Izzy: Uh,

Cole: You don't know how? 

Izzy: Hey, I've been with you guys all my life. I only know how to read your language. 

Jay: Okay, understandable. 

Cole: Aw, we should have brought Zane.

Kai: Well we might as well flip a coin.

Jay: Oh, what's the difference. Which tunnel was it again?

Cole: I say we go back and—Aah! (A blade is pointed at him. Three Hypnobrai surround them.)

(Back above ground, Zane, Lloyd, Coral, and Nya run through the streets.)

Zane: They must be headed for the south side of the city.

Nya: But why? There's nothing there.

Zane: We must assume that the Deceiver is there.

Lloyd: Zane. Can you find us a shortcut? So we can get ahead of her?

Zane: Cross referencing alternative routes. I have plotted the fastest route. This way. (They run to a freeway.) Jump! (They jump on a shuttle bus.)

Lloyd: (He sees Fire Fang.) There she is.

Zane: Now. (They jump off.)

Nya: So what's the plan?

Zane: I have an idea. (He runs in the opposite direction.)

Nya: But Aspheera's over there! 

Coral: Where are you going? 

Zane: I will return.

Lloyd: You both distract her while I try to get that scroll back. (He jumps onto a building and sees the distance to the next.) Here goes nothing. (He uses his Spinjitzu to glide across.)

Nya: (She sees a group of Pyro Vipers.) Hiyah, fellas. (She fights them off.) 

Coral: Ninja, go! (She uses spinjitzu.) 

Aspheera: (She sees them.) Again? These ninja are a plague. Fire Fang, destroy them. (Nya and Coral dodge Fire Fang's attacks.) 

Nya: Sorry, but I have other plans. (She tries to use the water from a fire hydrant, but Fire Fang evaporates it. She sees Lloyd on a building.) Lloyd. I hope this works. Hey! Not done yet, fire worm! (She uses water from a canal.)

Aspheera: Destroy them! Nothing will stand in the way of my vengeance. (She levitates three cars, but Coral creates a crystal barricade.) 

Lloyd: Hang in there, Nya and Coral. (He secretly climbs on Fire Fang.) 

Aspheera: Again! Blast it again, Fire Fang.

Lloyd: Surprise! (He attacks Aspheera, but she spins him off the scroll. He parkours his way down to the ground.)

Char: There! Get them! (The three are surrounded.)

Nya: Lloyd!

Lloyd: Where's Zane?

Nya: Beats me. (Before they are attacked, blast on ice rain down. They then look up to see Zane with the ShuriCopter.)

Aspheera: You! (Zane creates an ice wall.) 

Coral: Good thinking Zane. Let's make it extra strong! (She uses her Crystals to create another layer.) 

Aspheera: This grows tiresome. Fire Fang, destroy them! (Fire Fang breaths fire at the wall, making it start to crack.) 

Zane: Hop on! (He lets out a rope, and they all climb on before they are caught.)

Nya: What now?

Coral: Now we retreat and figure out another plan. 

Lloyd: I sure hope the others are doing better than we are.

(Kai, Cole, Izzy, and Jay are pushed in front of a door.)

Cole: Hey, watch it.

Jay: Yeah, we're friends with Skales, you know.

Kai: And he's not gonna be happy when he hears you were shoving us around. (The door opens and Skales slithers out.)

Skales: Is that what we are? Friends?

Kai: Uh, s-sure we are. Right...pal?

Izzy: Yeah, snakes have to trust each other right? 

Skales: Every time you come down here, it's because someone is trying to destroy the surface world.

Cole: Uh, hehe.

Kai: You're right. We're here because someone is attacking the surface world and we need your help, okay? We need to know about Aspheera and the Treacherous Deceiver.

Skales: Aspheera is a part of our history. But, this other name. Treacherous Deceiver. This I have never heard. But there is one who may know. Follow me. (He leads them to the Serpentine's library.)

Ninja: (Gasp.) Woah.

Izzy: Incredible. I'm going to have to learn how to read Serpentine and get my own library card. 

Skales: This is Acidicus. (Acidicus is reading Clutch Powers' book.) He runs our library. He loves books. They wish to know about Aspheera and the Treacherous Deceiver.

Acidicus: Aspheera, who tried to overthrow King Mambo V and the Treacherous Deceiver, who betrayed her. Yes. I know of this tale. (He grabs a book.) In the time of the First Spinjitzu Master, there was a truce between humans and Serpentine. Humans were forbidden to enter the valley of Serpentine, and the Serpentine were forbidden from human lands. But one whimful child disobeyed the law. A boy went along the Serpentine and was caught. He would have been punished but he was rescued by a Serpentine girl. The girl and the boy became friends. But the boy was evil and corrupted the Serpentine girl. He turned her against her own king and was betrayed by the boy.

Cole: (He points to an illustration.) Hey, does that look familiar to anyone?

Kai: That's the scroll Aspheera stole from the museum.

Acidicus: It is the Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu.

Jay: Oh, boy. I think I just realized who the Treacherous Deceiver is.

Izzy: Really? 

Cole: Well, who?

Kai: Yeah, spit it out.

Jay: Ugh, think about it. Who's like, super, super, super old, and is treacherous enough to befriend a snake and then betray her?

Cole and Kai: Garmadon! (Jay nods.) 

Izzy: Wu! (Everyone looks at her.) Uh, I mean Garmadon! Yes, that's who I meant to say. (Chuckles.) 

(The quartet make it back to the Monastery of Spinjitzu and find Wu who is pacing around.)

Cole: Master Wu, something bad is happening! 

Jay: There's an evil Serpentine sorceress called Aspheera attacking the city!

Wu: Aspheera?

Kai: Yeah. Garmadon betrayed her and locked her in a pyramid for a thousand years.

Jay: And she is ticked off. She's not gonna stop until she finds him.

Wu: She is not looking for Garmadon. She is looking...for me.

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