Chapter 21: depredation

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FLASHBACK, 5 years ago.

''Saber? may i have a word with you, dear?'' Mommy Mearest said, as Saber packed her stuff up for her school trip.

''yeah, sure. and thanks for knocking.'' was Saber's direct response, continuing to pack her books.

''your father and i have noticed.... Sarah and .EXE have started to obsess with their future ideals of destroying the peace between angels and, well, most demons, and ruling over this world. we've tried reasoning with them, but they are persistent. .EXE will cause the slaughters, and be the conqueror, while Sarah will try to sleep with as many humans as she can to steal their souls and use them to power up these chances, and i overheard that .EXE will give her half the authority.'' MM stated. ''your a succubi like Sarah, right?''

''yeah? what's that about?'' Saber asked, curious.

''look, it dosn't matter if you become a slut or anything, just as long as you let the souls stay with their vessels. if you don't-'' MM began, but Saber cut her off with ''i know, i'll be grounded. i understand, mom.''

''thank you. i just have hope the twins come to their senses one day. please, keep Sarah from taking those souls. you see, .EXE is really intrigued by humans, but Sarah is arousful around them for a 12 year old hitting on 18 year olds. please, if you EVER sleep with anyone, just keep them Sarah. take responsibility for her.'' MM beckoned. then Saber hugged her.

''i pinky swear promise i won't let you down, mom! i'll make sure this world isn't under Sarah or .EXE'' Saber said.

''i wish you luck on your trip. besides, me and your father could use help around the house, and your 'cousins' are in hospital, and Sonic said he's running throughout the world again. so how about you-'' MM began, but once again she was cut off.

''okay. just please give me some money so i can blow it on the arcade and treats for Scuffles'' Saber agreed. ''and i'm only doing this because Carlos and the others are severly injured for doing that stupid trick.''


''like, can you believe it? only 3 days until my birthday! here's the list'' Sarah was excited, handing Tenzu the list, and it was ridiculously long. they were treking through the empty desert like city of Nevada. this time, Sarah was wearing plum jean shorts, wearing a red crop top vest with full arm, red sunglasses, and purple boots. Tenzu didn't have a shirt, exposing his small 6-pack he got through running his ass off once, but he had a black open jacket on, as well as white shoes, and a green hood style hat thing. IDK what it's called.

''holy shit.... this is a long af list.... we are gonna be a while....'' Tenzu sweated. ''but yeah, i'll get any of these items for you, princess.''

''your only calling me princess because you saw me with that dress the other day, arn't you~'' Sarah winked flirtatiously.

''y-yeah..... but it's just.... even without it, to me you look like one...'' Tenzu stuttered. ''now let's see..... the list.... a new red jacket.... a Fortnite V-buck card..... loot llama merch.... i don't know how many i can possibly get.....''

then he saw it. one of the items listed was a teddy bear. ironic.

i could get her that bear Tenzu thought. 

but as they continued walking, a mysterious figure Tenzu's size touchdowned on the ground from the top of a skyscraper, armed with a gun, and a knife. the figure had a purple mouth mask, covering a missing lower jaw replaced with a metal plate, and he had red goggles on. his head was pale white, his face was a mere plus shape, and he wore all purple, with a red belt, and a head bandana fluttering in the breeze. his name? Hank J Wimbleton. 

Hank grunted in a deep voice, which confused Tenzu and Sarah.

''odd.... welp, we gotta go-'' Sarah turned, but then, two more came down. one of them was shirtless, and a blue infinity scarf stretching down to his pants, he had black goggles, a lip, he was carrying a meathook, and he had a green head bandana. the other guy has a blank slate of a face, and was smoking a cigar, wielding an AK-47 assualt rifle, had a blue cap, and a blue jacket with a green shirt, and a purple belt. 

''yo Hank, we gona shoot these guys?'' the one with the cigar asked.

Hank nodded.

''sounds good to me.'' the guy with the meathook said, and he prepared to stab, when the cigar guy chuckled. ''hey Sanford? guess these two lovebirds got..... washed cup!'' 

''cool job, Deimos. now, before we shoot, tell us, what are you and the Auditor planning?'' Sanford replied.

''who's the Auditior?'' Tenzu asked, sweating.

Hank grunted angrily, realizing he wasn't getting answers. he decided a battle would decided Tenzu's fate. Tenzu then threw the microphone down to Hank, then lifted his own from his pocket. Hank looked at the mic, then at his friends. Sanford and Deimos both nodded.

[XT Mine field. length is 2:45]

Hank kept shooting as the song went on, but Tenzu used the katana of promises to block them, or his angel force field thing. 

afterword, Hank flipped his knife in anger.

[XT Perfectionist. length is 3:00]

Hank then threw a knife at Tenzu, him dodging. Sanford and Deimos just stood there.... menacingly. 

[XT Accelerant. length is 2:08]

partway through this song, a Zombie clown with Orange hair, green skin, a battered hocky mask, a street sign, boxers, and a blue lab coat came down, crashing Sarah down, and began singing. Tenzu, in anger clashed at the clown with his katana, after which Hank shot the clown down. Sarah then came back for a hotdog.

''hey bae, you want one of these? they taste really good'' Sarah told Tenzu while handing him the hotdog. as he ate it, Hank fumed in rage. then he switched his knife for a dragon sword, then he threw off his mouth mask, revealing his metal jaw. he then stuck the middle finger at Tenzu, who flipped his mic.

[XT Gunpower. length is 2:50]

after wild shooting from Hank, and Sarah getting so pumped for Tenzu she stripped off her vest, revealing her purple crop top underneath, much to Deimos and Sanford's annoyance and surprise, and Tenzu's flustering, Tenzu once again came out on top. however.... that wasn't it...

the clown from earlier jumped down, batting Hank, launching him near Tenzu. 

''HEEEYYYY HANNNNNK! IT'S ME, TRICKY!'' the clown called back.

Hank grunted 'CLOWN!', the one word he could say in English.

Hank readied his sniper rifle for the free for all that ensured.

[XT Vengeance. length is 4:10]

eventually, after all that, Tricky was then shot down by Hank, he blew off the smoke from the gun.

Hank grunted and nudged his head, to which Sanford and Deimos got the message, and followed him.

''alright, time to take down another A.A.H.W facility'' Deimos said.

Tenzu and Sarah just stood there, amazed, then Sarah spread her wings and flew with Tenzu, making out with him in the process.


Friday night funkin' XT sides volume 1: forbidden loveUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum