Chapter 15: Graffiti Groovin' part I

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Tenzu walked down to the train station, with a hat with money inside in his hands. he had brung it for a date with Sarah. he sat down inside the train station. the train still had a bit of time for the train to arrive. but while he waited, he felt feet land next to him.

''um...'' he shivered his head. turns out, it was a girl from his school, and also appeared in his grade: Skarlet T. Bunny. she had long lavender bunny ears, hence her last name, and had an orange cap, green tongue, plus red, curly hair, a green jacket, a red crop top, blue sneakers, and lavenderish white shorts. with her, she was carrying a packet of soda, and she also had a Yo-yo with her. Tenzu instantly recognized her. she had taken an interest in him for the part 3 months, much to the jealousy of Sarah, to the point where the two had a cat fight. 

''seriously, Skarlet? i told you, i'm taken'' Tenzu fumbled.

''no Jack, that's not why i'm here this time. just came to rap battle you for some quick cash'' Skarlet answered, then winking. ''how 'bout a little round?''

''um... sure....'' Tenzu nervously answered, then he lifted up his mic. 

[XT Soda pop. length is 2:00]

''alright, Tenzu. how 'bout we go again? i'm not done yet.'' Skarlet asked, winking again, but this time with finger guns.

''seriously, Skarlet. even without the flirting, you winking is getting weird. what's with you and flirting with me?'' Tenzu said, annoyed.

''IDK'' Skarlet shrugged.

''fair enough. and before you ask, yes, i'm going to go for another round. besides, the train isn't gonna arrive for another 5 minutes''Tenzu said, then he flipped his mic.

''okay. give me your best shot.'' Skarlett smirked, sticking her tongue out in a cute way.

[XT Groovin. length is 3:19]

after the song, Tenzu was about to leave when-

''hey, look over there! flying sheep!'' Skarlet pointed behind.

''OMG WHERE WHERE!'' Tenzu frantically shuffled his head around. he loved sheep. eventually, he found the flying sheep Skarlet told him about.

''wow- damn it Jack, you need to get to the date on time.'' he punched himself in the face. he then turned back, only to find the money had vanished. turns out, Skarlet had distracted him with a very clever technique. and if it wasn't clever, then Tenzu is just an idiot. i mean, he is. no offense. anyways, after seeing Skarlet on top of the train, he then spread his wings, and leapt onto it, quickly closing them afterword. 

''oh. what a random surprise. you actually decided for a round 3. cool.'' Skarlet smiled energetically. 

Tenzu rolled his eyes. ''look, i get what the fuck your deal is. you did flirt with several girls or boys your age, like me. but you really need to take it somewhere else.'' 

''well, how about we end this? wouldn't mind a final round'' Skarlet said, swinging her yoyo. 

''sure. one more. oh, and one more thing?'' Tenzu asked as the wind pulled on his body.

''yeah, short dude?'' Skarlet asked, raising her brow and her ear.

''stop flirting with people who are taken'' Tenzu scolded, folding his arms and tapping his foot.

''okay, okay.'' Skarlet sweated.

[XT Streetstyle. length is 3:45. shame i can't make music or show a video. then again, this is meant to be treated like a real novel.]

throughout the sing, they both pulled all the stops. they even went through an allyway, where it went dark, and Skarlett's eyes and mouth glowed bright lime for some reason. she even sprayed Tenzu with one of her graffiti paint cans. 

after the song, Tenzu then rubbed his head from hitting it on a wire.

''do you really need money from me? couldn't you just ask for a raise? you literally deliver pizza. i mean, you've done so for me 15 times'' Tenzu asked.

''tallyhoo!'' Skarlet called, then did a salute, and jumped off with the money. meanwhile, Tenzu got slammed by a street light, falling down onto the road. however, he was able to use his angel force shield to protect himself.

''shit... gonna have to go without the money.'' Tenzu grumbled.

Friday night funkin' XT sides volume 1: forbidden loveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang