5) Aroused

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It felt as if time had slowed down in the last minute of waiting. Patiently, fuck no, I was pacing up and down in front of Daisy's hospital bed and checking my phone every two seconds.

    Why was he taking so long to reply?
Was he busy?
Perhaps he was ignoring me?!

Argh! It was torturous being this edgy, even though I had sent that text like sixty seconds ago.

    Honey, do you expect him to reply that quickly? Priorities changed. You're no longer his problem or his princess. My conscious mocked.

I suddenly paused and checked the black screen. My sweaty finger pressed the on and off button and the the screen lit up. But still, no single notification.

     Without thinking straight, I unlocked the device and our chat popped up. Well, it was more of me texting him to meet for coffee and him being silent.
Gawd! What was I doing?
Was I even ready to talk to him about anything that happened in the past five years?

Somehow, the past three days had stirred restlessness during the nights and distracted me during daytime. I hadn't concentrated on a damn thing. All that was playing in my head was Jack's cold gaze. He had never looked at me like that ever. And the slightest possibility of him hating me had caused such a bizarre disturbance in my soul.

    My thumbs flew over the keyboard, typing a new message.

Be professional.

"Don't overthink it. It's about that treaty."
I stared at the text for half a minute, then hit the send icon.

     "Fuuuuck!" I grunted running a hand through the soft mass of my straight hair.

"Do I want to do this?" I doubted myself for the tenth time.

It would have been better if things stayed as they are, but...

   The notification tone rang out.
My phone almost slipped out of my hands from how fast I whipped it up to my face.

Jack; My house.

I stared at that text for eternity.

Had he gotten the messages mixed up with someone else's?

Two words. Two exciting and terrifying words that made my heart flutter and pound at the same time.

Me; You sure?
Jack responded almost immediately.

Jack; Safest place.

My excitement dulled instantly. He really took this meetup as a formal meeting. Bummer.

   But hey, I took whatever I could get.
It was a chance to see him again. A chance to see the place where we fucked each other like crazy.
His mansion held special memories in my sexual life.

Me; Okay.


      The mansion looked exactly as it did when I left. The lounge had not had much change except for a blue plastic egg that sat on the glass table before me. This was his idea of decor. Of course it had to be an egg.

Most of the faces I had encountered upon arriving were new, all giving me the same look...blank stares.

     My eyes shot to the wall clock right above the huge smart TV.
Twelve sixteen, it read.

I had been on that couch for over fifteen minutes while Jack was god-knows-where doing satan-knows-what.

   Why did it feel like he was punishing me?

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