Chapter 4: coming together....?

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a week later, the assignment was finished. they had passed. Sarah sighed. now she wouldn't have to go near Tenzu anymore. but as she smiled, she realized she was looking at Tenzu. 

''hey, Sarah?'' Tenzu whispered. ''what's the deal with your brother having that grey fox and echidna for pets?'' 

''oh.'' Sarah whispered back. ''he stylized some zombies he made''

''okay, i see'' Tenzu said.

the two began to bond over the course of a few days, to Sarah's surprise. he seemed to be spending more time with her then his best friends Sky and Whitty. she felt her face flush.

no... i am falling for him. he's... cute, not creepy she thought to herself.

 one day, Tenzu decided to make a move on her to ask her out. he texted her to meet him near the school. Sky and Whitty explained a plan for him to ask her out earlier.

Sarah then arrived from the limo. tugged her jacket, and began walking. there, she spotted Tenzu waiting for her. she walked up to him. Tenzu checked his watch. it was 20 minutes before the bell rang for the start of school. 

'so what did you want to talk about?'' Sarah said, sitting on the nearest bench with him. 

''um, three things. first, why does your twin brother act like a fucking maniac?'' Tenzu asked, pointing to Xenophanes walking around laughing like Klefka and i guess plotting 'world domination' or something while also skippng like a ballerena.

''yeah, well, he wants to be the leader of the world, or at least of the state of this city. and apparently he always acts like he's on top of the world'' Sarah responded, sighing heavily. while she was talking, Xenophanes noticed the two, and secretly loaded a shotgun. he wanted to end Tenzu in case he tried anything 'funny' with Sarah.

''i just realized... why do your parents have purple skin?'' Tenzu asked.

Sarah looked back, then said ''they're demons..... i'm one as well....''

Tenzu then watched her skin turned purple, red horns, red wings and a red tail came out and her eyes has a red flash. Tenzu blushed on seeing her even prettier.

''i get it.... i'm horrifying...'' Sarah sighed.

''no, i like it a lot'' Tenzu said. ''i've heard of demons and stuff. my parents always told me to steer clear of them...''

''i was told by dad that i'm the second most powerful of my family, behind only Xenophanes, and probably high in the ranks of power on demons. and i never told you... i'm basically the second succubi in my bloodline'' Sarah said, at ease.

''who's the first?'' Tenzu asked

''my slut of a sister Saber'' Sarah sighed heavily. ''always stealing any guys i date for a night. before i even kiss them, i get like, what? a few days with them and they just dump me? ......... you know, i've come to the realization that it's my fault...'' she continued, feeling remorseful.

''i get. no, really, i do'' Tenzu said. ''so how does being a succubi work?''

''simple. if a demon is born female, there is a chance they can be one.'' Sarah said. ''i don't get why, according to the ranks by another demon, i'm the most attractive, when my sister literally robbed me of guys''

''he's right. and i never got to show you, but i'm an angel....''

he then revealed his wings, cyan eye flashes into his heterochromic green eyes, and a bright yellow halo. Sarah didn't even try to end him. she understood him.

''everyone in my school always treated me like i was nothing. all because of how short i am, my heterochromic eyes, and this....'' Tenzu began, the he revealed the black rash on his arm.

''that's awful...... i should never have called you a creep.... i didn't understand what you went through....'' Sarah teared up as she finished her sentence.

''it's okay... i was always called that.'' Tenzu said, hugging her. he then wrapped up his scarf and used it to wipe away her tears.

''......................'' Sarah couldn't hold in anymore. she cupped Tenzu's face, pulled it toward hers, and gave him a long kiss on the lips. Tenzu then kissed back. afterword, they came up for air.

''is this how you felt?'' Sarah said, seeing Tenzu fluster madly.

''yeah....... it is......'' Tenzu said. ''i was scared.... of you rejecting me... i didn't expect you to try.''

''you taught me something, cutie. that i was wrong to think little of shorter or lesser people. i've been such an ass.........'' Sarah said, still holding his cheek. ''i love you.....''

''.....thanks....'' Tenzu said happily looking into her eyes.

''this is my first kiss...'' Sarah said as she smiled. she hid her true form away. 

''mine two... i've had past relationships before, but they were just platonically, and i never got one kiss'' Tenzu said.

''then i'm the first......'' Sarah sighed seductivley and happily. Tenzu swooned silently as he hugged her.

''does this mean we're together.....?'' Tenzu asked nervously.

''i.... don't know.... i'm.... sorry....'' Sarah said, tearing up not of sadness, but of happiness and sadness, and ran off. 

[writer's note: the end, right?


i still have an amount of massive lore dumps to, well, dump. i just explained some XT lore about demons in the XT universe for one thing]

however, Sarah's annoying younger twin brother was watching. he growled.

''did he just.... kiss.... my.. sister?!'' Xenophanes angrily said as he walked to homeroom

[back to the present day]

''that was a beautiful story, dad'' Harmony said, hugging up to Tenzu as she fell asleep. [he told her the whole thing in a shortened way while also telling her all the important details] ''but if mom was nervous of this, then how did you start dating?'' 

Tenzu smiled at his sleepy daughter, then he put her in bed.

''i'll tell you the rest tommorrow.'' Tenzu smiled.

he then exited the room, smiling.

''she'll wake up in time for dinner. i'm sure of it'' Tenzu said. 

he then sat down on the couch. Squidgy appeared from his wristband, pouching on his cheek. Tenzu smiled at his pet.

''hey, sweetie? we should probably tell her she has video game club tommorrow. i signed up for her. i thought she would like it'' Sarah said as she started finishing dinner. 

''cool'' Tenzu said. ''and i think she will, two''

[okay, we'll go back to the present day another time, probabley when i explain the rest of the story prior to Harmony's]

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