Chapter 18: okay to cry

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''and so i told him at least your mom isn't a bitch like his'' Pico giggled over the phone.

''good one man. hey, i have to hop off the phone. i'm gonna visit Sarah. i promised her we'd see each other again'' Tenzu responded after laughing.

''sure. see ya again, Ex-y'' Pico smiled. ''anyway, got time to kill and a bounty to collect''

then, he hung up on the phone. he sighed happily. he then walked up to his room, put on his best tux, and then walked out the house. he then ran, like, pretty quickly to the Dearest's mansion, skidding to a stop as he arrived. he then jetted through the door as Sonic.EXE was just about to start bricking the entry.

''hey! what gives?!'' .EXE yelled out as Tenzu checked the living room. nothing. 

a bit later, he then decided to check her room. no one else was in the mansion right now, so he couldn't ask if she was. he walked up, then he got to her room. he then hesitantly knocked on the door with his finger.

''yes?'' Sarah asked from behind the door.

''it's me, babe'' Tenzu answered.

he then entered through the door as she nervously hid her face. she was wearing a small crown, and a beautiful red princess-like dress.

''hey.... are you okay? just came to visit so we could spend time'' Tenzu smiled comfortably, putting his hand onto her shoulder. ''and what's with the dress? i love it''

''hey sweetie? you know how i'm a succubi demon and stuff?'' Sarah breathed as she looked down. ''well, there's something i never told you''

''and what would that be?'' Tenzu sat down with her.

''i was handpicked by other succubi....'' she breathed heavily with guilt before continuing. ''to be their princess.''

Tenzu flustered as he held her hand, trying to process those words.

''you see, they handpick what they consider to be the sexiest and most powerful currently, and then crown them as their princess. and they saw that as me..... you don't choose if you are one if your a female demon. it just.... happens at random at birth, and it's decisive by fate''

''i see...'' Tenzu was intrigued.  ''i can't believe it. i'm dating a succubi princess.''

after a brief warm smile, it went back to a nervous expression, to which Sarah continued ''i can't let them know we're together if they find out your an angel. so, i have to make this right. would you like to become.... a demon?'' 

'''' Tenzu said after a brief think. ''i don't want to change or become something i'm not. i'm done running. even if it kills me, they will know, and i'll do nothing about it''

''baby, why are you doing this?! we can't be together. i know mom and dad like you to a different each extent, but my brother is small potatoes compared to this. you can't do something stupid when your soul is at stake! i know there's a peace between angels and demons now, but there are some demons.... that hate angels with a burning passion still. they are largely outnumbered by those who accepted this peace, but they are still dangerous, and Sonic.EXE is one of them. and i know that the succubi that elected me their princess, and one day will elect me as the succubi queen, will hate me for having love for an angel'' Sarah spoke sadly. her eyes began filling with tears.

''you hated angels when we first met, remember?'' Tenzu comforted her. ''and i forgave you''

''i know, but please. we can't keep going like this. if we do, then i'll be exiled from all of the succubi, and i won't even reach the end of my period as succubi princess, and i only burnt through an 6th of it, 2 years! so please... we have to be apart....'' Sarah cried. but as she did, Tenzu dragged her into his arms, pulling her onto his chest. 

''you are crying... don't cry. because when you do.... i feel hurt.'' Tenzu comforted. ''now let it all out, babe. i'm here to protect you.'' 

Sarah sniffled on her dress, then she placed the crown near her bed, and she began crying. ''thank you so much....'' she said as she cried.

outside the bedroom door, her father listened on, with an expression that was sad, yet peaceful at the same time. he heard Tenzu comfort Sarah as she kept crying. he knew that Sarah had grown from a selfish little shit Double D tried to steer onto the right path to a mature, kind woman who was still trying to figure her place in demonkind out.

''take care of her, boy. don't you dare fail her, or me'' he whispered calmly as he peeped the door a tiny bit for Tenzu. Tenzu nodded nervously.

Friday night funkin' XT sides volume 1: forbidden loveΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα