57) Brewing danger

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****3rd POV****

Thick darkness encircles the large oval table. It caresses the backs of the ten mysterious figures seated around the table as the single lamp fights to keep it at bay.

Their faces remain hidden behind the different masks they wear, shielding each from the other.

"... it's about to start," one says, his voice tampered with, leaving it genderless even though his frame is clearly masculine.

The tension clinging to the atmosphere they share grows heavier by the second. They eye each other, exchanging silent fear that needs no direct eye contact or words.
"We can stop them again. We did it once, we can-"

"We have failed!" The first male roars, silencing the second. "Our useless watchers failed to collect such delicate data when it would have been useful."

"This is Mr. North America's failure," a female accuses directing her masked face at the manly frame seated next to the first speaker.

NA(North America) raises his bowed head and glances at their leader, Mr Global who sits right next to him wearing a lion mask.

"Punishment will be given accordingly. But our main focus is the so-called project Beta," Mr Global reminds them, sending his hidden scowl at Ms. East Asia who has just accused her colleague.

"We should have wiped the damned organization years ago. Why did we leave those rascals?" Another member speaks up angrily.

"We need balance in the underworld. Wiping out such a large organization would have created unnecessary consequences," another one answers.

"What we are about to face is the same as what would have happened years ago."

Mr Global lets out a deflated sigh.
"Looks like a war is inevitable."

"We still have time to fight them before things-"

"Fight them? Have you not heard of Shadows? Jackson Raynatt is now protecting Black Blood. We cannot afford to hit them directly."

"Dammit! What kind of fucking situation is this?"

More of the members representing their territories rant out, while secretly blaming Mr NA for his failure. Because of him, the underworld will soon be thrown into chaos. Chaos that could have been avoided years or maybe even months ago before Project Beta was initiated.
Instability in the underworld will mean the real world will be disrupted as well, and the WSG might not come out as the victors, not with Jackson Raynatt still alive and protecting Black Blood.

"Silence!" Mr Global smacks the table, demanding all the attention from his subordinates. "All we can do now is to take Jackson Raynatt down. Without Shadows' protection, Black Blood will be left vulnerable. When that time comes, a bloody war can be avoided."

Most of them nod their heads, agreeing with their leader's wise plan.

"My people are on the move. It won't be long before he falls into our trap," the man wearing a devil's mask informs them.

All eyes are averted on him, staring at him with deep curiosity even though he cannot see.
"Yes, Mr. South America volunteered to aid his brother," Mr. Global adds, his fingers tapping the table out of habit. "But in case things go south, plan B will be...war."

War...the word sinks heavily inside each of them.

*****JACK'S POV****

I stare at the codes on my phone, a secret language that only Shadows agents can understand.
'WSG meeting.' It reads.

I drop the gadget on my desk carelessly, caring not if it slides and smacks on the floor. The knowledge of WSG having a meeting scares me.
The horizon is shifting colors.
The air is growing dense.
What was to come, will come.
And I can feel it under my skin, in my heart, in my soul, and in my head...a war is imminent.

My head raises towards the door, but when the knocks come a second time, my eyes avert to the adjacent door that had been locked for years.

"Come in."

I pick up the phone and begin to scroll the apps to appear busy. I clear the worried veil that had been glued on my face half a minute ago and settle for a relaxed one that is neither friendly nor hostile.
I need her to feel intimidated by me while also maintaining a relatable intimacy that isn't stressful to her condition.

The door swings open and a smiling Annie walks in holding a green file against her chest. Her hair is now held up in a high ponytail, enhancing her facial features which are pleasing to any man's eyes. She's simply too adorable to be in another man's arms.

"Um...here you go. I've corrected some-"

"Come here," I interrupt her.

Our eyes meet as she places the file gently on the desk. Her eyebrows are raised questioningly, probably wondering if she had heard my request clearly.

I motion the space next to my chair with my head and reach out for the keyboard.
"Oh!" She pouts childishly, unknown to her that I can see it.

After a few clicks and navigations, the screen is suddenly filled with Shadows' secret codes alongside what they represent.
"Hurry up," I order noting how sluggish Annie is moving.
I can feel her fear and can see her hesitation. Good signs of our progressing relationship.

She comes closer, but not enough.
Without saying a word, I grab the other side of her waist and pull her towards myself till her hip smacks the chair arm.
She gasps shocked, but doesn't protest or dash away.

"Take a look at this..."

She leans down, her eyes widening at the strange symbols on the computer screen.
"What is...what is this?" She asks glancing to the side at me.

"Our cipher, known by the best of the best of my workers. You should make an effort to learn it as well."

Annie's face drops in a frown. "It looks odd. Why do I have to learn it?"

I sigh letting go of her waist. Why does she always have to question whatever I tell her?
"It's important," I offer a vague answer.

"Do I have to?"

I send a glare up to her pouting face. The urge to laugh at how silly and cute she appears almost wins, but my cold side pounds it back to the darkness.
I cannot indulge her stubbornness in a time like this. Now that the WSG had their meeting which only happened when there was a global emergency, keeping her under my nose is more important than anything else.

Project Beta is her baby, I am obliged to protect it to the end as her man. Maybe when all of this has passed, I can think of having an actual baby with her.

She'll have her big beautiful eyes, and hopefully not her stubborn nature. She can be spoiled as long as she doesn't grow to be a heartless devil like Pattie.
Ah, Pattie's child as well.
No way I will let her raise that child.

"Jack? Jack?"

"Huh?" I quickly look away, embarrassed at how blankly I've just stared at her. "Um... go back to your office. I'll send it to you."

"But Jack...I don't want to learn this. I might pass out-"
My head snaps in her direction, suddenly concerned by her words.

I push the chair back while rising to my full height.
Annie's eyes grow an inch wider as they stare up at me. I can feel her uneasiness deepen as we share the gaze.
"If you're feeling unwell, let me know right now so I can call the doctor."

"Doc- what, no... I'm fine Jack," she reassures and adds a half chuckle.

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