being cold towards me, but after witnessing his interaction with Pattie, I was in a much better place. He was being so blunt and ice-cold at her that my soul hurt for her.


I was very happy.
The feeling of knowing that I was the only woman he treated with a sexy cold attitude was so thrilling. He had never been so brusque towards me.

   "Are you done?" His question pulled me back to reality. His eyes were on me. They were struggling to transition from the glare and soften into a light gaze.
But I didn't mind. It must have been hell being so enraged by someone he couldn't hit.

   I nodded, wanting to get out of there so I could try and appease his flames.

    "Let's go."

I gave another nod and set my fork down. We both rose from our chairs, ignoring a fuming Pattie. Jack led the way and I followed like an obedient girl.

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