26) Grabbing Pattie by her throat

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         ***JACK'S POV***

I pushed a squealing Pattie into my office, walking behind her to make sure she would not run back and create any drama around Annie.

"What's the meaning of this?" Pattie demanded wriggling free.
I didn't stop her, willingly let go of her arm.

"I'm still not done with you Pattie. Who the fuck permitted you to come here without my permission?"

"Oh, here we go again," she cried whirring around dramatically. "Your driver was taking forever Jack. I couldn't wait any-"

"I don't give a fuck what made you fail to wait, but let's get one thing clear Pattie, I'm in charge!" I roared scowling at the back of her head.

The damned female spun around, a mischievous grin glued on her lips. "Damn, you sound so sexy right now."
Why couldn't time be reversed and allow me to escape her evil clutches? Was she my retribution for all the bad things I had done in life?
Had to be.

"Pattie?" I called in a low voice, subduing my anger. "I'm not in the mood for your shit right now. I just wanted to remind you that if you dare cause any trouble between Annie and me, I'll kick you out."

Her brows knitted as a gloomy expression covered her face. "This is a fair game, Jack. Why won't you give me a chance to fight for you?"

"Because Pattie, I do not like you even one bit!" I yelled, my patience snapping.
How dare she even think I'd want her close to my heart? I'd rather lock myself in a space shuttle and live there for the rest of my life than welcome her.
She was a wicked being with no sense of morality in her bones. If she did wish to steal my heart, tricking me into sleeping with her would never have been an option to begin with.

 "You will!" Pattie screeched irritated. "The problem with you is that that damned slut is all you can-"

My hand moved on its own, and before I could take back control, it had wrapped itself around Pattie's neck. My fingers gave a light squeeze and clamped on her throat.

She started choking.
Her nails sunk into my hand, but only managed minor scratches.

"You don't get to insult Annie," I spat, watching her suffocate by the second.

She's pregnant you moron.

The reminder had me step back, retreating my hand.
   As soon as I let go, Pattie sucked in short deep breaths to appease her fiery lungs. I might have overdone it, but my message had to be clear.
She was beneath me.
Beneath Annie.

  I was in charge, and only Annie could be my equal even though I didn't want her to know yet.

  "Don't ever let me hear call Annie that. You're the only slut I know, drugging men and sleeping with them."

   She pointed an accusing finger at me while her other hand held onto her neck, "You...you..."

     "I'll advise you to take care of yourself around the house. And if the pressure turns too heavy, you're free to leave at any moment." With those words, I turned around and left the room, shutting the door with a loud bang.

My walk down the hallway was utilized to calm my raging demons down. I didn't want Annie to see my real anger. It could scare or repel her.
     But all the stress I had experienced left a pulsing ache inside my head.

She's waiting, I told myself, forcing my legs to go up the stairs and along the hallway separating the bedrooms.
  Something was off.
Why was my vision so fuzzy and my head so light?

"Annie?" I called out as my palm flattened on her door. "Annie?"

The lock clicked opening before the door swung inwards. "Jack? Are you-"
   My body fell on hers as my knees gave in.
She squeaked catching me just in time, saving me from a fatal fall.

"You don't look so good."

  "I know." I smiled weakly while my little devil walked me over to her bed, her shoulder tucked firmly under mine and her hand around my waist.

She sat me on the covers before jumping on them herself. "Lie down a bit," Annie whispered supporting my upper body and lowering it on the bed. She stuffed some pillows under my head for comfort, all that while, avoiding my eyes.

  In that moment of weakness, Annie showed her vulnerable emotions. This was different than the previous night. She was not teasing or playing around. My little devil was genuinely worried and was trying her best to make me feel better.

    "I'll call for a doct-"

"No need," I breathed softly.

Her eyes finally met mine, letting me see the worry filling them.

   "You look so pale, what happened out there? Did she-"

I gave a weak laugh, amused by Annie's current reaction. If I dared accuse Pattie, my little devil would have definitely become violent with her. She had handled countless enemies, an unarmed Pattie would have been an easy pick. But, there was the tiny life growing inside Pattie, the only reason I had kept her alive all this while.

   "I'm sorry about Pattie, but I can't kick her out yet. I need something from her."

   "Can we talk about this when you feel better? Perhaps I should get you some water?"

I shook my head. "I'm good. I just need some rest."

Even with my words, Annie didn't seem the least convinced. Was it that bad or was she overreacting? Probably the latter.
  We had lived together for only a single night but I had managed to injure my spine and bruise my forehead. And now I was lying on her bed feeling like my head would explode.

  She edged closer, taming down her worry.

"I'll keep you company."

I nodded.

She came a little more closer and lowered her head on my left shoulder, her hand sliding across my chest.
   Aah, it felt nice being comforted like that. It wasn't out of lust or desire. We were simply sharing a moment of silent intimacy lying there.
She cared for me.
And I was protective of her.


   I stared at the square mirror fixed in my bathroom. My short hair was a bit of a mess from the nap I had shared with Annie.

She'll be worried when she wakes up with you gone, I told myself.

   "Oh Jack dear Jack, what did you do to deserve this dramatic love life?" I exhaled peeling off the two band aids on my forehead.

A sting of pain shot from there and into the back of my head but disappeared quickly.
  After changing the band-aid, I proceeded to groom my beard. I had to look presentable, after all, Annie was now living in my house.
   If I planned to woo her without making any moves, I could always rely on my cultivated body and my natural good-looking face.

I had to admit, I looked better than I did five years back. The short hair complimented my beard. All the workouts had trained my muscles, giving my body a balanced frame. One that could easily swoon over women of all ages.

       Now all that I had to do was talk to my little devil about Pattie's stay. Though there was no definite expectation of how she'd react. I was simply placing all my hope on her sensible side.
If she made any fuss, I'd need to come up with a better offer to appease her.

   She was after all my...babygirl.

*****If you feel like reading till chap 54, head over to my Patreon. The first 20/25 patrons on the silver tier will forever enjoy low price on all of my romantic books as a thank you for being my first supporters ❤️❤️❤️****

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