Chapter 22: time to rise and fall.

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''oh come on, you can do better then that! now fuck me hard!'' Sarah smirked.

Tenzu lached onto her, and sucked her titties, to her delight. then, she lustfully grabbed his back, then started to lick his slowly. after minutes, they had cummed. they had finished having safe sex again. then they heard a noise from the stairs.

''quick, Tenzy, hide in the coves.'' Sarah said quietly, handing him his sleep jacket and boxers, as he hid in the covers, while Sarah put on her night clothes as well. 

eventually, the door opened. it was her father.

''is anything wrong? i came to see if you were hurt.'' Dearest asked.

''no i'm fine, dad.'' Sarah responded, and DD just left. 

then, Sarah went back to sleep, for 2 seconds, then she pulsed into Tenzu's lips as they continued. you see, tonight, Sarah had been busy with trying to, i guess, attend something with other succubi, which was watching men do stupid stuff, something she slept through. however, Tenzu snuck in through the roof so they could fuck again.

the next day, it was the weekend. good. no school, Tenzu thought. he decided he could use this chance to just hop on Fortnite with Whitty, Sky and Pico. but first.... he had to get out of the house before Sarah's parents noticed.

''last night was feels so right doing it with you... why the long face?'' Sarah examined Tenzu.

''yeah, i... don't think your parents will be happy with us having fucked... because i built trust with them, and i don't want it collapsing'' was Tenzu's response.

''it's okay... i'll just get you out quick'' Sarah smiled, hugging Tenzu, then she quickly flew him to his house, kissed him off, then went back to her own room. Tenzu blushed. then, he quickly sped to his computer to play with the boys. [and one witch].

''yo! what's up?'' Tenzu asked as he put on his headphones.

''my dude! what's up! ready for some dubs?'' Whitty asked.

''you bet! i've been grinding for a new skin.'' Sky said.

''and what would that be?'' was Pico, who had his feet on his bed as he selected his skin.

''the banana one'' Sky rolled her eyes.

''alright, enough skin showcasing. let's roll'' Tenzu said, pressing start for a battle royale.

so the four friends started shooting up everyone in their path in the game, when suddenly, Pico had a realization.

''hey guys! have you guys forgotten Halloween is next week?'' Pico asked. ''i got a dinosaur costume. what you got?'' 

''a bunny costume. Carol thought it looked good on me.'' Whitty said, embarrassed.

''my normal outfit. i mean, i am a witch'' Sky answered.

''i decided to have a knight costume.'' Tenzu said. ''and i heard Sarah is going in a princess outfit. i thought it would match''

''cute. you are her knight in shining armor, after all'' Whitty smirked.

however, in the shadows.... a mysterious figure, with a skull shaped head and horns, watched over. 

''just you wait, Tenzu.... you took everything from me.... i'll take your life for that.... ahahaha....'' the figure smirked.... who is he? well, you'll see.

[sorry this one was too short. time constraints]

Friday night funkin' XT sides volume 1: forbidden loveWhere stories live. Discover now