65) Kissing Jack in front of Pattie

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Why does my chest boil with so much anger? Why does seeing Jack and Pattie so close make me want to smack the both of them?

I groan in my head, suffering from the emotional burden I should not be carrying over a man whose attitude changes faster than the weather.
"Annie?" Jack calls out as I run away from his office.

I increase my speed and fly up the stairs, heading straight for my room.
He can cook by himself just fine and eat it all. Or have Pattie help him do all that. I refuse to be a substitute for Jack to play around with.
It's already enough that I've been silently taking in Pattie's petty actions against me for the last two weeks.
Everyone has a limit to what they can bear.

Yes, it felt nice and cozy being in his arms for the past incidents, but I cannot allow myself to walk down a road where I will end up hurt.

"Annie stop!" He yells.

"Leave me alone!" I cry in anguish as I come to a sudden halt. My legs slowly start moving, not walking forward, but instead, I am turning around.
Tears blur my sight, making it impossible to see the expression on his face when he gets to me.
"What?" I ask, expressing a tinge of emotional fatigue.

"What you just seen is no-"

"Jack, you don't owe me an explanation. You don't need to explain a thing to me."

He takes a step closer, getting rid of the small distance that is between us.
"Then why have you run off? Why-" his hand lifts to cup my face and his thumb brushes my left eye with care, "-do you have tears in-"

I dash backward before he evokes more emotions in me that may spiral out of control.
My head tilts sideways as I say my heartfelt words, "Whatever has been happening between us is wrong. I admit to having unholy desires towards you, but you have been leading me on. But I know that you and I will never be-"

A hand grabs me by my chin as another snakes on my back. My head is turned to face him, then angled upwards. "Those words mean nothing to me. You, will always be mine. And I, I'll always belong to only, you."

A gap rips my lips apart as shock fills every cell and vein in my body. Has he just confessed his feelings to me?
With my tears gone, I can see the way his blue eyes sparkle with life. They authenticate his words, leaving me feeling even more confused than ever.

My eyes quietly drop to his lips.
They look so inviting as they always do. Beckoning me to claim them.

When I glance into Jack's eyes, I can tell that he is thinking of the same thing I am.

From the edge of his left arm, I spot Pattie standing a distance behind him, her eyes raging with envy and her fists ready to blast me to pieces.
'Do it,' a devilish voice whispers in my head and suddenly, I feel this odd urge to kiss Jack and have her watch me.

Since he claims we belong to each other, what better way to test his words than kissing him in front of the 'other woman'?

My hands quickly slide up his chest to wind on his neck. But I'm a little shorter, making the supposed-to-be romantic scene look and feel damn awkward.
A humored soft chuckle escapes Jack who is now leaning down to level our faces.
"What now?" He whispers. A hot kind of whisper that electrifies my heart, almost sending me into cardiac arrest.

Having his face so close and his breaths so warm on mine arouses a different sensation. One that makes me forget everything else around us. It's just him and I.

Before the courage to risk my neck evades me, I dice in for the kill. My lips smash against his without any warning and my right hand slips in his hair, gripping a handful of it.

We instantly hold our breaths, letting our mouths do the battle which needs no words nor weapons...only tongues and lips.
I feel my hands stray further, hooking around Jack's neck to hold him to my height and continue assaulting his lips. Well, since he doesn't seem to mind, why should I stop?

Pattie's gasp graces the air like a sweet melody, but none of us pays any attention to her.

We're lost...in each other.
We're drowning...in a pool of harmonious kisses.
We're bound...savoring the moment we share.

Forgetting the need to breathe, I go on and move my hand off his neck and fumble around till I pull the hem of his t-shirt up before sliding my naughty hand under it.
Jack chuckles again, this time, on my lips.
Have I gone too far in this petty game of envy?

I pull back, taking my hands with me. I do manage to retrieve the one on his neck but fail to reclaim the other one when he holds it in place by wrapping his own my wrist.

Jack straightens in all his six-foot-something glory, a mischievous look on his face and a lustful glitter in his eyes.

My eyes dash away, heat spreading in my face from the embarrassment of what I've just done.

"No need to feel self-conscious, my whole body-" he moves his t-shirt up, exposing my palm pressing on his firm abs, "-is all yours."
The look on his attractive face makes me feel even more embarrassed.

But Jack feels the opposite.
He goes ahead and pulls the t-shirt fully off of him with only one hand.

He is serious. Dead serious.
But I had kissed him to make Pattie jealous. I hadn't anticipated this occurrence.
When I hesitate, Jack grabs my other hand and presses them both on his abdomen. "There, was that hard to do?"

"We sh...sh...sh-"

"Shouldn't what?" He asks in a sensual voice. One that makes my entire pussy clench as if breathing.
Oh lawd!
Such temptation!
Such lust!
Such a perfect body!

Contradicting my mouth, my hands begin feeling Jack's abdomen while we stare at each other.
"Take it as payment for what I owe you for yesterday."

What did he- oh, he groped me.

The memory of it suddenly flips a dangerous switch inside me.
"If it's payment, then this isn't enough."

"Oh?! Really? Then what i-"
His eyes peel wide and his mouth clamp shut to my right hand flying down to his crotch, grabbing as much of him as my small hand can.
Just as I suspected, he's already hard. The bulge is too big to fit in my hand.

Feeling such a hard cock makes my sexual hunger sweep back in. Images of him penetrating me begin to flood my mind. And I cannot tell whether they're made up or pieces of my memories. 
Whatever they are, I just want them to be real at this, very, moment.

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