Chapter 2: the group assignment

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Tenzu entered his homeroom. he realized he had that before any of his classes. he then entered the classroom. his teacher, Mr. Q, appeared next to him.

''hello everyone. i am Mr. Q, your homeroom teacher. now, i'm sure i've met all of you last year. well, we have a new student. he moved school for reasons i wasn't told. this is Tenzu Hatsune, but you can call him Jack. he prefers it that way. now, i was told by parents that he had experienced some..... trauma in the past. they also told me he was 3 feet tall. so please, be nice to him. he will sit between Sky and Sarah'' Mr. Q said. Tenzu then walked to his assigned seat. there, he sat between a girl with long light blue hair who looked to be his age wearing a witch hat, and the same girl he bumped into. 

damn the girl with the bow thought. it's the creep. 

Tenzu saw her and waved at her. the girl just sighed heavily.

''alright. roll call.'' Mr. Q said. ''Sky?''

''here!'' said the girl with the witch hat.


''here'' said a brown haired purple skinned dude with black bleeding eyes, red pupils, black shoes, red crystals on parts of his hair, a jacket and a shirt with an X that said ''world conquer in the making''


''here, teach'' said the girl with the yellow bow. 

Sarah. Tenzu imprinted the name into his mind.


''here'' said a guy with a purple bomb for a head, with orange eyes and white pupils.


''here'' a girl with a orange dress and green high heels said. she looked to be 19. this was her last year in school.


''here'' said a brown skinned African girl with a purple afro hair. 

after a while, everyone was assigned. then, Sky tapped Tenzu's shoulder.

''hey Jack.'' she said. ''i hope we can be friends.''

''sure. let's.'' Jack said.

over the course of about 3 days, Tenzu and Sky became best friends. they hung out after school, playing video games and eating junk food. Sky told him she was a witch, how she and her similar looking sister were abused, and ran off. she found an old home, and there she was raised and taught witch magic by witches, and she was eventually able to find her 2 older sisters, Trusky and Skyblue. 

''interesing'' Tenzu and Kai said.

later, the class was sitting in the humanities classroom. the teacher, Mr. Al, appeared, using the whiteboard to text in what to do.

''this is a group assignment. you will be paired up with 1 person. the assignment is about the presidents of the states.'' Mr. Al said.

then, Xenophanes raised his hand. ''yes?'' Mr. Al said.

''that's what i'd like to be. a world conqueror/leader'' Xenophanes said.

''wow, you really have a big mouth about world conquering, Brother.'' Sarah said.

''he's your brother?'' Carol said.

''yeah. he's my slightly younger twin brother. he was born 5 months after me'' Sarah responded.

while Scarlett, Carol and Sarah were talking about boys, Tenzu felt a tap. it was Whitty.

''hey Jack. how's things? i'm jealous that you have blond hair'' Whitty said. 

''thanks. coming from a popular guy, that means a lot'' Tenzu said. ''want to be best friends with me and Sky?''

''sure!'' Whitty smiled. the new friends shook hands, then Sky shook hands with Whitty.

''alright.'' Mr. Al began. ''now to pair you up''

''can i pair up with Sky?'' Whitty asked, raising his hand.

''sure'' Mr. Al replied. Whitty and Sky fist bumped.

''can i pair up with Carol, please sir?'' Scarlett said after raising her hand.

''okay, i guess'' Mr. Al said. 

''can i pair with my bestie here?'' A tall white demon with small black horns, tiny black wings and pure white eyes. he had a cyan jacket and long yellow boots. he and Xenophanes recently became best friends because the are both rude idiots.

''sure i guess... is that it? any more requests?'' Mr. Al said. no one said anything.

''okay. now, time to pair...''

1 and a half minutes later

''and finally, Tenzu and Sarah'' Mr. Al finished.

FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK Sarah's mind raced. she was stuck with the short 'creep'. 

Tenzu blushed. he heard Kai say ''this is your chance to make a move on her'' via mind. yes, this is another of Kai's abilities: telepathy. Tenzu smiled. Kai had been a big help with school, especially considering no one else could see Kai. Kai was very smart. 

after school, Tenzu walked and laughed alongside Sky and Whitty, while Sarah was walking with her friends Scarlett and Carol. not far behind Xenophanes was with them. while they were walking, they talked about how Scarlett was finishing school early due to being 19 already. but while they were walking, a group of boys saw them, and did a low wolf whistle.

''them again?'' Carol sighed. but they weren't after her. only Sarah and Scarlett. one of the catcalling boys approached Scarlett, and sniffed her hair [which was similar to Sarah's]. 

''what do you want?'' Carol said. ''leave them alone!''

''we'll leave you be, because we'd be beat up by your beloved Whitty. but these two? yes fucking please'' said the leader

''i have a boyfriend'' Scarlett said.

while they kept catcalling them, Tenzu noticed them. he couldn't stand it. even though she thinks he's a creep, she was his crush, so he had to save her. Sky and Whitty were not far behind

''hey assholes! leave her alone! don't you know how to treat a lady?'' Tenzu nervously approached. he was trembling. they were bigger and tougher.

''hey shortie, why don't you go take your friends anywhere else?'' one of them said.

loser. coward. shortie. nobody. Tenzu had been called those things before. but now, he had enough. he threw a fist at one of them. it was blocked.  the boy struck back. but before it hit, Tenzu kicked him in the stomach.

''what.... i never knew i could do that....'' Tenzu said, amazed at his skill.

while Xenophanes dragged one of the other boys, Tenzu took on the other two. he eat them without problems to even his Suprise. he realized he could throw hands. with newfound confidence, he told them ''want more?''

the boys shook their heads. 

''good. now leave them alone'' Tenzu said.

the boys trembled and ran off. 

''that was awesome!'' Whitty said.

''wow bestie, you were so cool!'' Sky smiled.

''Carol are you okay?'' Whitty asked Carol, hugging her.

''i'm okay sweetie...'' Carol said, hugging Whitty.

''he's your boyfriend?'' Sarah said.

''yeah'' Carol said. ''we started dating a day ago.''

''i would have took them on myself'' Sarah said. ''but thanks, creep''

''your welcome.'' Tenzu said, brushing off being called a creep.

''you look.... familiar... you remind me of Cam.'' Scarlett said.

''huh? my older brother?'' Tenzu asked

''oh. he is my boyfriend'' Scarlett said. ''we met a week ago''

''cool. Cam never told me he had a girlfriend'' Tenzu smiled.

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