59) Take no disrespect

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****3rd POV****

They walk in the elevator just as four more people rush in to join them. The sudden overcrowding makes Jack's senses rise in alarm. He hauls Annie to his right side at the corner and holds her against him firmly.
"What are you-"

"Shh!" He shushes her as his eyes land on her face like a sword.
Annie cowers and chooses to stay quiet by his side, enjoying his warmth and protection. She feels safe. Cared for.

'How nice it would be to date someone like him,' she thinks as her heart flutters to Jack's arm on her waist which holds her possessively.

A couple who seem to be in their thirties next to them steal secret glances, their eyes full of surprise.
"Are these two...?" The woman whispers to her husband.

"Don't even start Nadia, it's none of our business," her husband whispers back fiercely. "They look good regardless of what their relationship is."

A silly proud grin spreads on Jack's lips after overhearing the couple's conversation. He glances down at Annie, then presses her waist gently, and when she turns her head to him, he looks away in a snap.
His heartbeats accelerate from her intense gaze, leaving him confused about his recent reaction to Annie since she woke up from her short coma.

Maybe the thought of losing her had left a great impact on his heart and he was now cherishing every little second of their time together.


Like a shadow, Jack walks behind Annie as they examine the expensive jewelry sitting behind the glass casings all around them.
His eyes stab anyone who dares to stand close to them, wary of any danger from any of them.
"Dear Lawd! These are so expensive," she cries bending over to examine a leaf-shaped diamond necklace with a tag that reads ten million dollars. "It's not even that big."

"Do you like it? It's been so long since I bought you a present...Pick anything that pleases you," Jack permits with a smile.
His words attract the gaze of a female attendant passing right beside them.
Her face contorts into an ugly frown as she turns her attention to the two.

Wearing a condescending face, she addresses Jack. "Sir, please be careful about what you say. If your 'lover' touches anything precious and accidentally breaks it, I'm afraid it'll be too much trouble for you."

He shuts his eyes for a second. His jaw clenches, biting down the sudden outburst of rage.
Annie jumps away from the casing and stands next to Jack, her heart pounding aimlessly. It'd be such a shame if she did damage the precious jewel and push Jack into a corner of financial strain.
While he did tell her he's rich, he didn't say how rich he is.

"What...did you just say?" Jack questions bashing the attendant with a sour glare.

"It's a 'polite' reminder. Please don't feel offended."

Jack scoffs a sarcastic laugh, "Oh I am very calm right now. Why would I be offended about an employee looking down on her customers?"

"Sir! I have not said anything wrong."

Jack nods.
"Indeed you haven't. But did nobody educate you about your tone? You sound like you own the place."

Snapping from her calm pretentious appearance, the attendant shoots a glare at him, then at Annie. "Be careful, she might even land you in serious trouble for stealing."

Annie immediately recognizes the depth of racism the attendant spills from her mouth and eyes. A disgusting pattern that existed in the past and still goes on in the present.
It deeply wounds her soul and heart, leaving her eyes glistening with tears.
She tugs Jack's jacket sleeve. "Can we...go?"

Hearing her emotional voice, seeing the humiliation she tries to hide by lowering her face tears down all walls meant to keep his irrational anger away.
He returns his flaming blue balls of hell's inferno on the presumptuous attendant.
"Kneel!" Jack hisses.

"Kneel?" She chuckles amused, "Is something wrong with your head Sir? If you dare cause any trouble, I'll have the security kick both of you out of here. I've dealt with many broke men like yourself trying to please a woman only to leave without paying for a thing. If you're here to satisfy your eyes, you may walk out when it's still safe."

Annie tugs his sleeve once more.
If she were alone, she'd have slapped the other woman already. But Jack is present. Her words or actions will affect him. And the last thing she can think of is landing him in any trouble.
He might have his sexual shortcomings, but his protection and care feel genuine.

"Oh gawd!" Jack groans running a frustrated hand through his hair. It's becoming too difficult to control his anger the more the arrogant woman speaks.

A few pairs of eyes from other customers are already flying on them, curious what is happening between the three.
"Do you love an easy life, hm?" He questions the attendant, his scowl seeming ready to burn her down to ashes if it has the capability.

She scoffs rolling her green eyes. "What a silly question! Now, are you leaving or should I call security? My word here holds more weight than yours. If I say you two don't suit this place, then it'll be an eternal ban."

"If you don't kneel and apologize to her in the next thirty seconds, your life will be ruined... eternally."
His threat cuts through the air like the sharp Excalibur, but she opts to ignore them and instead calls out for the security standing on guard outside the store.

"Security! We have some troublemakers!"

Her shout alerts all present in the large jewelry store, from other attendants, to the very customers she's supposed to serve with an open heart.

Two hunky men in black suits rush in, leaving two others at the entrance.
Front their posture, Jack can tell they're highly trained, and...armed.
This knowledge only infuriates him. One disrespect after the other.
The sight of the threat facing them ignites something in Annie. All fear fades, and a new sense of courage prompts her to move from Jack's side to stand in front of him.

"Please follow us outside," one of the men requests with an indifferent tone.

Maintaining a calm composure, Jack raises his left arm and taps his advanced watch.
"Danger!" He hisses, his eyes trained on the attendant and the security.

"Pf!" She crosses her arms beneath her chest, feeling superior above everyone watching. Even if the manager or the owner shows up, her story will still be the lie she has cooked up. Her words against theirs, hers would reign. "Should we wait for whoever you're calling?"

Jack comes forward while pulling the defensive Annie behind him to face the three. "One last chance. Kneel, and apologize."

The attendant chuckles. "You're so funny. Do you have any idea where you are? This store costs more than all your generations. I will make this encounter so embarrassing that you'll wish you never stepped foot here."

"Oh?! Then it won't be mean if I do the same to you, right?"

She raises her index finger at him, her eyes dissolving into pure anger. "Just because you're good-looking doesn't mean you can act as you ple-"

Heavy footsteps suddenly flood the store from their side before a uniformed, intimidating entourage of bodyguards fill the store.
The difference between the two groups comes off as a glaring sight, leaving the security guards shaking inwardly with fear.

"Get the manager out here!" Jack orders the attendants watching horrified behind the counter. His attention shifts to Stan. "Some seats?!"

Stan gives a firm nod and gestures to his subordinates who rush behind the counter and grab two chairs.

"Sit!" Jack instructs Annie once the seats are presented to them.

His To SaveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora