34) Expensive arrogance

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       ****JACK'S POV****

I woke with a splitting headache that threatened to make my head explode if I didn't appease it.
   "Argh!" I groaned forcing myself to sit up.

The direct contact of skin and fabric left questions inside my crowded mind. Why was I naked? Where was I?
   There weren't enough memories to answer the first question, but the second one was answered by the familiar decor and curtains. I was in my room.

My right hand reached out for the telephone fixed next to the headboard. I rang downstairs and asked for some painkillers and a glass of juice.
   I was having the worst headache.
It felt like an army was in there, cutting and slashing at my brain. Why was it so intense?

After a minute, a knock came from the other side of the door.
    "Come in."

One of the maids rushed in carrying a small tray, her eyes on the floor to avoid mine.
  "Good morning Sir," she greeted setting the tray on the night table. "Is there anything else, Sir?"

  I could feel it.
She knew something that I probably didn't and she wanted me to ask so she could spill everything. But from the flush now consuming her cheeks, I refrained from any conversation with her.

   "No, you may leave."

She gave a short bow and scurried out of the room. But not before peeking at me as she closed the door.

   That was insignificant as to getting rid of the headache so I could recollect my memories. But from the scent on my bedding, I had an idea about who had led to me being naked.

I took the painkillers and slid to lie on my back, waiting for the ache to subside before I could attempt to force my brain to overwork.
Ten minutes later, the pain had started dimming. Some images flashed before my eyesight, intimate images.
   There was Annie's boobs, her ass, my cock slamming inside her like I had never had sex in decades.

All the major memories swam back, but I still couldn't understand why Annie had left the room. It had been our first sex after five years, she should have at least stayed till morning and woken me up with a kiss or maybe a slap, anything.

   I abandoned the bed and headed straight for the bathroom. A cold shower was much needed to sober me up wholly before I could go out looking for her.


       "What do you mean she left?" I roared angrily at Stan. "In the middle of the night? Where is she?"

Stan hesitated to answer.
My rage was boiling more than lava could. My blood was running wild while my adrenaline fuelled my anger. My fists hardened, suppressing the urge to punch a wall or the desk in front of me.

   I lifted my rage-corrupted eyes at Stan who still held all his composure despite the anger I was spitting at him.
    "She visited someone in Berry Sky."

Berry Sky?
Which friend of hers lived the-

   "Paul?" I snapped with my eyes enlarging and my heart ceasing to beat. My Annie had gone to visit another man in the middle of the night and she hadn't come back? She had left right after our lovemaking session and not even bothered to leave a note or a text.
What could have possibly made her flee after sharing such an intimate with me?

    Whatever the reason was, I wanted to hear it straight from that mouth of hers.

   "Take me there!"


              ****3rd POV****

Shadow assassins surrounded the apartment from the nearby buildings while normal guards flooded outside the apartment gates under Jack's orders.

   His men waited patiently for any person coming out or going into the building. And when a young man maybe in his mid twenties showed up, he was quietly grabbed and directed into a van.

   "What are you do-let me go man!"

He was thrown in a black van that was out of the CCTV camera range. Inside, sat Jack on a posh white seat, slowly drowning some tequila.
     His eyes had darkened from anger, and his face seemed like an extract of a Viking warrior from a movie.

   The younger male tensed, sensing the hostility in the air. He held his breath, afraid of provoking the intimidating older male seated so calmly yet possessed a murderous veil on his face.

    "Y-you, you want my money?"

Jack laughed setting the glass on the table beside his chair. Money?
   How funny.
He was there to offer him real money, not some insignificant hundred dollars.

Jack reached for the silver briefcase standing next to his legs and threw it before the young man arrogantly.
    "Half a million dollars. Give me the gate's code."

The second male's face went blank. Was this a prank? Was he being auditioned for a role in a movie he didn't submit?
  No. The older male seemed dead serious.

"Is thi-"

   "Hurry up boy. I'm running out of patience. What's the code?" Jack demanded and the younger male gasped frightened. He had seen the strange cars along the road, they seemed like the kind that would silence one for life.
     "Six-three-one-eight-one-two!" The scared male spat out like he was aspiring to be the next Eminem.

"Good," Jack said with a smug smirk before knocking twice on the van's wall.

   The door was immediately slid open by Stan. He grabbed the stranger out along with the briefcase full of money. "If you dare breathe a word of what just happened to anyone, I'll find you in whichever hole you will hide and cut that tongue of yours, do you understand?" Stan hissed with a sinister look on his face.

    Clinging to the briefcase for dear life, the young man shook his head like a bobblehead that was about to malfunction.

   Stan let go of his shirt and pushed him away from the van, "Scram!"

Two guards hurriedly escorted him away from the site, not caring where he would go for the time being as long as he would not interfere with their boss's business.

    Stan turned around, clearing any emotions from his face to tend to his boss.
  Jack repeated the code to him, then leaned back on the seat to wait for his men to clear the way.

  It felt nice having such power.
Even if the damned cops showed up, they would not being themselves to lay a finger on him. After all, nobody had been harmed. Everything had been a money exchange process which wasn't illegal. Not like he cared whether it was anyway.

      Stan showed up two minutes later.
"Sir, everything's ready," he announced.

Jack sighed setting the glass aside once more. In a composed and dominant manner, he got off the van and started walking towards the open gates.
   His guards were suddenly on high alert.
Yes, it did feel fucking awesome being at the top. Having people work for him, even, die for him.

  He was there to show Annie that only he could provide such security. That only he could own her. He wanted to let Paul witness what power felt like. Power, that he'd work for a few more decades to achieve since he had no ambitions at the moment.

    He caught sight of Matt and a few of Annie's guards cornered in the parking lot and shamelessly smirked at them.
  They were okay, but his men were better at what they did. Shadows hadn't gained its reputation for nothing. His assassins were ranked first on the Dark World list.

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