Sunwoo's face slightly scrunched, his thick lips quivered as if he was about to say something but then he chose to seal it.

"Jacob is right," then Minju spoke up. "I'll trust Soobin to you too."

"What?" Finally, Sunwoo managed to speak something. "Why should you guys?"

"I hope you haven't moved on," Minju shrugged before she drew a smile. "You know, when I saw her crying at my wedding, I knew she had something unspoken."

That, Sunwoo vividly remembered. The night he found her, she was being honest about crying and she certainly said that it wasn't jealousy.

So, what it was about?

"Loneliness. I've been with her all my life until she dated Juyeon. When they broke up, she thought she would be fine by coming back to me but suddenly I announced my marriage. Can you imagine what she's feeling?" Minju intently looked at Sunwoo, her orbs contained pain and guilt.

"Anyway..." Jacob interrupted as he saw the confusion all over Sunwoo's face. "Minju thinks that Soobin is not over you yet. Normally, she would recover well from all the people who judged her but she's not, with you."

Sunwoo lightly giggled, scratching his eyebrow in the process. It wasn't easy for him to believe because who knew if they just wanted to flatter him?

"Why should I believe you guys?" He moved his neck to both sides, easing the numbness. "She's not even looking my way anymore. Or should I say, she had never. I'm not going to waste my time for someone like her."

At that, Minju suddenly jolted up, breathing out noisily as if she were holding back anger. It had activated Sunwoo's defensive mode, and a subtle flinch his body made was seen.

"That's why you shouldn't have ditched someone, you spoilt kid!" The harsh comment not only made Sunwoo startled, but even Jacob was gulping at its abruptness. "She asked you out on a date to let you know that she's ready. Though I think it's absurd to take you to her mother's grave, that's proved something. Because she never brought any outsider there including me!"

A wave of relief breath then released, Minju held her head as she felt dizzy. Letting out everything in one breath surely wasn't easy. But, she was satisfied.

However, Jacob seemed to notice the discomfort within the compact space they were in. It was mostly engulfing Sunwoo, the boy seemed to be at a loss for words. And Jacob knew, the more they told, the more confused he was.

"I think, we should go," Jacob rose on his feet, pursing his lips as he looked at the female. "We should give Sunwoo time to think."

"That's good. I don't think I can talk more," Minju complained, straightaway aiming for the wooden door which she didn't look at the boy when she walked past him.

But, Jacob seemed to have a second thought. Especially when Sunwoo was staring down on the floor, deeply in thought. He moved closer to him, fished out a card from his wallet and casually passed it.

Sunwoo didn't follow at first. His confused orbs were blinking as he looked up at the older who was smiling.

"What is this?" He asked, Jacob then smiled wider.

"It's okay if you change your mind about my sister. But, I do want to work with you," Jacob took Sunwoo's hand and placed his name card on his palm. "I've heard the demo song that you passed to her and I like it. I have a plan that I want to carry out with you. So, please call me if you are interested."

Then, the older walked away, leaving the room. The click of the door closed made Sunwoo feel suffocated to breathe normally, too many things occupying his head.

What is this all about? What am I feeling right now? What should I do?

All. They were all gathered within the compact space of his head, urging him to move. But where? To whom should he move? What should he prioritize first?

Was it Jacob? Because he offered him something priceless?


Wasting time no more, he rose, rushed to the door, and opened it slightly harsher making it squeak too loud than it was supposed to. All eyes were on him - this time it wasn't only Jacob and Minju. Chanhee, Changmin and Kevin joined the picture.

"Is it true, noona?" He asked without any context, the female flinched, and didn't expect to be the target.

"W-What is it?" Minju stammered.

"That... she was ready?" Sunwoo's head slightly tilted to the left, he was scared to find out the truth.

Minju scoffed as she looked at Jacob, the older, however, was smiling. He knew the question was for Minju but somehow he was eager to answer that.

"She is, Sunwoo."

The boy's tense shoulder slumped at the answer, it truly felt like the heaviest burden had finally lifted.

"Ah," he added, remembering something else. "She... hasn't moved on yet, right?"

While waiting for a reaction, Sunwoo internally prayed: please... I won't be able to live if she has moved on.

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