8) A bitter Pattie

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It did happen! I screamed in my head.

    Drunk or dying, there was no way I'd forget that kiss. The way Jack had held me. The way he had attacked my lips after delivering alcohol in my mouth had knocked my senses to another dimension.

  He had been gentle for the first five seconds, but had turned into the beast I craved for.
Even though he would never admit it, the man still had feelings for me. So why was he acting so cold?


I pushed all those happy thoughts aside and got out of bed, ready for the day. There were a bunch of things I had left pending the previous day, just to see Jack once again.

  Paul would lock me up if he knew of me ditching my duties to visit Jack.
Not like we shared any special relationship. I just owed him respect as my advisor. He had helped me a lot during training and taking over the organization.


      My heels squeaked on the beige patterned floor as I walked towards the reception. Beside me was Paul, clad in a formal dark blue suit that complimented his looks so damn well.

I had picked a black suit, paired up with black and white heels that gave my height a  little boost.

      Heads turned, and eyes stared.

White Eagle used this building as their headquarters. In the first three floors, it was normal office stuff going on, but from the forth floor, real business laid there.

Just like Shadows, White Eagle used the facade to protect their headquarters.

    Two of my subordinates rushed ahead when a dainty female approached me from behind the counter. Their intimidating auras almost scared the girl away, but Paul stepped forward.

  "Lead the way." He permitted the female.

Her gray eyes floated past my guards and onto me. I saw hidden fear shroud them, dimming their beauty.

   She led us to an elevator, then glanced back at us. "Miss Dayton said...said-" she stuttered, eyeing the guards.

So Pattie wanted to play overlord, hm?
   Not on me bitch.

"They're staying." I stated, leaving no room for debate.

  "Follow me please." She muttered and walked in the elevator.

Paul and I went in first, then my four most trusted guards followed, standing in front of me defensively. In case the doors opened in an ambush, they'd readily take the bullets for me.

When the elevator reached the forth floor, it halted, but the doors didn't open.

   "Excuse me." The female mumbled squeezing past my guards to get to the front. She took out a golden card and placed it over the scanner above the elevator buttons. The red light flashes green, and the doors opened up immediately.

   The female stepped out first, and then rest of us.

There was a wall in front of us, barricading whatever laid on the other side.

    They took their defense pretty deep.
I'd have to take notes for the new headquarters I was about to establish.

  "Please wait here. Someone will come to fetch you. I do not have access to this door." The girl announced, indicting the maroon door gawking at us.

She avoided my gaze and hurried back in the elevator. I could almost hear her relieved sigh after getting rid of us.

        When the elevator shut, I turned to Paul.
"How long will your girlfriend make us wait?"

    The male frowned.
"She's not my girlfriend." He defended himself.

My eyebrow raised. "Well, your engagement hasn't been nullified yet. And technically, you're still a transitional member-"

  "Annie!" Paul hissed.
His tone was from a man to a woman, not between workmates. And damn boy, if my heart wasn't preoccupied with Jack, I'd have melted at that moment. He looked so sexy being dominant.

   I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

The main reason we were here, was all about Paul. Since he used to be a member of White Eagle, I had to come here myself and let him sign a nondisclosure agreement to protect their secrets.

Not like I was after them, but since it was necessary for the sake of peace between us, I had to abide by the rules of the game.

     Two minutes later, a click from the door hauled my thoughts back to the present.
It swung in open, revealing the one person I disliked the most on earth...Pattie.

She was wearing an appealing red gown, matched with black heels. Her blonde hair flowed down her chest in waves.

    When our eyes met, the most fake grin appeared. "Oh Annie," she called coming closer. Two of my guards immediately blocked her, something that killed the plastic smile instantly.

  "Aren't we old friends?" She asked disappointed, before gazing to my side at Paul.

      "Paul dearie. Long time no see. Thought you forgot about me."

Paul gave her the cold silent reply.

When she finally read the hostile air we carried, she snorted and turned towards the open door. "My dad is waiting."

Without even a polite, Pattie walked away.


    Confident and keen, I walked in the conference room. Mr and Mrs  Dayton were present, so was Paul's uncle.

Pattie went ahead and sat next to her father, before sending intimidating scowls at me.
I snorted internally, just as her dad got off his seat.

   "Miss Michaels. Please, have a seat." He offered.

My senses were sharp enough to detect the level of over-friendliness leaking from Mr Dayton. He was glad I had shown up, but glad for whatever favor he'd ask later.

   I accepted the courtesy extended and sat, so did Paul.

His uncle sent a questioning gaze at him, but he shrugged it off by ignoring the old man.

   "What would you like to drink Miss Michaels?" Asked Mr Dayton.

  "Water will be fine."

I turned to Paul. "What about you?"

  "I'll have whatever you decide, Miss Michaels."
Aw! How sweet of him to address me formally in front of these strangers.

  "He'll have coffee."
Of course I needed him sober for what was coming.

Mr Dayton turned to his daughter. "Be a good girl and arrange that for our guests."

  Pattie smiled crossed. "I will."

As she left the room, she threw me one dirty glare. As if promising to make me pay for being the errand girl.

  Bitch, this is your father's doing.

****Heey my lovelies. Sorry for the long delays. Been having WB on this book. But I'm slowly  coming out of it. I'll try and publish more parts.. Follow me if you haven't. ❤️❤️***

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