3) Kiss me

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She looked different. The curls were gone. Her hair was now straight and dyed brownish around its ends. But her brown eyes still looked the same as five years ago.

   Her body had changed too.
She had gotten more curvy, and the tight clothes she had on tonight outlined it perfectly.

After the meeting, the elders had invited me for dinner. Well, everyone had been invited.
  They had planned all this, even booking an entire hotel for the whole night.

While my plan didn't go as planned(they hadn't signed the treaty yet), I was so damn happy Annie had made an appearance. Because gawd, she seemed so sexy than I remember. And if I was being honest, I never thought she would achieve all that she had. She had swept Black Blood like a tornado and taken whatever she wanted.

But there was a little someone on her way...Noah.

      "Mr Raynatt?" one of the three elders I sat with called.
I offered him my attention in a clueless gaze. "What is your opinion on the matter?"

Oh! They were discussing something.
But I had drifted off while secretly staring at Annie who sat at the next table with some more elders.
I really wasn't interested in whatever they were talking about. Heck! I wasn't even interested in their existence.

    "Excuse me." I placed my napkin next to my platter and rose.
Annie's eyes arrowed at my direction and I hastily acted like I didn't give a fuck about her being there.

Breaking off the eye contact, I made my way towards the door that lead to the bathrooms. I knew she would follow from the way she escorted me with her gaze.
The hallway was lit orange, giving it a little mystery unlike the rest of the dining area.

How long would it take before she came? I wondered as I stood outside the men bathroom door which was right opposite the women. Tik! Tik! The clock in my head moved. Three minutes, and all that I saw on that hallway was a tiny butterfly that was trying to flee from there.

   I huffed taken aback.

"You really have changed huh!"

Disappointed and struck with an injection of boredom, I made my way back to the dining area. Only to find her deep in conversation with Paul who now had joined their table.
  She flashed him a smile, right before our gazes collided.

My jaw clenched and my breathing paced up as my body prepared for a confrontation. But at the last second, I caged all that anger and headed straight for my table to bid those men a good night.
   I had no patience with Annie interacting with that son of a gun right now.

     "So soon?"

"Sorry. Something came up that needs my attention. I'll see you all in the next meeting."

With that, I walked my fuming ass out of that restaurant, ignoring the security at the doors bidding a good night.
   The hotel wasn't new to me. So were the employees.

Stan joined me as soon as I left he building.
  "Any problem Sir?"
He asked walking next to me.

"No. Go get the car."

"Right away Sir."

I watched him disappear towards the parking lot, leaving me by myself under the golden light cast by the humongous building behind me.

   Deep breaths.
My mind whispered in attempts of calming me down. And it worked.
I breathed in the fresh cool air that was hanging around.
  The climate was making way for winter, and I couldn't help but reminisce in the memories of Annie in those cute fluffy jackets and gloves.

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