68) The war begins

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My feet are quiet as I walk into the kitchen, carrying with me a tray that holds an empty cup and a bowl.
Dressed in a fluffy warm pajama and slippers to match, I enter the large room in hopes of finding nobody in there.

When I see no other soul, I smile. But it doesn't last long when I spot Pattie sitting on the corner counter, swinging her legs back and forth, her mind lost in her seemingly messy thoughts.
She wears a pitiful look, almost trapping me in a web of sympathy.
But an odd feeling of loathing for her silently kills the sympathy.

Choosing to ignore her and slide out unnoticed, I make my steps lighter and my hands even lighter as I rest the tray on the countertop next to the sinks.

Quietly as possible, I turn around and begin walking back in the same direction when all of a sudden, Pattie speaks out.
"What's so special about you?"

"Huh?" I turn my head to the left, taken aback by the strange question.

She is glaring the soul out of me. The hatred in those eyes is more dark than any moonless midnight. It speaks of deep resentment which she might have been hiding for a while.
"Why do they always, always, choose you over me?"

Both my eyebrows lift, my mind lost in a pool of cluelessness. Who is she talking about?
"Are you feeling okay? Do you need a doc-"

"What kind of charm do you possess that I don't?" Her outrageous questions start flowing as she hops off of the counter.
With her scowl still fixed on me, she walks around the middle counter, coming at me.
"Why does it always have to be you ruining my relationships?"

"Relationships?" I echo surprised.
How many have I crushed?

Pattie scoffs.
"Or is it because you love acting pitiful? Always clinging to the 'I've-had-a-hard-life' excuse to trap them. You're such an amazing actress Annie. You should audition for-"

"Look Pattie, I don't know what your problem is, but I'm seriously not in the mood for your drama," I state with a boldness that feels familiar to me.

She scoffs again and crosses her arms under her breasts. "It must be fun ruining people's lives right?"

I roll my eyes, once more choosing peace over silly arguments. Jack will deal with her on my behalf.
As I turn to walk out, my hair is grabbed and yanked hard.
I cry out from the pain now stabbing my scalp.

"I'm not done talking to-" she yanks again, pulling me backward till my back is close to her chest. Being a little shorter than her only makes my situation seem hopeless. But I won't go down without a fight, no.

The baby

She is attacking me just because I cannot fight back due to her fragile state. If I hurt her, she may use it as an excuse and turn Jack and Paul against me.

"Let go!"

"Hm! Not so tough ey?"

"Pattie, don't act like a savage. You're pregnant for chrissake. If anything happens to that baby, will you forgive your-"

"Shut up!" She screams pulling the handful of my hair in her fist.
The pain explodes again.
If this goes on, she might actually rip my hair straight out of my head.
"Do you know what the world is about to become because of you? Because of your greed to be the best organization? You have no freaking idea because your goddamn memory has been blocked. How I wish they had killed you instead..."

As she continues yelling like a maniac, I secretly reach for the watch around my left wrist and tap twice, sending a message to whoever is monitoring my heart rate of the possible danger.

Pattie is a threat to me right now.
If not for the baby, I may have attacked her already.

"I hate you, Annie. I wish I never met you in my life. I wish Jack never met or looked at you. You're the biggest hoe in-"

Uniformed men suddenly barge in the kitchen from the door ahead of us. They carry with them guns of all sizes which are held up and aimed at us.
Could they be...
Some fear makes its way to my chest as they quickly fill the room surrounding us, their intimidating weapons still raised.

From the group, a young man who appears to be in his twenties, though seemingly older than me, steps forward. He holds no weapon, but the crossed glint in his eyes radiates a dangerous aura.
They are strictly trained on the woman assaulting me by my hair.

"Let, her, go!" The man orders sharply. His tone possesses a no-nonsense flame that feels ready to burn Pattie alive.

"Wha-what are you guys do-doing h-here?"

"You're holding Miss Raynatt in an attacking manner. A crime against Black Blood. One deserving of death."
Wow, so serious.
But what is Black Blood?
Why does the name make my heart feel both anxious and relaxed at the same time like I have a pending responsibility for them?

"Tell the-them to lower their g-g-guns!"

The dense fear swirling in her is evident in her shaking voice.
It sounds like a sweet melody to my ears to hear Pattie so timid.

The man standing firmly in front of us doesn't move an inch or say anything. He just glares at Pattie.
Are they the security team Jack said will always be protecting me when he's not in the house?
If so, then I'm the luckiest idiot alive.

"Our only mission is to protect 'her'-" his eyes fall on me softening, "-killing you this very second is not our concern."

"How dare you?! Have you forgotten so fast whose child I'm carrying?"

"Neither your nor your child matter to us. Now will you let go of her before we take action?"

"Fuck you all!" She screams pushing me forward ruthlessly.
The man darts closer to receive my unstable body before I stumble over.

"Are you okay?" His tone is as soft as a lover's but without any intimacy attached to it.
And when I look up, I see the utmost genuine care in his green eyes and feel a sense of familiarity with him.
I give a nod moving away from him.
"Take her away and lock her up. He'll come to deal with his problem himself." The man gives a strict order and in an instant, Pattie is dragged out of the kitchen, screaming and cursing me all sorts of insults known to man.

The rest of the security also exit as silently as they had come in, their guns lowered as a sign of faded danger.
Now I'm left alone with this man who seems to care about me in his own way.

"Who, who are you?" I ask after a tough battle with courage.

"I'm afraid I cannot answer your question, Miss. But I promise you with my life that we're doing everything we can to help you restore your memory. I'm sorry for what you've just experienced, it won't happen again. I'll take on the task of protecting you again."

"Again?" My right eyebrow lifts, suspicious of his words.

"Yes, Miss. Your life is very important to thousands of people out there. They all await your return."

"They? Who?"

He presses his lips together, then relaxes them as if giving in to a certain thought. "You don't need to know this right now. Focus on getting better and staying healthy."

Staying healthy.
That sentence suddenly jolts my senses in place, reminding me of the amazing sex I had last night with Jack...unprotected sex.

Some heat suddenly creeps in my face.
My gaze falls to the side to what I'm about to ask this stranger to get me.
Or should I call Jack? No, he's always damn busy.

"Um...could you...could you get me some...some..."

"Please, let me know how I can be of help to you."

My heart begins racing. Why am I afraid of asking him to buy me some emergency pills? I'm a bold grownup who can-

A sudden explosion from somewhere close roars through the morning air, followed by a light tremor.
The man quicky grabs and swings my body till we're both lying on the ground.
My breathing by now sounds like a bull straight from a fight. And my heartbeats sound like battle drums are inside my chest.

The explosion sounded so real and lethal.
What just happened, and...where?

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