Chapter 28: this is our way

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FLASHBACK, a few years prior

''.EXE, i have good news!'' Sarah came into the room, waving hands.

''hey sis. want some sushi?'' Xenophanes asked as she barged in. 

''nah, more for you. news is, you know how i'm a succubi? well, i ended up meeting some, and they all made me the succubi princess. it was agreed by democracy n' shit.'' Sarah excitedly said.

''brilliant! i knew this day would come!'' Xenophanes smirked.

[and yes, their parents overheard. while they were proud, they were concerned she would use this to get a higher power on a whim to destroy angels via human souls, as they have easily adapted to the whole angel and demon peace years ago, before they even had any kids]


''so your saying that while we hadn't seen each other since we broke up, you got injected with fallen angel DNA? is that how you became more enhanced with your skills?'' Tenzu was amazed.

''yeah, and now i feel stronger... just glad it saved my life'' Pico said. ''gotta thank my sister for that''

eventually, they arrived at Tenzu's house.

''well, nice meeting ya. see ya soon, mate'' Pico said, giving a thumbs up.

''you two'' Tenzu smiled.

the EX's high fived as Pico headed home. Tenzu then smirked, then grabbed his skateboard, and headed over to Sarah's house because of course. he knocked on the door.

''yes?'' it was her mother.

''oh... hey Ms. Mearest.'' Tenzu sweated a little.

''what brings you here? let me guess, my daughter. that's all you ever come here for.'' MM chuckled, folding her arms with a smug expression.

''um.... yeah.... but i have to ask.... can you help me learn to drive?'' Tenzu asked nervously.

''no can do, but the henchmen will'' MM said. ''good day.''

Tenzu then entered, tiping his cap.

''so where is Sarah?'' Tenzu asked.

''she.....  a bit upset. she thinks that you won't be together because of how she's a succubi princes'' MM said, in a low, worried tone.

''i'll try and talk with her'' Tenzu said. 

''she's in her room'' MM said, to which Tenzu then walked upstairs.

''babe.... are you okay...? is there anything wrong?'' Tenzu said, peering through the door, and saw Sarah, in her princess dress, and she was crying, and her makeup was splattered across the bottom of her eyes.

''are you okay? you are crying... don't cry... you know it hurts me...'' Tenzu said, grabbing her into his arms.

''we... we can't be together.... they will kill you.... the other succubi learned of you...'' Sarah bawled out.

''how....? how did this.... happen?'' Tenzu started to feel sad as well. he held onto Sarah with all his strength.

''.... it was .EXE.... he told those who knew me... he told them i was dating an angel..... i broke what was not to happen..... it's forbidden for a demon to be with an angel, even after the piece....'' Sarah kept bawling and crying.

''it's okay... let it all out.... i'm here.... cry on my shoulder...'' Tenzu tried comfort her. ''forget about them.... focus on us... focus on our future.... your the handpicked princess of succubi.... you can just tell them it's okay to do so now...''

''i... can't. they'll overthrow me. they'll look down upon me'' Sarah cried hard. ''i can't go to face them now... i fell in love with the very thing i swore to destroy.... right in a time of peace between 2 sworn enemies of heaven or hell.''

''no..... please. it's okay..... you don't have to worry about your position.... it's on me to face them if they came between us. it's my responsibility to show them that there can be love between an angel and a demon. this is our way.... and i'll be the one who protects it'' Tenzu said in a shaky tone, grabbing onto her, tears swelling into his eyes.

as Tenzu let Sarah cry onto his shoulder, and held onto her hard, he felt Mommy Mearest overhear them. she felt hurt seeing her daughter, but she knew Tenzu was there for her. she then came, hugging them both, to Tenzu's surprise. 

but there was one, who didn't take kindly to this.

.EXE angrily peered, barley containing his anger. he believed it was Tenzu who made her cry. 

one day, Tenzu will have to face him....

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