Chapter 27: digitalization

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''Spirit! are you okay?'' Sarah asked.  her friend, a blue soul thing with red pupils, layed sore. still, he was alive.

''i'm sorry, Sarah... but i must go... it's just, i have to manage and keep that treacherous stalker of yours there.... maybe one day, i'll be free.'' Spirit spoke.

''Spirit! don't even think about-'' Sarah tried to scowl, but Spirit responded by ''it's okay.... loss is a part of life''

then DD sent him into the game to keep the stalker that DD sent there.

''NO! COME BACK!'' Sarah angrily cried. 

''good luck Spirit.... don't let me down. keep him at bay.'' DD said as Spirit took one last glance. 

''DAD, WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!'' Sarah yelled at her father angrily, grasping his chest.

''there was no other choice, dear. it was a nessecity, a sacrifise.'' DD said.


it was rainy outside. it was the weekend. nothing was going on, really. Tenzu and Sarah were lying around on her bed, bored as fuck. what would they do if there was nothing interesting to do? 

''hey babe, do you wanna make out or something?'' Tenzu asked, moving toward Sarah, holding onto her.

''no... i'm tired. i don't think i want to do anything today'' Sarah answered, yawning.

''okay.... i guess it can wait'' Tenzu shrugged slowely.

''um, why are you two doing literally nothing? i get it's raining, but you need to think of something to do'' DD said, appearing that instance through the door.

that's when an idea crossed Sarah's mind.

''hey, i know dad! how about you send me and Tenzu into the game? y'know, the game?'' Sarah asked her father.

''are you sure about this?'' DD asked. 

''yes. i'm sure. at least something happens'' Sarah answered.

''alright then.... call me when you need to get out. and Tenzu? take care of Sarah. or else.'' Daddy Dearest said, then he did an 'i got my eye on you' gesture to Tenzu.

''o-okay'' Tenzu sweated in fear.

DD then used his demon powers to send them both into the game.

''hopefully they don't do something stupid. maybe i should check out brooklyn nine nine on the Tv.'' DD said. 

meanwhile, Tenzu landed in a tree. he managed to use his angel force aura to break his fall.

''owww.... where are we?'' Tenzu asked. ''oh shit. Sarah is missing. i have to find her-''

then, he saw her down there. however, she was then approached by a handsome young... walking, talking, purple anthromorphic wolf, with a black suit and red tie. and yes, this is a dating sim, based on anthromorphic animals, that's the game they're in. considering how the world this story takes place in, Anthromorphic animals co-exist with humans and monsters, i don't blame whoever thought of the idea of a dating sim for furries. however, this one.... wasn't as fictional as everyone thought....

''well, look who is here. a new fair maiden has arrived. surely she would like to-'' the wolf, Stud, attempted to speak.

''i'm sorry, but your not my type'' Sarah responded. she then flipped him off. ''i'm taken.''

''i see... then whoever has taken her, i will beat him at his own game, so i can ride off into the sunset with you.'' Stud continued, and at that moment, Tenzu has just arrived.

''yeah, that guy is me'' Tenzu shyly said, then Stud stared him down.

''heh. a blond haired motherfucker. very well then'' Stud smirked. he was then thrown a microphone, to which he caught, and then he got the idea of what to do.

[Stud/XT Senpai. length is 2:20 and has a different type, pace and tune to the original, being heavy metal]

''grrrrr.... not bad for a small fool! but you'll br dragged in the dirt, and your girlfriend will take the better option!'' Stud shook his hands in anger, and his face went purple.

''y-y-y-y-yikes'' Tenzu stuttered, scared. he then hid behind Sarah in fear.

''babe, you need to toughen up. you can't just hide. do it for me.'' Sarah motivated him, picking him up easily via his height, and kissed his forehead. 

then, Stud pulled out a knife.

[XT Roses. length is 3:00]

suddenly, Stud shook his fists in anger. however, a blinding blue flash came out of him. then, revealed Spirit, as Stud layed on the floor. 

''Spirit! it's you! it's been so long!'' Sarah cheered, hugging Spirit.

''who's he?'' Tenzu asked.

''i'm her old bodyguard and old friend. i had to be here to keep the soul of the guy taking over Stud from killing anyone. he was sent there by her dad when he realized what happened.'' Spirit explained. ''i am Spirit. i can't go back... i'm sorry.... but... i can't get out without him escaping. but there is a way.... there is a special angel power.... it has to be found first....''

''i understand... you want a song?'' Tenzu asked.

''sure.'' Spirit smiled.

[Lo-thorns/XT Thorns. length is 4:12]

''well, friends.... i must go now. he will wake, and i have to keep him here'' Spirit said.


''i'll find a way to save you....i promise...'' Tenzu said.

eventually, Sarah called her father, who got them out.

Friday night funkin' XT sides volume 1: forbidden loveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang