Chapter 1: genisis of a story

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[the past, 2021, funkin city, philly]

Tenzu 'Jack' Luis Hatsune's life was pretty difficult. even though he was an angel, had blond hair, had loving parents, and about 7 siblings, one of which was a rat his parents adopted in a Stuart little situation, and his older brother by 4 years, Kai, who seemingly died to a rare decease, he was very short and looked like a chibi and was bitten by a parasite at the age of 3. the parasite quickly grew into a black rash on his arm that also spread on his sleeve. the parasite was one of the ways that an angel becomes a fallen angel, which are evil angels. even worse, ever since he set foot into preschool, he was bullied and harassed by his classmates for the rash and his height, especially and mainly by the most popular kid, a white haired kid named Tabi [who looked to be 6]. this got to him quick, and he believed that he was worthless because everyone kept telling him so. except for one kid: a red haired girl named Pico. despite everything, Tenzu remained kind despite his circumstances.

however, somewhere in year 9 of school, Keith was being once again harassed by Tabi, as well as an antimorphic cat named Kapi. but luckily, he was saved by a trio consisting of Pico and his friends Nene and Darnell. Pico had recently been through a school shootout because a boy in her class who also had a crush on her, Cassandra, dismissed a lesson about bananas and has everyone open fire. Pico had saved all the remaining students and fighting of the goth kids, seemingly killing the goth leader, that being Cassandra. [writer's note: i'll explain why Cassandra is male at that time someday. i promise]. Pico and Tenzu started dating, even after Pico transitioned gender to male, but before having thier first kiss, Pico explained he had a disorder of sorts, causing them to break up after 2 years. however, to Tenzu's surprise, Tabi hadn't come back to pick on him because he backed away out of fear what Pico would do to him, so he dropped out. Keith later decided to wear glasses as it would make him look smart, but really it just made him dorky, especially considering he isn't very smart. even though nobody had bullied him since Pico, Nene and Darnell protected him, Tenzu still had a lack of confidence and was a coward. he was scared to make friends, and he believed he was a loser.

a month after the breakup, he met Ayana. thier relationship was like a fucking parasite and she cheated on him with someone else, so he dumped her after 2 months before even kissing her. he then used a dating app, where he met Mia, who turned out to be a drug user, Kia, a pain in the ass, and Lia, a serial killer who what i think is a leopard costume. he dumped her after one date and no kiss.

his luck was running out. he was aspiring to be both a rapper and something similar to an engineer. so he decided to lock himself in his room. he had a few push ups every day to stay fit. he got a six pack from it even though he still remains very skinny.

after about a month of being locked in

Tenzu was praying to god like he always did since he was a child, when he heard a knock.

''Tenzu? are you still in there? you need to come out. you might need some food.'' his mother, Alice, said. ''you need to get to school. it's your first day today. i have everything ready. it's not gonna be a long walk. the walk is only 10 minutes, i checked.''

''go away.......'' Tenzu sadly sighed. he couldn't leave. 

then, the parasite that was still on him made his eyes flash red for a bit. it was clear. he saw himself as a threat to the world, and he thought the solution was locking himself away.

just then, something miraculous happened. a tiny black sludge things with eyes and a mouth appeared on his shoulder and snuggled his cheek. Tenzu noticed this and smiled. the rash on his arm was no more, and in place was an adorable little pet.

''i'm going to call you Squidgy'' Tenzu smiled. he petted it. then, he found a sugar cube he kept and fed it to Squidgy. they loved it.

''i'll find more, little buddy'' Tenzu said. 

meanwhile, someone appeared behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. Tenzu turned to see a being on pure red, flashing cyan eyes with no pupils, a star scepter with an orb, a cyan scarf and a cyan halo. he looked a bit like Tenzu. he had spread cyan wings, and wore a black jacket. he had cyan horns coming out, and a tail that looked like that of a devil.

[that right, soul Bf from corruption reference]

then, the spirit said ''heya. long time no see''

''who... are you?'' Tenzu rubbed his eyes.

''don't you recognize me? Kai? your big brother?'' the spirit said. ''i'm your mind roommate now. got reincarnated by other angels so i can be your conscience''

''cool.... does mum and dad know of this?'' Tenzu asked.

''yeah'' Kai said.

''yeah..... when you were being picked on, i was still being reincarnated. i was able to be passed onto you so i can stop the parasite from spreading. i developed Squidgy a day ago. plus i imprinted on a fucking 3 year old recently.'' Kai said. ''and i can't age for now. funny how i died at 19. listen, bro. you need to go back to school. you can start fresh. come on, it's year 10 of school or bust. you are 17. stop being a fucking crybaby'' 

''.........'' after a bit of silence, Tenzu agreed. it was time to put the past behind him. ''okay.''

''good. now go out there. you only 30 minutes to get there before your late'' Kai said, patting him on the back. ''there is, however, one more thing i have to say.''

''yes?'' Tenzu asked. 

''i encountered the devil on your shoulder. his name is Vilefriend. he wants you to turn into a fallen angel so he can be gained life. i also met the guy in your brain space. call himself Kevin, or glitch Bf. he was a good guy.''

''well, come on.... Soul bf'' Tenzu smiled shyly, and walked off to get dressed, and put on his blue cap and brown armbands to hide Squidgy.

''soul bf... i like that'' Kai said. 

Tenzu, now fully dressed in his uniform and packing sugar cubes for Squidgy, walked down the stairs, ate his breakfast, grabbed his full bag his mom packed for him and his new laptop, and walked out the house, waving goodbye to his parents and siblings. Kai watched over him.

in 10 minutes like Alice said, Tenzu and Kai reached the school. Kai read the sign. it said ''welcome to funky high. the last stage of your journey to graduation.'' this was one of Kai's powers, he could zoom in on things. angels have a skillset each.

Tenzu walked through the school. no one noticed the fact that Kai was levitating not far behind, or even touched him for that matter. Tenzu checked his timetables. his first lesson was Maths.

shit. he thought. he always sucked at math. he ditched the glasses because it didn't look good on him. at least next was performing arts, then art.

''don't worry, i'll help you'' Kai reassured him. Tenzu then heard Squidgy lick him, then eat an ice cube. Tenzu smiled. 

while he was heading to class, he bumped into someone.

''ow, watch where your going.'' 

''sorry, i didn't see you there.'' Tenzu said. he stood up, and straightened his green pants, when he saw..... someone elegant. the person who he bumped into rubbed her head. she had red high heels, a pink jacket that was passed from her mom, a pretty yellow bow on her head, blue eyes, a red miniskirt, diamond earings, red fingernails a purple crop top and auburn hair. she was so beautiful, Tenzu started blushing. he couldn't stop staring at her. he felt love at first sight.

''you know, your really short. must be 3 feet tall'' the girl said.

''yeah. everyone says that''Tenzu said, eyeing her.

''well, nice knowing you, creep.'' the girl said.

she didn't mean to be rude, but she only was because she didn't understand that she was. Tenzu didn't care. he decided he had to ask her out. but.... how? it would never work out, he thought. she must be pretty popular, while he's a dirt sandwich.

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