Chapter 11: reunion of the ex's

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a week after Tenzu and Sarah 'did it', the couple were walking home from school, unaware of Sonic.EXE hiring an assassin to, well, assassinate Tenzu. the two had decided that tonight, they will go on a date near the train station, with some subway food in hand. 

Tenzu was just wondering what to order while finishing playing Fortnite, when his younger sister, Kaity [who's the youngest out of them and their siblings], came up behind him.

''hey Jack, you got any big plans?'' Kaity asked as she watched him switch off.

''nothing. Whitty is gonna just nap for the whole afternoon and night, and Sky is hanging around her older sisters.'' Tenzu responded, eating some chips. 

''oh. what about you?'' Kaity asked, grabbing a few chips.

''sure, you can have some. and i'm gonna go near the train station tonight. i'm meeting up with someone'' Tenzu answered as he shoved his face with chips.

''do you have a girlfriend?'' Kaity asked teasingly.

''um, yeah. why's that?'' Tenzu asked, a confused expression.

''well, you said with someone'' Kaity responded. ''i knew you'd have it in you to ask someone out again.''

''thanks sis. tell mum and dad i'll be back by 8'' Tenzu smiled as he hopped out of his bean bag and exited his room. then he went downstairs, and headed out the door.

eventually, he reached the funkin' city train station, then he saw the auburn haired beauty walk up a bit later then expected.

''sorry i'm late. Dad had to tell me to be careful with you'' Sarah said as she puffed from running.

''it's k. after all, you did get here regardless. let's go eat now'' Tenzu smiled as he pulled out his wallet. the forbidden lovers then walked to the fast food restaurant in the subway. Tenzu ordered a pizza subway, while Sarah had one with olives.  

''so your telling me Miku is a robosexual?'' Sarah chatted as he ate into her pizza. 

''yep. and she's my first younger sister'' Tenzu spoke as he ate. ''that makes me the middle child in my family. hey, have you heard of Terminator 2: judgment day?''

''no? i havn't watched anything to do with Terminator'' Sarah said. ''i always dismissed it''

''well, it's so cool! i have all the movies'' Tenzu said. but as they kept talking about the Terminator, the assassin stepped from the shadow, spinning his twin guns. the assassin had white skin, red hair, and a yellow camo suit, with yellow shoes. to complete the look, he had a grenade belt, filled to the brim with grenades. 

''what the- Pico?'' Tenzu sputtered.

''what, you know him?'' Sarah blurted out.

''yeah. he's my ex boyfriend. we both transitioned genders as the same time. hey, you look like a nice lass. how 'bout we grab some food?'' Pico answered.

''sorry, i'm with him'' Sarah said, holding Tenzu's hand.

''oh. i see. well, how about we have a little rap battle Jack?'' Pico said, spinning his gun.

''wait, i thought you were gonna kill us'' Tenzu said as he popped out his microphone.

''nah, me, Nene and Darnell were just assigned to kill you by your chick's twin brother'' Pico said.

''EXE.'' Sarah mumbling.

''yep. that's his name. all he gave me was a location and a specification and you'' Pico told Sarah. ''now, let's sing.''

Sarah then grabbed a nearby speaker, and Pico chose the song.

[XT Pico. length is 1:52]

Pico had preferred pop of some sort, considering the song that played. it was simple.

after the song, the two ex's then flipped their mics for a rematch. 

[XT Philly. length is 1:40]

''okay. you still got it'' Pico smirked as he flipped his gun. ''but how'sa bout we kick things up a notch? how about by me shooting? you do realize you can shield them'' 

''yeah, i guess your right. might as well, i guess.'' Tenzu nervously accepted.

[XT Blammed. length is 3:30]

as they sung they're final song, Pico started shooting from both of his guns, with Tenzu either slicing the bullets with the katana of promises or him using his angel shield to block. 

after the song, the two sweated, then they shook hands. 

''so, you wanna  catch up on old times?'' Pico smiled as he put his guns away.

''sure. may as well.'' Tenzu said. 

as they said their goodnights as Tenzu walked home, with Sarah and Pico starting to bond, Sonic.EXE and two other assassins, one being a black man with a black flat top hair and a lighter, and a light woman with black hair, a pink headband and white leggings and pink dress, holding a knife.

''he... failed me..'' Sonic.EXE gritted.

Friday night funkin' XT sides volume 1: forbidden loveWhere stories live. Discover now