Chapter 25: spooky month, part 1

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''how do i look?'' Tenzu asked Kai and Squidgy nervously as he put on the helmet for his knight outfit.  he also had a costume of silver armor, and he had his katana of promises on the back. 

''honestly, not half bad.'' Kai said with a small smile, while Squidgy had stars in his eyes.

''thanks.... i just hope that Sarah likes it... i'm not really the best dresser....'' Tenzu said, scratching his arm. 

he then walked out the room, in his costume, when suddenly, his younger sister, Kaity, appeared right there, wearing a mummy outfit for halloween.

''woah, you look cool, sis!'' Tenzu said, pointing finger guns.

''thanks. don't tell mom and dad, but i had to take a lot of toilet paper and replaced all the rolls so i could make this.'' Kaity grinned.

''okay, i won't tell. i promise'' Tenzu giggled. the katana then gained a bit more power via glowing a bit.

''so, you wanna come trick or treating?'' Tenzu asked.

''sure.'' Kaity shrugged. 

the siblings then started collecting candy from doorsteps, one of which being Sky's house. they also managed to get some from Whitty despite Whitty being on the run across the city. eventually, they had amassed a large bucket of candy. they started eating into them.

''it's just like when we were kids, we always got so much candy. such a sweet tooth'' Kaity reminisced. 

''hey, arn't you gonna save some for me?'' a familiar voice spoke. and there was Sarah, in her princess dress, Tenzu hopelessly going as red as a tomato. 

''christ, your so sexy'' Tenzu spoke. he fainted, his eyes swirling and his mouth drooling.

''heh, your his succubi girlfriend he talked about?'' Kaity smugly asked with an uwu face.

''yup. that's me. so how's the candy? i want in.'' Sarah said, lunging at the bucket and shoving candy into her mouth like mad.

''huh, you really do have an hourglass body'' Kaity spoke, pointing out at Sarah's elegant physique.  

''what? really? come on, i'm not beautiful...'' Sarah modestly spoke as candy filled her face.

''of course your that beautiful, honey pie'' Tenzu spoke after waking up from fainting. he also had candy in his mouth. 

''awwwwwww, thank you, sweetie~'' Sarah smiled happily as this compliment. 

straight after, two children who looked like 5 year olds came over when Sarah said ''damn, i gotta go pee!''

''don't worry, we can get you to the toilet'' one of the kids said.

''oh thank goddne- wait. OH MY GOD WHAT HELL?! THEY'RE LITTLE KIDS!'' Sarah was shocked at the fact that a child had glowing eyes.

''hello, senora Sarah. we heard 'bout you from your brother.'' the kid with the vampie costume said.

''he told us you were our treat.'' the kid who looked like frankenstein's monster cheerfully spoke.

''awww, you two are so adorable, but i can't. i wanna spend time with my boyfriend and sister-in law'' Sarah responded, patting them like dogs. Tenzu then approached, saying ''hey little guys, you.... want to sing?'' 

''sure! we could definitely use a song!'' the kid with the vampire outfit said.

''count me in! 2 on 2.'' Kaity flipped her own mic. ''and kids, my name's Kaity''

[XT Spookeez. length is 2:00. Kaity is also singing, taking turns with Tenzu, while the spooky kids also do the same]

''wow! that was fun!'' the kid in the frankenstein costume cheered.

''well, kiddos, it was fun, but now we have to go-'' Kaity began.

''wait! senora Kaity! you havn't even discovered the spooky dance!'' the kid with the vampire costume panicked and rushed over.

''um.... what's the spooky dance?'' Tenzu asked. 

''well, you know october as halloween, but we know it as da spooky month!'' the frankenstien kid explained. ''we do all sorts of spooky stuff. including da spooky dance. copy us!''

''i wanna try!'' Tenzu was excited. Squidgy peeked through the armband, and he bouned up and down like he was on one of those bouncy balls.

[XT South. length is 3:34. same as last song.]

suddenly, a random, tall, spindly monster with a purple body and a sandwich with eyes and mouth for a head appeared. 

''step dad!'' the kid with the vampire costume smiled. ''so glad you could join us''

''why hello, Skid.  i see Pump is also here'' the slender figure spoke... very creepily, yet silly.

''that thing is your stepfather?'' Tenzu shot back.

''yep. i am. this is Skid, and the kid with the green face paint is his friend, Pump.'' the thing said. ''and my name is Sandwich demon. say, you gotta learn to spend time with a new pal. why don't i have a turn? don't worry, i just copied and pasted these lyrics from a discord horror movie''

''um..... sure?'' Tenzu said, shaking.

[XT Monster. same length as original]

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