2) We meet again

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***Note; thanks a lot. I really can't put it in words how grateful I am. To the new followed on my profile, hearts ❤️❤️❤️...
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      "Everything is ready, Boss." Matt affirmed while holding the door open for me.
I stepped out of the car, dressed in the most mundane way possible. The aim was to blend in, and not attract any attention.

   This very hospital was under Black Blood, jointly owned by my paternal grandfather that was among the four founding pillars of the organization.
Now it was part of my inheritance.

But still, I had arranged a tight security, with three snipers at the surrounding buildings and ground men observing from cars, nearby restaurants and some as civilians walking by.

    I knew how much Noah wanted to take me out, just as much as I wanted him gone from this world.

Comfortable in a pair of rugged blue jeans, a little black top and some shades, I made my way towards the doors while Paul parked the car.
    He caught up with me when I halted in front of the reception desk.

   "You're getting old." I teased him as my hand slid a black card with a rose imprinted on the counter.

  "Must be all the workouts." He said flexing his arm proudly.

  "Shouldn't they make you faster?"

We shared a brief eye contact of poking his ego before facing the receptionist who seemed to have grown pale while typing in the visitation details on her computer.

   They always had the same reaction upon seeing that VIP card. But it had more to do with what it represented other than special services. The black rose was the signature of Black Blood. And workers around here were aware of the old ways of the group.
    They had no idea that most of the cruel rules had changed, so had the leadership after I managed to tame two of the four heirs and made them swear their loyalty to me.

      The card was handed back right as a nurse showed up.
Before the receptionist could fill in the nurse about where we were going, the female in a white uniform smiled at us.
      "Miss Raynatt. This way please." Nurse Lilly directed.

I smiled back and followed her with Paul beside me.

We took an elevator to the third floor. It was always dead quiet on this floor except the little beeps from the heart monitors in the private rooms. The air too was cool and fresh unlike the other floors which smelled of medicine and sometimes blood.

     Lilly led us into Daisy's room where she laid still on the bed that had gradually become hers.

  "Any changes?" I asked.

"No Miss." She answered handing me Daisy's report which had a bunch of records of her heart rat, blood pressure and all that.

I received it and walked to sit on the chair in front of the bed.

   "You may leave." Paul released her.

A few soft footsteps and the door shut quietly from the corner of my eye.

  "Hello bestie." I whispered. "It's almost winter. You'd be sulking from the incoming weather."

I put down the report beside the neat pile of books, then picked up the novel seated on top of its kind. As I opened the page with the marker, Paul lowered himself on the blue couch positioned under the large window.

    Everyday, Lily had to read Daisy something, but I tasked myself with reading her her favorite novel genre. Hoping that through some miracle, she would eventually wake up and recover.

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