Chapter 12: on the lame-o-sine

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another week had passed, and everything was still going smoothly between Tenzu and Sarah. meanwhile, Pico and Sarah had become good friends. Unfortunately, these surprising turn of events had just caused Sonic.EXE to lose his temper even more.... he decided he had to plan an attack. one that would decimate and humiliate Tenzu. but.... how?

 as for Sarah's parents? her father, while having accepted Tenzu, dosn't trust him completely, considering he barley knows him AT ALL. her mom, on the other hand, had become quite fond of him, someone who had helped Sarah see how disrespectful and selfish she was for such a long time. Double M had decided she was gonna take her shot at beating the little blond angel in a rap battle. and it was gonna be a tougher challenge. why? because she has a more graceful, yet difficult to follow, style of music. 


''are you sure it's a good idea to take a ride on your mom's limousine? i don't think she's met me properly.... do you think she'll like me?'' Tenzu asked nervously, shaking all over in fear.

''yeah. she's intrigued by how i told you to her. she'd like to meet you for the second time.'' Sarah answered, comforting her beloved midget, sensing him trembling out of fear and nerve.

''yeah, and... you've been hanging out with Pico so much recently... playing TF2, going to lazer tag.... are you.... cheating on me....?'' Tenzu's eyes swelled.

''no! of course not! me and him are friends, but nothing else. you need to avoid being jealous whenever i hang out with any other boys.'' Sarah corrected him.

''look... i'm nervous you'll go for someone else over me.... it'll break the connection we've built.'' Tenzu said, with fear in his voice.

''nothing will come between us, i promise.'' Sarah said, putting her hand over his.

suddenly, there was a sound. it was the sound of someone landing on the limousine. 

''she's here. took her long enough.'' Sarah said, grabbing onto Tenzu, then going onto the rook of the limo. in front of them, was Sarah's mother, just as Tenzu remembered. same long curly auburn hair, same brown dress with a black X in the middle, same dark red lips, some purple skin, same black high heeled boots, same long dark red fingernails. it was Mommy Mearest alright. she looked young despite being in her late 40's.

''um, hi Ms. Mearest..?'' Tenzu waved nervously.

''well, if it ain't the short little goldberry. my husband told me about how you beat him.'' Double M said, with a smug yet calm smile. ''are you okay? your shaking.''

''i uh.... was hoping i wouldn't have to meet you again now that i started.... dating your daugter...'' Tenzu responded nervously.

''yeah. i mean, when i had Saber, i didn't expect to give birth to a succubi, let alone two. but the thing is, the only truly unpredictable thing about life, is that you can't predict anything.'' Double M explained, folding her arms.

Tenzu put up his mic. ''i know why your really here...''

''yeah. how about i show you what i'm made of?'' Mearest said, flipping her mic. then, 4 random purple skinned demons with sunglasses came out, and surrounded Sarah, making sure she dosn't fall, or anyone for that matter. they then started dancing in..... a weird way, side to side.

''alright. i must warn you, i'm a popstar, so you might want to keep on your toes'' MM said.

''no kidding. we're on a fucking limo'' Tenzu alerted. 

[XT Satin panties, god it's a very weird name. length is same]

the song was mostly held notes, but still, it was pressure for Tenzu, given he was trying to stay on the limo. 

''um... Ms Mearest? what's with those guys'' Tenzu asked, pointing to one of the guys with the sunglasses.

''those guys? me and Dearest's henchmen, but they're more like family to us, so we just call them Sarah's cousins because they like it.'' MM explained.

''mum, where are we going?'' Sarah asked. ''i mean, the car's still moving. and we're out in the open. and we need seatbelts'' 

''seatbelts arn't my thing. neither are seats'' MM said. ''and we're not going anywhere. just taking a drive.''

''a-alright... another round....?'' Tenzu nervously said.

[XT High. length is same]

''alright, your a bit tired? because we're only getting started. but i'll let you have a breather'' Mommy Mearest said, tipping down her sunglasses.

''thanks, Ms. Mearest...'' Tenzu responded, then he fell asleep for about 10 minutes.

''mom, can i ask you?'' Sarah said.

''anything, dear'' MM responded.

''next time we go on the roof, can you please get the driver to slow it down?'' Sarah mumbled after facepalming. ''much less risk this way''

''sure.'' MM grinned.

eventually, Tenzu woke up because Kai slapped him across the face hard.

''wake up, idiot! you have a rap battle to have, not a nap to sleep!'' Kai said in the ear.

Tenzu yawned, grabbed his mic.

''alright. last one 'ere. prepare yourself.'' MM said, folding her arms, then putting down her singlasses.

''just to let ya all know, this might be our last jig on this ride for a while'' one of the henchmen, Carlos, said. you could identify it was him via name tag. ''just to let ya all know, my fellow henchmen, you all been bradas to me.''

[XT M.I.L.F. length is 3:45]

the song was fast paced, extricating, and hard to catch a beat. Double M moved at a very fast pace, and added a few demon rocks to add to the test. Tenzu, as hard as the song was, kept on going regardless, even going so far as to spread his wings and halo. they even had a beat drop a few times, which was very infamous with the music community, because if anyone tried it, they always failed. however, they both succeeded in it. eventually, they both collapsed, tired. but it was clear as day that Tenzu had barley triumphed.

''well, i'm impressed. i can see why my daughter likes you this much'' Double M said. 

''um.... thanks.... but what about the limo? we could fall to our deaths'' Tenzu was paranoid of the height.

''don't worry about that. i'll tell the driver to slow down so we can hop off.'' MM said.

Friday night funkin' XT sides volume 1: forbidden loveWhere stories live. Discover now