Chapter 20: cigars, anyone?

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Tenzu took Sarah walking down the streets of Funkin city on a glorious night. the two stared into each other's eyes, lovingly, when suddenly.... they saw a bit of smoke. what it could be from? a barbeque in the alleyway? Sonic.EXE burning an angel? rotten cheese? curious, the two looked in, only to see a tall man with a cyan cap, lavender jacket, lavender hair, a stubble, and green shirt. he was holding a cigar.

''hey little man. want one?'' the man said, holding it to Tenzu. ''name's Garcello, by the way.''

''nah, i'm okay. i don't like smoking. bad for my lungs.'' Tenzu politely declined, pushing it back.

''okay then....'' Garcello smiled anyway, continuing to smoke.

''dud why are you smoking? you could get lung cancer'' Tenzu pointed out.

''well, i'm probably gonna die anyway. see, i've been tracked down by a Brown haired, purple skinned guy with small red crystals. says he wants to use the cigar to kill someone repeatedly'' Garcello said. ''i took it with me because even though i don't know who that target is, i want to make sure he lives, so a soul for a soul then.'' Garcello said. 

MY TWIN BROTHER Sarah cursed under her breath.

''wait... your his sister?'' Garcello heard the breath. ''it's okay, i won't do anything about it. besides, i should be the one to go now. may as well see my friend Annie as a ghost. it's okay, i know how i can talk with her again. the cigar has something about it that the brown haired guy put in by mistake. he said so himself when he tested it on one of his quote unquote 'cousins.'

''damn.... hey, how about we sing?'' Tenzu said, throwing a mic to Garcello, who caught it. 

[XT headache. length is 2:00]

''well, i liked that song. so do you want to have another one, little man?'' Garcello asked, patting Tenzu on the head.

''sure. besides, might as well, have you do something fun before i save you from dying...'' Tenzu smiled. but then Garcello put his hand on Tenzu's shoulder.

''no need.... i will pass....'' Garcello sighed.

''you don't know.... i'm the guy .EXE wants to kill with that cigar. i'll take it and destroy it.'' Tenzu panicked.

''please, babe. Garcello has a point. there is no turning back now'' Sarah tried to reason.

''she is right, my little friend. so please, let's sing some more, as my final goodbye to this world'' Garcello smiled calmly and small, knowing his time will come, but he will at least say goodbye.

''okay......'' Tenzu teared a little.

[XT Nerves. length is 2:00]

suddenly, Garcello chocked on his cigar. he held his hand close to his neck, and he let out a wild cough, smoke coming out every second, and it was a random color each time. finally, he collapsed on the floor.

''no....'' Tenzu's tears swelled. he then rushed over, and tried to heal him, but the ghost of Garcello stopped him.

''no need, little man. this is the only cigar of it's kind. now, throw it away, and let me rest in peace. it dosn't matter now....'' Garcello said.

''but... i can still save you... there's still a chance.... i can't revive anyone.... but i can still heal you.... before you fade to nothing....'' Tenzu teared up more and more as he said that in a faulty voice. however, Garcello put his hand on Tenzu's shoulder.

''it is okay, little man. you cannot save everyone. loss is a part of life.'' he said. then he said. ''but before i go.... one more song... as a goodbye?'' 

''okay......'' Tenzu sniffled.

[XT Release + Fading. length is 4:25. the fading part is a minute long.]

and so the two started singing, with one part, Garcello complimented ''tight bars little man!''. eventually, it was over. Garcello then peaced out, by letting his ghost falter. eventually.... there was nothing left, except the words ''just remember... i am your friend....''

then... nothing... Tenzu collapsed onto his knees, distraught. it didn't feel right. he had failed to save someone..... he thought he would. he then fisted the ground in sobbing rage.

''.EXE.... HE DID THIS..... I WILL MAKE HIM SUFFER.... HE WILL REGRET THE AY HE WAS BORN... IF IT WASN'T FOR HIM.... GARCELLO WOULD STILL BE OKAY.... I WILL TEAR HIM!'' Tenzu angrily cried. Sarah teared as well, then she saw Tenzu switch a bit, with red eyes instead of green, hugging onto Tenzu.

''babe.... please don't do anything brash.... you need to understand... Garcello is right.... you can't help everyone...'' she then hugged onto him.

little did Sarah know.... those red eyes... were there was the fallen angel... Tenzu would be...

Friday night funkin' XT sides volume 1: forbidden loveWhere stories live. Discover now