24) Using my baby mama

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The door swung in with a bang.
A little more force and the glass would have fallen right off of it.

I held my silence and observed as the blonde stormed in. She wore a charming red dress that outlined her curves just right. Her tummy was still flat. It'd be impossible for anyone else to tell that she was indeed pregnant.

"I know what you did!" Pattie screamed abandoning the door without closing it.


Irritated of failing to acquire a response from me, Pattie rushed over to the desk and smacked her silver purse on the empty side. "Why did you allow her to live with you?"

I glared into her eyes, their color now a light blue. Almost matching, mine. The lenses were so convincing but not as enticing as the natural ones.

"We had a deal. You and I would be together for the sake of this baby."

Her words irritatingly tickled me. I heard myself let out a snort while moving back to settle comfortably on the chair.
How could a person cling on to something that never did happen? Pattie and I did have history, but even back then, there was no love involved between us. It was only pleasure meetups that she initiated.

Before Annie happened, I was never the loving kind. Never the caring type.

"What deal?"

Pattie gasped out loud, making such an ugly expression that would have been enough to scare off a few ghosts.
"How dare you go back on your-"

"Can we not do this," I cut in, speaking with my cold tone that entertained zero nonsense.

"I will not allow this to go on I swear to God!"

I chuckled, amused by her certainty. The worst she could do was terminate the pregnancy for she couldn't harm even a hair on Annie.
But her barging in had me thinking; that she had a spy in my house. One of those workers was a bug she had planted or had converted to work for her. That, had to be taken care of as soon as possible.

"If you're feeling unwell, I can arrange for you the best doctors in the world."

She gasped once more, her fair skin growing paler.

"If she's living with you, then I'll come live with you as well."

My brows furrowed.
Such a wild suggestion. How dare she think I'd take in garbage and live with it!

"Pattie," I called, feeling like the last thread of calmness was about to snap. "I really don't want to handle you as a threat to me or my organization. But if you keep up with this fucking drama, God help me, I'll be so ruthless to you that you'll regret ever meeting me."

Dismissing my threat, she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms under her breasts. "My uncle works for the WSG if anything happens to me, Shadows and that fucking Black Blood are done for. I'm sure you have information on WSG."
She was bragging and threatening me at the same time.

World Shadow Government(WSG), the most powerful ghost organization in the world. And Shadows was already on their blacklist due to my intelligent network. They were afraid I'd uncover and expose them to the world.
They controlled all the governments in the world. Controlled the Presidents and all their actions. If they decided that a particular leadership did not need to exist, that would be the end of it.

That was why I was doing my best to keep Project Beta a top secret by eliminating any information that could leave California. I had hacked into numerous organizations and cleared the existence of Annie's dear project.

If WSG got to know of the project, then it'd be a matter of days before they invaded Black Blood. That was why I exposed the cursed traitor who had leaked the project to other organizations leading to his death in Annie's hands a few weeks ago. If it were up to me, I'd have made sure he had been slowly tortured till his sanity vanished.

"W.S.G," I repeated in a slow and mocking tone. "What's so great about them?"

Her mouth opened to speak but then held herself back. I had always known that her so-called uncle worked for them, but it wasn't until then that a vicious idea slipped into my mind.

I could use her.
She had some connection with an outside hand of the WSG. If I could find the perfect opportunity and hack him, I would have an advantage over them. After all, governments relied on their subjects for them to function. If the people knew who the WSG was, then the power would slip from their fingers like running water. Or better yet, earn myself a seat at their table.

I grinned, and in turn, earned myself a confused gaze from her.

"Wha-why are you..." Her hands slowly dropped to her sides. Her superficial blue eyes studied me with such curiosity.

"I agree."


I sighed, feeling so damn good about myself. How come I had never thought of such a brilliant idea?

"You can live with me."

Pattie's entire body changed. Her face started gaining color, with patches of pink around her cheeks.
She flapped her hands, fanning her face while experiencing a hysterical reaction.

"Really Jack? I can move in?"

I nodded, swinging my chair side to side in short movements while enjoying the dramatic show displayed by the blonde.

"But... I have some rules for you."

She threw herself down, leaning over the desk with her palms flat on the surface. She was flushed, from her cheeks to her ears.

"Anything," Pattie beamed.

"One; don't dare come in my room, or Annie's. Two; don't be dramatic in my house. Three; don't interfere with my business. And four; after you deliver the child, you will leave the house."

Her face flooded with all sorts of emotions, from disapproval to frustration to delight.

     "I have...six months with you!" Pattie squealed dashing back to stand upright.

Having her stay with me could solve at least two problems; one being the WSG and the second being the pregnancy. With her living in the mansion, I could easily monitor my child till they were born without having to endure any public drama.

   I was yet to know of the baby's gender till it was around eleven weeks. Technology around hospitals hadn't developed much, unlike the high-tech Shadows used.

  "Go pack up, I'll have someone fetch you."

       "Okay. Okay. See you later honey."
Pattie grabbed her purse and skimped out of the office. Never before had I seen her so elated. One could have easily believed that she had just tamed an Angel.

Keeping her happy would save me a few baby mama dramas, but I wasn't planning on going to the extreme to achieve it.
   The only obstacle in my path was someone called, Annie.
     She would make a fuss upon receiving news of Pattie joining us.
The two had never liked each other, much less want to live together.

All I could do for them when the time came was avoid both of them till one of them gave up...preferably Pattie.

     Annie could stay for as long as she wanted. I wanted her to stay.
Maybe I could try explaining the real situation to her than anyone else doing it for me.

She would understand, right?

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