Chapter 17: back alley blitz

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FLASHBACK, 18 years ago

''where.... am i...'' Whitty said as he just emerged from birth. he looked around the science test tube he was just made in. then he looked at a nametag that was near. on the nametag, read the word: 'Whitemore'.

''whitemore...that should be my name....'' Whitty smiled. he then placed the nametag onto him, then he walked around. however, one of the members of the doomsday cult who made him appeared that very moment.

''you... can talk. the experiment was a success. my fellow cult members, we have successfully created a being of mass destruction!'' the guy said. 

the rest of the cult appeared around Whitty.

''what.... do you.... want with me?'' the young bomb asked.

''now that you are complete, we shall use you as a doomsday device. now, we shall-'' the scientist said, but Whitty wasn't going to have any of it.

''is this what i am? a device? a weapon? a pawn?'' Whitty asked, teeth gritting angrily at his creators. ''and what do i receive? nothing.''

''uh, boss, we may have injected him with the ability to feel human emotions, and basic knowledge of the world outside'' one of the scientists told the man.

''shit.... we have to do something to keep him under our control!'' the head scientist panicked.

but it was too late.

Whitty became so enraged and emotionally hurt with what his creators thought of him, he yelled at the top of his lungs, then his fuse lit. 

''he's gonna blow!'' the head scientist yelled.

after a brief pause, Whitty blew up the entire facility. he was the only survivor that day. however, the head scientist, with enough life in his body, was able to tape a recording. a recording that would decimate what Whitty was made to be. a being who was injected with 2 hearts, and human emotions, that had gone rogue, and destroyed the bad people who created him. he left the recording near the Dearest household, and then he walked back to the facility, where he said one last sentence to Whitty: ''look at you.... an abomination... a weapon.... now.... you shall one day bane....'' before he lost all life. Whitty looked at his small black hands in fear of the monster he would become, and he ran in tears.

present day, 2021

Whitty wasn't at school that day, to the concern of his friends, especially his new best friend, Hex. 

one day after school, Tenzu and Sarah decided to search where their missing friend was. they searched the alleyways, until they eventually found him burning a peice of paper inside one of them.

''there you are man! we've had to look all over for you!'' Tenzu said worried.

''oh. you two. would you kindly leave please? i'm on the run from Updike.'' Whitty sighed.

''who?'' Sarah asked.

''he's a cloud who's trying to capture me. says it's for the greater good. can't he understand i just want a normal life?'' Whitty sadly spoke.

''hey, you wanna sing to cheer up? we'll go with something slower pace for a change'' Tenzu smiled.

''.... okay. i guess we can......'' Whitty shrugged. he grabbed the microphone, flipped it, then he took a deep breath.

[XT lo-fight. length is 3:20]

''alright. we had your little rap battle.'' Whitty said, sitting back on the floor, starting to meditate, only for Tenzu to wake him out of the meditation by asking ''but everyone is worried about you''

''i know, but it's for the best. if i come back, Updike will be sure to find me'' Whitty reassured, then leaning onto the wall.

''come on man. you need to come back. think about everyone. think about Carol. they miss you.'' Sarah tried to explain that he should come back, but Whitty persisted. 

''i can't. look, i'm an experiment. nothing more. so please, i beg you, go.'' Whitty said, patting Tenzu's head. ''but i can have another round''

[XT Overhead. length is 2:40]

straight after that, another began.

[XT Critical. length is 2:52]

''i'm telling you Whitty, you have to come back'' Tenzu said. 

''i'm telling you, i can't!'' Whitty angrily growled.

''please!'' Sarah assured.

''ENOUGH! I SAID NO!'' Whitty yelled after a brief pause, then he threw down his mic, and yelled at the top of his lungs. it caused half of the allyway to change color from the near explosion.

''um... Whitty?'' Tenzu, very scared, asked, as Sarah texted away.

''JUST.... LEAVE!'' Whitty yelled. his pupils were now replaced by random shapes.

[XT Ballistic. length is 3:12]

after all that drabbing, Whitty shook his hands. 

''what... am i becoming...?'' he gritted. he then swung a fiery fist at Tenzu, who used his angel shield orb thing to block it. Whitty was just about to follow up, when...

''Whitemore! there you are! thank goodness i found you!'' it was Carol. she ran and hugged Whitty tight. Whitty, surprised, tugged her back.

''i was so worried. baby, don't do that again.'' Carol teared a bit, kissing his forehead.

''i can explain later. i'll come back to school now. can't afford to hide any longer.'' Whitty softly and calmly said. 

and so, he returned to the school.

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